Ah your leaving? oh well youve probably been here for a while if you want to link me you can use this button that i made.

If you want to see some of my friends sites scrool down a bit to see them all and you can go to my other site that i co-host Saiyan Angels! ^-^ anyways go ahead and check these sites out and link me if you'd like id greatily appreciate it. see ya later ~Gohan

~ Crystal Water Lilies

~Saiyan Angels: Gohan and Rini

~The Tenjoukai

Rini's Wicked lady site darn this girls got a thing for makeing alot of sites.

Bura's Bureau a talented artist that drew the pic of gohan and I on the main page ^-^ thanks bura!

Tapion's Domain my new friend tapions site its actually very good so go check it out! ^-^