The Badman-Unfit for Webmaster
Why am I writing this? Well its due to the fact, the very webmaster of this page, "The Badman" pisses me off. First of all, I'm writing this also on the account of several Real Life friends of The Badman who are indeed paying me off.
Another thing, about Mr Badman, is that he's a nazi. He forces us to work on the site day after day tirelessly, only to delete the magnificent content we work so hard to establish here.
And then there are his "power levels". First of all I've never been a firm believer of power levels but just look at his! Their ludicrous. This is what they should be...
Goku: Even though he is the main character, he is constantly getting sick/dying/running off to get Senzu Beans etc. And yet he's always more powerful then Vegeta who works like a bitch. And don't give me that "Goku fights for others so he's more powerful" shit. That is just. Pure BULLSHIT!
Vegeta: This guy is probably the most underrated character of DBZ even though he's a favorite to many. In my opinion he's the best developed but this isn't what I'm supposed to talk about so I'll shut up. Vegeta works the hardest, almost dies numerous times, and yet is less powerful in the show, and in "Badman's" Power levels. Makes me sick. I mean come on.
Piccolo: Piccolo is also pretty underrated, I mean so what he's not a saiyen, he's pretty damn smart, since he has Nail and that old bastard Kami in him. Hell I betch'ya he could beat the hell out of Goku non-super saiyen. Just wait and see!!!
Tenshinhan: Okay Tien just sucks, I wish he would stop talking about how more powerful Goku is the everyone else. I mean, it sounds like he'll just start comparing how big Goku's dick is to everyone elses. I guess Choazu, whose name I can't spell, must have an extremely short dick. Oh yeah, Tenshinhan is a weakling. All he's good for is using his "Kikoho" to sacrifice himself so it looked like he hurt the enemy.
Yamcha, Krillin and Chaozu: They all suck, Id be glad if they got trapped with that collie molestor Freiza in deep space, as long as they ain't polluting our earth with their crappy, insignificat power levels. I'd just they didn't get it on with Bubbles and Gregory as it must get lonely up there at King Kai's place. I know Krillin didn't get to go to King Kai's jolly ass raping facility but he married a girl who could beat his ass, so he's stupid in my books.
What about Gohan,Trunks,Goten?
Their fine in my books. I honestly think Gohan did quite well and Trunks faced so many obstacles, I almost feel proud. Goten kicks ass, I mean come on, he's stronger and more masculine at his age then Choazu, Gohan, Goku, Tenshinhan, and he was raised by just his mom(the bitch). Though some of us doubt Choazu or Tien was ever raised by a "straight" parent.
Next time, I further poke at Badman's hideous power levels
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