DBZ: Legend of the Super Saiya-Jin For the Super Famicom Version 3.141 Items FAQ by Vegita, Guardian Of Destiny (VegitaBOD@aol.com) ----Restoration Items---- Name Effect Cost Bulma - Gives 25 HP back. 3 Points Kamesennin - Gives 50 HP back. 6 Points Kami-Sama - Gives Full HP back. 10 Points Puar (Pool) - Gives 10 Ki back. 4 Points Mr. Popo - Gives Full Ki back. 10 Points Karin - Gives Full HP and Ki back. 20 Points ShenLong - Gives Full HP and Ki back 60 Points to everyone. ----Card-Changing Items---- Name - Effect Cost Enma-Daiou - Changes one card's attack 15 Points to Max (Z). Uranai Baba - Changes one card's defense 15 Points to Max (Z). Son Gokuu - Changes one card to max 40 Points attack and defense, and allows character to attack everything. Piccolo - Changes one enemy's attack 20 Points and defense to one. Kame - Randomly changes cards' 6 Points attack and defense ratings. Chi Chi - Changes any card into a Ki 12 Points attack. Oolong - Changes all cards into new 4 Points ones. ----Character-Effect Items---- Name - Effect Lunch/Kushami - Allows attacker to attack 10 Points all enemies with one attack. Note: Sometimes, the card will fail, and Lunch will sneeze, turning back into her nicer, less violent self. King Kaioh - Raises the Power Rating of 20 Points any character in a battle by 25%. Saichourou - Raises the Power Rating of 40 Points any character in a battle by 50%. ----Various Items (Cannot Sell)---- Name - Effect Dragon Radar - Used to locate the Dragon Balls on Earth and, later, Namek. Once used, you can press the A button to zoom out a bit, then again, then again. Pressing it again will take it back down to it's original scope. Crying Gohan - Used in the fight against Raditz. After using this, at the end of the round, Gohan flies out, and bashes Raditz in the chest. Namekian Toad - Used in the fight against Ginyuu. Throw this, and Ginyuu will miss with his body- exchange attack, switching with the frog instead. Dragon Balls - Collect these on Namek to call Porunga, the Namekian Dragon, to grant your wishes. ----Various Items (Ones you CAN sell)---- Name - Effect Cost Scouter (Green) - Allows you to see the Power 10 Points Ratings of the enemies in three battles up to 23999. Also allows you to see their HP, Ki, and cards. Scouter (Red) - Allows you to see the Power 20 Points Ratings if the enemies in five battles up to 199999. Also allows you to see their HP, Ki, and cards. Grandpa Gohan - Stuns an enemy. Sometimes 20 Points you get lucky and the enemy is stunned for more than a round, sometimes they immediately come out of it. Bubbles - Allows you to fly for a 10 Points short period of time without being attacked. Yajirobee - Yajirobee attacks one enemy, 20 Points either doing damage or stunning them. Vegita - Good card to have if you are 20 Points. weak and fighting a boss. Calls Vegita in to fight with you, but can't be controlled. Buuku Juitsu - Flies you to the nearest 15 Points Bulma House, Regeneration Pod, or, if you are in a cave, the way you entered. Moon / Tail - During the fight against 80 Points Vegita, when Gohan get's there, this will turn him into a giant, raging Oorazu. His Power Rating goes up by 10. ----Unknown Items---- Name - Rumored Effect Porunga - Ok, yes this item DOES exist, but I won't acknowledge it's existance until someone actually finds it in the game. Game Genie/Game Shark codes CAN help you find it, but if you use those, you CAN also boost someone's power to 99,999,999. That's just unfair, and I don't cheat, thank you. ??????? - Ok, here's what you do to see what this is. When you first touch down on Namek, fight until one of the enemies gives you a scouter. Now, go fight Kewie, with the scouter on, so you get to see what his Power Rating is. Then immediately use the Vegita card. Vegita will come in, then it will give you the option to use some odd looking card. It's all messed up, and green. And when you use it on someone, their life drops to 0. What's the point of this item! Someone tell me so I know it isn't just a fluke in my game! -----In Depth Look at Items and their Uses----- Here are a more in depth look at items, the characters they are associated with, and what they do. ----Restoration Items---- Bulma: Woman with purple-ish hair and a yellow shirt/jacket. Bulma is/was the first woman ever seen in Dragon Ball, and the second person