
9/17/01- Hi everyone gohan and sean here we got together and we edited our page up a bit first off we won another award from dragon ball cute ^-^ thanksu next we edited the links section so its redone a bit with more links. Lastly sean got a few more pictures done so there up in the fan art section. (sean) just to clear everything up on this site i play sean but on my other site i play gohan kinda confusing but my brother plays gohan on this site and since my char i made up i sign that name on the drawings just incase you see that it says by gohan on my other site thats cuz it is hope that makes sense anyways thats all for now see ya.

9/10/01- hey everyone sean and gohan here we just remembered that yesterday was our 3rd month of being open nothing special but on our 1 year of being open seans gonna draw a pic for it or atleast im fairly sure of it.Also gohan finally made a button for our site so you can link us easier! (its at the bottom of the main page). anyways nothing much right now we both got school so theres not alot of time to do much here but we have won 4 more awards if you want to go check them out. thats all for right now later!

8/25/01- ::sean sits down drawing a picture as gohan sneeks up behind him and says loudly in his ear:: Hey Sean when are you going to update the site!?!?! ::Sean jumps into the air and falls flat on his face:: oww shut up gohan im working on it. ::brushes some dirt off his self and looks at the date:: oh sh*t sry everyone i haven updated in a long time i havent drawn anything for the longest time but anyways ill make up for it i have 1 pic in my fanart but there soon will be 2-3 more ok?? thats all for right now ill see what i can do later bye!

8/12/01- Hey everyone sean here i know i havent updated for a long time now so i am right now. anyway i drew and added 2 new pics to the fan art section so you can go check them out also i re organized the entire fan art section so its a bit easyer to go through. hmm thats all i did today ill see what i can do this week and try adding a few more fan arts by me! see ya laterz!

7/22/01- hey everyone its gohan and sean here. weve added 2 new pics from sean and there in the fanart section. also weve updated our links section since rini has made a "few" more websites. thats all for now see ya.

7/21/01- ok this really isnt a very big update. actually i only added 1 thing. but anyways ita fairly cool since i finally am able to. anyways i made a new gallery called edited pics. that is were i have put pics that i edited and made my own. ive only got 1 but hey its a start right? anyways see ya later and i'll do more pics soon enough. ~Sean

7/20/01- okok i noticed that my pics were very big but you can blame that all on my scanner since it makes the pics so huge. so i have made most of the pics smaller so that you can easily see them and they are not all messed up. ok? hope that makes some of you people happy. but hey im haveing a great day so cheer up! see you all later! ~Sean

7/16/01- hey everyone this is sean here. i know i havent drawn anything for like the last month or so, so i have 2 new pics in the fan art section both by me. right now im trying to think of what i should do next to the page im thinking of re makeing the entire front page and maybe even a message board. ::shrugs:: oh well i'll see what i can do thats it for now see ya

7/1/01- hey everyone this is gohan. Today since sean's computer wasnt working with him yesterday, Ive added another fic from rini(yes rini again) and ive been able to put up an awards page. since angelfire is being b*tchy im not gonna beable to add the immages of what the awards look like. sry i'll try tomarrow hopefully it will work. anyway ive still added the requirements to get the awards just incase if you want to win one (or however many you want) anyways thats it for todays update see ya!

6/30/01- Hey everyone this is your host sean. Ive been able to add a few new fanfics to that section so go check them out! i whould have added more on this update but my computer isnt co-operating with me right now so gohan will add everything else i couldnt tomarrow till then see ya!

6/27/01- Hey everyone the is both sean and gohan. today we got together and worked for about 2 hours now to get this site back in shape. first off as you can see we moved our updates to its own page, second we moved all our galleries to there own page, we made an about us page, and finally we got the first part of gohan's fic up. (sean) since it took him forever to write. (gohan) shut up sean i dont see you writeing fics. (sean) yaya whatever stupid little baka. (gohan) ::clenches his fist:: you'd better take that back! (sean) ::crosses his arms behind his head:: na i dont want to waste my breathe. (gohan) allright thats it you've been asking for this :: dashes at sean throwing a punch towards his face when suddenly sean fades and gohan falls to the floor:: (sean) ::appears a few feet away:: haha you missed me. anyways my fellow viewers thats all for this update see ya (gohan):: swips his foot at sean's makeing him fall to the floor:: (sean) ::hits the floor hard:: ow.....

6/26/01- Hey eneryone this is your host Sean. Gohan has been out all day so desided to do this update for him. So on with this update. First off Rini finally sent gohan the last part of the story so i was able to put that up. and also thanks to the lovely and talented bura i added a pic of gohan and I that she drew for us. ^-^ thanks Bura. and finally Gohan is working on a fic right now but he was too lazy to send it to me so next update we'll get the first part of gohan's fic up. thats all for now see ya later everyone!

6/22/01- Hi everyone its gohan again. i know i havent updated in a long time but ive been takeing advantage of my summer vacation a little too much. anyways on with the update. i added a fan fic section and ive got my first fic from my friend rini. ^-^ just if you are wondering rini and i have been good friends for a long time now and she is the daughter of vegeta and Usagi. thats all ive got for now see ya!

6/9/01- Hi everyone its me gohan. well finally school is almost done ive just got to take my damn finals and im out. anyways sorry i havent updated in a long time i was on a week long vacation to the bahamas. so deal with it i needed a vacation. anyways i added another 1 of seans pics into the fan art and i made a page just for my links. If some people whould like i could put your site up in my links section if you do the same on your site. ::sigh:: anyways ive got to go hit the books cuz my mom is makeing me >.< see ya later everyone.