Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension FAQ v8.0 by: KiLrOy (kilroy@interport.net) WARNING!: the ensuing FAQ is written in terms of now standard "Street Fighter" motions for ease of use since most people are familiar with them. if you do not know these motions, look at the FAQ motions translations for a quick reference guide. this is not meant to infringe on Capcom or any of their copyrighted trademark stuff. ^_^ i've been writing DBZ FAQs since the first fighting game, always in this manner, and it's always gone over quite well, since the motions tend to be visualized easier with something to compare them to, in this case, SF2 motions. KEY Y= punch A= fireball L= dash B= kick X= fireball counter R= dash FAQ MOTIONS TRANSLATIONS dragon punch= towards, down, diagonal down/towards yoga flame= away, diag. down/away, down, diag. down/towards, towards sonic boom= away, hold for 2 seconds, towards flash kick= down, hold for 2 seconds, up hadouken= down, diag. down/towards, towards hurricane kick= down, diag. down/away, away #NOTE# if a motion is reversed (ex. reverse dragon punch) then the only things reversed are the away and towards (meaning in the motions away becomes towards, and towards becomes away) ########################################################## COMMON MOVES throw- X, must be close charge up energy/life- Y+B short hop towards- towards, towards quickly short hop away- away, away quickly QUICK COMBOS Following any connecting NORMAL hit, either a normal punch or a normal kick, quickly press Y+B. If this next strike hits, it will knock your opponent into the air for whatever juggling combo you wish to use on them, but limited to only 5 hits. :( oh vell. CHANGE OF FIELD (Futtobashi) Depending on what stages you fight on, you can knock your opponent onto another stage, moving the battle there. 1. Knock them sideways- towards, away, towards, X 2. Knock them upwards- hadouken, X 3. Knock them downwards- hurricane kick, X 3D MOVES Uses a combination of Y or B, and L or R depending. Y or B depending on the character, and L or R depending which direction you are facing. If you are facing right, use the R button. Facing left, the L button. RUSH BATTLE When you and your opponent are standing at a certain distance, say enough for the tips of either your fists or feet to collide, you'll go into the rush battle. There are two kinds. On the ground, tap Y, B, X or A rapidly and whoever taps it most by the end of the exchange wins and gets in an automatic super fireball. In the air, one player will head into the background, the other, the foreground. Here, only the four main buttons are used. The character in the foreground is attacking. They use A and B. B fires a super fireball, A fires a flurry of smaller fireballs. The character in the background is on the defensive. The trick is to anticipate what your opponent is going to through, and properly defend against it. Y defends against a super fireball with a dodge, X defends the flurry by smacking them away quickly. If you pick the wrong defense, you'll get hit and take damage. This exchange may repeat for a bit, with characters flipping from offensive to defensive. NOTE ABOUT SUPER FIREBALLS For the 'hurricane kick, towards, A' fireballs, the longer you hold A, the more powerful it'll become. If the fireball is basic, no A charging, X can smack it away. NOTE ABOUT METEOS Can only be done when life bar is flashing red, except in the Practice Mode, when it can be