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Dragon Ball Z Character Biographys


A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z|


Race: Saiyan

Eye Color: Black [Green in Most Super Saiyan Modes except SS4 when they become Yellow]

Hair Color: Black [It is Golden Blonde when in Super Saiyan Mode Except SS4 when it again becomes black]

Techniques: Kamehameha, Flying, Kaio-Ken, Spirit Bomb, Dragon Fist, Kienzan Discs, Super Saiyan 1, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan 4, Instant Transmission, Telepathy, Solar Flare, Zanzoken, Oozaru.

Appears In: DB, DBZ, DBGT

Family Members: Brother: Raditz, Father: Bardock, Son: Gohan, Wife: Chi-Chi, Grandfather: Gohan

Biography: Long Time ago on the Planet Vegeta a baby by the name of Kakarott was born. As part of the sayian race he was sent to a planet to take it over and then they could sell the planet. The planet he was sent to was Earth. He was found by Gohan a great trainer in the martial arts and decided to raise the boy. But the boy was down right uncontrollable. Then one day Goku fell of a cliff and hit his on the rocks below. This intern made him a peaceful loving boy. He then teams up with Bulma to find the Dragon Balls. It is here he meets Master Roshi and his friend Krillin. As years porgressed he trains under Master Roshi [Here he learns the Famous Kamehameha and gets the Flying Nimbus] and has many battles searching for Dragon Balls. He also particapates in many Bodukai Tournaments and after years he is considered the Strongest Fighter on earth after his fight with the Evil Piccolo at the last Bodukai Tournament. After years he marries Chi-Chi a girl he saved on his adventures with Dragon Balls and they have a son named Gohan. Then when he is going for a Reunion at Master Roshis House he encounters his Past. His Brother Raditz. It is here Raditz Explains to Goku his origins and the destruction of the Planet Vegeta and etc. Then an Alliance is formed with Piccolo and they fight Raditz to the death in order to get his son Gohan back. After a while Goku makes a sacrifice and hold Raditz while Piccolo does his Special Beam Cannon killing both Goku and Raditz. It is now Raditz Blabbed how 2 Saiyans Stronger then him would arrive in 1 year to destroy the earth. It is now Goku has been sent on a Mission on Snake Way to Train under the Mystical King Kai. So of course he makes it to King Kais planet and their he trained for 88 days and learned famous un heard of techniques such as the Kaio-Ken attack and the Spirit Bomb. He races back towards earth to fight the saiyans but is too late to save most of his friends. After easily desposing of Nappa he takes on the Sayian Prince Vegeta. And after much power inflicting he gets his ass whipped like butter and the remaining Z Warriors Take care of Vegeta enough to send him home. He becomes quite paralyzed and the Z-Gang makes plans to fly to Namek. After Cooperation. Bulmas Dad Dr. Briefs builds him a Space Pod from Gokus original pod he came in as a baby, and modified it so that he can train in different gravity settings as he flys to Namek. Then he is contacted by King Kai who warns him that he should not go to Namek because the Evil Force Frieza is their and will most likely Kill him. So Goku trains even harder. He finally arrives on Namek to save the day by deating Recoom of the Ginyu Force. Then round after round he defeats all of the Ginyu Force except Captain Ginyu who changed himself into a frog. After that battle Goku had to be revived after Capt. Ginyu stole his body and put it through much damage. As he misses out on most of the Frieza Action he then wakes up with a huge Power Level (as most people say) and fight Frieza in his Final Form. After much deliberation and brutal beatings he uses the Spirit Bomb and tries to kill Frieza. But as you know it was unsuccesfull and Frieza came back and Killed Both Piccolo and Krillin. This in tern made Goku turn into a Super Saiyan. First one in over 1,000 years (Thats what they keep saying on the Show but how the hell do you explain Brolli Then?). He then starts to Kick Friezas ass like it ain't no thing. Then Frieza uses an Attack trying to blow up the planet. Unsuccessful again he says that theirs 5 mins left on the planet. and then with some quick thinking and manuvering he uses Friezas own attack against him which was his down fall. Then after fighting long and hard. He feels pity for Frieza and gives him a little energy in which to survive. Of Course Frieza being the idiot he is tries to Kill Goku when all he is an upper top with only 1 arm. And then