History Of Sean

Hey everyone its me your co-host sean! anyways heres a small bio and history from where i came from but first off you probably wonder where i got the name sean right? well the "Se" in my name stands for the word second or secondary, made after a person that kinda thing. next the "an" stands for the person most of the DNA came from which was gohan(in the future anyways) i am currently 14 years old, and i am 5/8ths Sayian and 3/8ths human. so with that knowlage down heres my background.

In the future timeline gohan was killed by the androids. (Everyone should know that) The day after trunks had brought gohan's body to a science facility that took his DNA to make a cloned version of gohan, or in other words a second gohan. The experiment was going fine un till the scientists found a problem with the DNA; it was not all-complete. There was only one thing they could do and that was to take small DNA particles from some of the strongest fighters left on the earth. (This included trunks that’s were you get the extra 1/8th sayian for the race) Finally the DNA code was completed and put into a tall test tube, and the scientists now had to wait for the second gohan to grow. Four and 1/3 year’s later second gohan had grown at a rate of 3 1/4 times as fast as a normal human thanks to the special liquid in his tank had. (In other words he is 14 for those of you who can’t add) They were about ready to release the second gohan from the tank when suddenly the androids attacked the facility and started killing all the scientists. The androids then stared at the saiyan/human deciding if they should destroy it or not. (But they always say yes so I don’t get why they even have to decide) One of the scientists still barley alive hit the draining and wake up buttons so that second gohan could get away. Android #17 not happy with this turned and blasted the scientist only to turn back to se second gohan running away. Both of the androids started firing ki blasts at him but with no luck of contact. Second Gohan had found a place to hide for the night and he woke up early the next morning. He walked back to the lab only to find that it was totally blown apart. He looked around inside and found a small box inside a white lab jacket from the scientist that had saved his life. In it were six capsules. After opening them he had found the fallowing things: Saiyan scouter, Time travel machine, Black saiyan spandex clothes with blue gloves/boots and white saiyan armor, Gohan's original clothes (orange gi), A long sword laser cut (kind of like trunks's), and a bag with 10 senzu beans in it. He put the orange gi outfit on and placed the saiyan scouter on his ear and folded the glass piece in front of his eye. He turned it on and waited for the screen to flicker on. A screen popped up with a list of information. He read it to himself and it said the fallowing: "Your name is secondary gohan but we have nicknamed you Sean for short. You were created from the DNA of Gohan and some other strong fighters such as trunks. You should know the fallowing attacks since you were created from gohan: Bukujutsu, Ki blast, multiple ki blast, Masenko, Renzoku Energy Dan, Energy shield a.k.a. ki shield, Kamehameha, Solar flare, Burning attack, and you should even be able to go Super Sayian. Your Mission is that you must use the time machine we have provided for you to travel back into the past to save gohan from dieing anyway possible, In the past you may also see trunks because he went back to save goku. It doesn't matter if you do or don’t see him your only goal is to save gohan from dieing. One last thing watch out for the androids. Their power is much too strong for you to take on alone. So make...." Before he could finish the message android #17 blasted the scouter off his ear. Sean knowing he couldn’t beat the androids dashed for his time machine collecting his other capsules and blasted both of the androids to stun them. He got inside of the ship and started the engine. Right before the ship was going to disappear into the past, android #17 blasted Sean’s ship making his head fly into the controls and knocking him unconscious. When he woke up he was on the ground a few feet away from his now crashed ship. He had forgotten almost everything that the scouter had told him about. He sat up and looked inside his ship. The date said that he was now in the year June 10,2001. He reached into his pocket pulling out two of the three capsules. The first one he opened was his sword. He strapped it around his chest and opened the second one. He tied the senzu bag onto his belt and flew off into the distance to find out what his real purpose was to do.

gohan in the future me