done at anytime. The distance is anywhere unless otherwise stated. NOTE ABOUT BLOCKING When you block and attack, you can initiate a quick reversal counterattack right after. To do this, simply block an attack and, while your character is still blocking, perform the motions for the attack you wish to counter with. NOTE ABOUT AIR FIGHTING Common moves for all. Attack straight up- up+Y Attack straight down- down+b Also, fireballs, normal 'a' fireballs, can now be thrown in 3 directions. Simply 'a' will throw it straight, but by using the directional keypad u can fire them either diagonal up/towards or diagonal down/towards. GAME MODE Quick, and pretty basic, to get the best ending, don't continue. Not sure if following the natural story affects the ending, if anyone knows, feel free. SECRET CODES Nuthing so far. Tried the old codes, no luck for me. Anyone else? Son Gokou 1. Jump Knee Lift- dragon punch, B 2. Double Kick- towards+B 3. Dash Punch- hadouken, Y 4. Gekiretsurenkyaku- yoga flame, B 5. Shunkanidou- (away): reverse dragon punch, B (towards): reverse dragon punch, Y 6. Abisegeri- hurricane kick, B 7. Slash Down Kick- jump, towards, down, B 8. Side Slash- R+B or L+B depending. 9. Kantsuu Energy Dan- towards, away, towards, A 10. Kamehame Ha- yoga flame, A 11. Cho Kamehame Ha- hurricane kick, towards, A 12. Ryuken/Chogenkidama- 270 degrees from away to up, Y Vegeta 1. Super Dash- hadouken, B (can be done up to 4x's in a row) 2. Dashing Bomb- yoga flame, Y 3. Knee Attack- dragon punch, B 4. Jumping Bomb- diagonal down/away, diagonal up/towards,Y 5. Bakuhatsu Ha- down, up, Y 6. Ki Release- jump, hurricane kick, Y 7. Driving Elbow- R+Y or L+Y depending. 8. Renzoku Energy Dan- hadouken, A 9. Renzoku Energy Dan (above)- jump, hurricane kick, A 10. Big Bang Attack- yoga flame, A 11. Final Flash- hurricane kick, towards, A 12. Meteo- up, down, Y (close, i usually start with a jump) Gotenks 1. Head Sliding- diagonal down/towards+Y 2. Omae nanka "The End"- reverse yoga flame, Y 3. Rolling Thunder Uppercut- yoga flame, Y 4. Inoshishi Attack- hadouken, Y 5. Diving Head Butt- jump, towards, down, Y 6. Ultra Head Butt- R+Y or L+Y depending. 7. Renzoku Energy Dan- hadouken, A 8. Renzoku Shine Shine Missile- hadouken, hadouken, A 9. Kantsuu Energy Dan- jump, towards, away, towards, A 10. Kikou Ha- yoga flame, A 11. Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack- hurricane kick, towards,A 12. Renzoku Super Donuts- towards, yoga flame, Y Son Gohan 1. Knee Slasher- sonic boom, B 2. Zankuukyaku- flash kick, B 3. Dash Uppercut- towards+Y 4. Bakuretsu Punch- sonic boom, Y 5. Bukuukyaku- jump, towards, down, B 6. Triangle Illusion- R+B or L+B depending. 7. Renzoku Energy Dan- hadouken, A 8. Masenkou- yoga flame, A 9. Kamehame Ha- hurricane kick, towards, A 10. Bakuretsu Rush- reverse yoga flame, towards, B Vegetto 1. Heel Shoot- towards+B 2. Vegetto Combo- reverse yoga flame, B 3. Dash Elbow- hadouken, Y 4. Double Slash Down Kick- jump, towards, down, B 5. Juggling Kick- diagonal down/away,diagonal up/towards,B 6. Shooting Kick- R+B or L+B depending. 7. Kakusan Energy Dan- hurricane kick, A 8. Big Bang Attack- yoga flame, A 9. Kamehame Ha- hurricane kick, towards, A 10. Meteo- hurricane kick, yoga flame, Y You can do it anywhere, you don't HAVE to be close. The catch is this, you can be anywhere, and perform the move, but for it to work, and for you to not get dizzy, your opponent has to TOUCH the barrier. Nice counter for jumping opponents i've found. Piccolo 1. Mystic Attack- (high): dragon punch, Y (low): dragon punch, B 2. Mystic Throw- reverse yoga flame, Y/B (do it after #1 hits, Y if u attacked high, B if low) 3. Mystic Blow- yoga flame, Y 4. Bukuukyaku- jump, towards, down, B 5. Sonic Kick- R+B or L+B depending. 