he Goku shoots another beam at him and he thinks that Frieza is dead. As Goku strives to get off the Exploding Planet Namek. He uses the Ginyu Pod and then arrives at another planet where he learns Instant Transmission. He then flys home in the Ginyu pod and then senses Frieza Heading Toward Earth. But no worries he has. Then he lands on Earth to be welcomed back by everyone even a stranger. The Stranger then ask to talk to Goku and then Goku proves that he is the real deal. The Stranger tells that his name was Trunks and that in 3 Years on May 12 Nine Miles west of South City that Android created by Dr. Gero a nemesis of Goku who was though to be dead when he defeated the Red Ribbon Army would reak havoc. And that everyone would die except Gohan. And that Goku would die from a Heart Virus. Trunks then gives him some medicine for this Virus since their is a cure for it in the Future. Trunks leaves and then Goku becomes a show off and shows everyone his new Technique. Then He Trains for 3 years with Gohan and Piccolo preparing for the Androids. He also gets a drivers license with Piccolo (Boy that Episodes Funny :-)). Then like Trunks Predicted the Androids Hit. Androids 19 & 20 challenged Goku to a fight and goku seemed to have the upper hand until the Heart Virus Got him and started taking over him. Then Android 19 takes all his energy and goku becomes really sick and is out for about 2 weeks. Then he wakes up to find out alot has happened. Such as 3 Androids (16,17, and 18) are looking to kill him. A creature named Cell has come to Terroize the city and that Piccolo and Kami have fused together. It is then Goku gets the Idea that he Gohan, Trunks, and Vegeta should train in the Hyper Ballic Time Chamber where you can get 1 years worth of training in 1 day. So of course Trunks and Vegeta come out strong as hell and everyone one is oohing and ahhing. Then it was Gohan and Gokus turn. They went in and trained. And Goku turned Gohan into an absolute Fighting Super Saiyan. Plus they figured out how to conserve energy by staying in their transformed Super Saiyan State. And Goku has reached the level of Ultra Super Saiyan, but he never uses it. By this time Shit Loads have happened. Cell has absorbed all the Androids and is now in the Perfect Form. And then Cell offers the Challenge of the Cell Games and that they have 9 days to prepare. So instead of training they decide to goof around and relax. Then Goku goes to the new Namek and brings over Dende to be the new Guardian of the Earth and create new Dragon Balls. The Cell Games come and Goku is the First to fight. After long fight he gives up. He just surrenders (pussy). Then he puts his son Gohan in. Then Gohan goes Medival on Cells ass after fighting and fighting and soon becomes way more poweful then Goku. Then Cell as a last Resort after spitting up Android 18 and becoming Semi-Imperfect Cell is going to blow up. So Goku again as a last resort sacrfices him self again. He does an Instant Transmission to King Kais Planet holding Cell next to him and dies again. And Kills Cell King Kai, Bubbles, and Gregory. But to his surprise. Cells Alive! Gohan then goes All out on Cell and Unleashes the prefect Kamehameha with the Help of Gokus energy to destroy Cell. Then after many years and fighting in the Kaio Tournament. He comes back to Earth to fight in the Bodukai Tournament. Then after a while Vegeta who becomes possesed by the Majin Spirit. Goes ape shit and blows up the tournament and Goku and him go at it for a while. Then Their were the Buu's that appeared. And Goku had to fight them and reached a level of Super Saiyan 3, and does a number on the Buus. Then when the Buus where destroyed. Their was a while of peace. And Goku went off and trained others. (This is where we enter GT) Then another old Nemesis comes along Emperor Pilaff. And the emperor goes to Kamis look out and uses the Black Star Dragon Balls and Turns Goku into a kid. To Gokus surprise if the 7 Black Star Dragon Balls (Scattered around the Galaxies) were not found and absorbed in 1 year the Earth would be destroyed. So of Course Goku goes around with Trunks, His Grand Daughter Pan, and a few others to find the Balls. To their surprise again Each Dragon Ball has a Dragon Protecting it and each Dragon was born on a specific event. Then lots of fighting goes on Goku reaches the level of Super Saiyan 4. Kills the mightest of Warriors such as Bebi, Super 17 Android, And The Evil Shenrons. Then after absorbing all the Dragon Balls he asks to protect the Eternal Dragon and then that is the end of the Dragon Ball Series.