6. Yuudoo Energy Dan- dragon punch, A 7. Kaikou Ha- away, away/down, down, A 8. Gekiretsukoudan- yoga flame, A 9. Makankousappo- hurricane kick, towards, A 10. Cho Bakuretsu Ken- towards, away, down, up, Y (close) Mr. Boo 1. Hip Press- jump, down+B 2. Planet Attack- sonic boom, Y 3. Hip Flip- hadouken, Y (done at ANY time during Planet Attack) 4. Power Salute- flash kick, Y 5. Tornado Hip- sonic boom, B 6. Become Candy- flash kick, B 7. Flying Bomber- R+B or L+B depending. 8. Kakusan Energy Dan- hurricane kick, A 9. Boo Bomb- yoga flame, A 10. Mightiness Bomber- hurricane kick, towards, A 11. Meteo- hadouken, Y+B (Become Candy distance) Boo 1. Kouchuufuyuu- jump, reverse yoga flame, Y 2. Rolling Tackle- yoga flame, Y 3. Downward Ki Breath- jump, towards, down, B 4. Foot Shoot- hurricane kick, Y (near)/B (middle)/A (far) 5. Forward Ki Breath- jump, towards, down, Y 6. Whip Attack- hadouken, Y 7. Stretch Punch- towards+Y 8. Metamorph Boo Attack- R+Y or L+Y depending. 9. Kantsuu Energy Dan- towards, away, towards, A 10. Boo Ban- yoga flame, A 11. Power Ball- hurricane kick, towards, A 12. Meteo- away, towards, down, up, Y (Whip Attack distance) Freeza 1. Kishin Ha- dragon punch, Y 2. Evil Energy- jump, hurricane kick, B 3. Freeza Cutter- hurricane kick, Y 4. Bomb Grip- reverse yoga flame, Y (close) 5. Jyasenkou- jump, towards, down, B 6. Double Leg Kick- R+B or L+B depending. 7. Yuudou Kienzan- dragon punch, A 8. Ground Fireball- away, away/down, down, A 9. Death Ball- yoga flame, A 10. Jyubaku Ha- hurricane kick, towards, A 11. Meteo- hurricane kick, Y+B Cell 1. Power Attack- yoga flame, Y 2. Cell Jr. Attack- towards, away, towards, B 3. Cell Combo- hadouken, Y 4. Levitation Slicer- reverse yoga flame, Y 5. Negative Arrow- jump, towards, down, Y 6. Energy Release- reverse yoga flame, B 7. Giga Shoulder- R+Y or L+Y 8. Katsuu Energy Dan- towards, away, towards, A 9. Kamehame Ha- yoga flame, A 10. Cho Kamehame Ha- hurricane kick, towards, A 11. Meteo #1- towards, away, towards, away, towards, Y 12. Meteo #2- hurricane kick, yoga flame, Y credits ~~~~~~~ Vegeta's Meteo provided by: Henry LaPierre (freeza@ix.netcom.com) Cell's Meteo #2 provided by: Henry LaPierre Gotenks, Vegeta, Vegetto, and Cell's Meteo #2 simplifications: Henry LaPierre Freeza's Bomb Grip provided by: Chris Eisenlauer (ceiser@netvoyage.net) Piccolo's Kaikou Ha fix provided by: VegetoKun@aol.com Vegeta's Super Dash extension provided by: Pete Hsu (phhsu@sdcc13.ucsd.edu) Freeza's Ground Fireball provided by: Pete Hsu Gotenk's Head Sliding fix provided by: Pete Hsu Piccolo's Mystic Throw provided by: Pete Hsu thanx minna, you helped a lot. ^_^ Questions? Comments? They can either be sent to me through my e-mail, kilroy@interport.net, or posted to the newsgroup where i can find them and i will do my best to answer. ^_^ Additions? You have something that i missed and you want to add it? E-mail it to me, e-mail only! i do that now to prevent having to wade through pages of BS moves to find the real ones, and if i can confirm it, i'll add it and your name and email (optional) to the credits list. after all, EVERYONE is still looking for hidden codes. ^_^ HOPE YOU ENJOY! ^_^ jya ne! ^_^