seen overall. This item will restore up to 25 lost hit points. Very nice in the first couple of chapters of the game, but a tad outdated by the time you reach Namek. Kamesennin: Old, Bald man wearing sunglasses. This item will restore up to 50 lost hit points. Better than a Bulma card, and slightly more useful. You might actually want to keep these around when you hit Namek. Kami-Sama: Wrinkly Green man with antenna. This man is God himself (literally), and restores ALL your lost hit points. They can be used to give Gohan, Gokuu, or Vegita a level-up (if their life it below 5). They're fairly cheap, too, which makes them absolutely indespensable. Always make sure you have at least 1 with you. Puar/Pool: Odd looking blue-ish cat with a white face and no nose. Puar/Pool (could be translated either way) restores 10 Ki points. These are relatively common to win from battles, so you're bound to have some handy. Sadly, you don't use your Ki attacks very often, so these aren't as useful as you might think. Mr. Popo: Stark-black man with no nose, red lips, and a turban. God's right- hand man. This item will completely restore your Ki points. Very nice indeed, especially for the Vegita fight (Gokuu using a Genki Dama). Karin: A blue cat with a nose (his eyes are closed) and a staff. Karin is the cat at the top of Karin Tower (gee, imagine that), and the holder of the Senzu seeds. That's what this item is, actually. Senzu seeds are the magical food items that completely restore your hit points AND ki points. VERY nice. ShenLong: A large Dragon. Shen Long (Jackie Chan's name in Chinese) is the dragon called up when all 7 dragon balls are gathered. Shen Long, in this game, completely restores ALL characters' hit points and Ki. VERY expensive, but also VERY nice to have for the Freeza fight. ----Card Changing Items---- Enma-Daiou: Large Pink-ish man with a horned hat and a beard. Enma-Daiou, the gatekeeper of Heaven and Hell, is a VERY large man who maxes out one card's attack rating, making it a "Z" card. This is a nice card, but it's not the greatest card out there. Uranai Baba: Old woman with a witch-like hat. Baba is Kamesennin's slightly younger sister, and the item that bears her face makes one card's defensive rating a Z, or max. This is better than the Enma-Daiou card, because while you can attack first and attack hard with Enma-Daiou, with this card, you might just survive long enough to attack again. Son Gokuu: Adult man with wild, black hair. You should know who Gokuu is if you're playing the game, right? This is an awesome item, because it makes the card you use it on have a max (Z) offensive rating, a max (Z) defensive rating, and allows the character that uses it attack every enemy in the group. In other words, you have the highest defense, highest offense, and if there are 5 enemies you are fighting, instead of just hitting one of them, you'll attack all of them. Very nice to have, but a tad costly. Piccolo: Green man with a turban. Ah, the Devil himself. When Kami (God) became God, he had to exsponge all the evil from his body. All that evil became Piccolo Daimou. Son Gokuu, as a child, defeated that incarnation, but before he died, Piccolo Daimou created 1 final offspring, which is this present Piccolo. You should know what Piccolo looks like, though, because he is one of the two characters you start with. His item allows you to change one opponents attack and defense to 1 (the lowest possible), and changes the card style to a different one (if it was that person's style of attack, then it would change it so they would not be able to attack everyone). Kame: A brownish turtle with it's mouth open. Kame, Kamesennin's sometimes friend, changes ALL of your cards' offensive and defensive ratings. This can be a blessing and a curse, but I usually prefer not to risk it. Chi Chi: A woman with long, black hair. This card is VERY nice to have, since you pick which card you want to use it on (i.e., a VERY strong card can become a Ki card, if you choose). Oolong: Funny looking pig. Ah, Oolong. This item, along with Bulma and Puar/Pool, are THE most common items. The Oolong card changes ALL your cards to a completely new set of cards. That means new styles, new offensive, and new defensive cards. These are surprisingly effective when you're fighting some of the later battles (and you have absolutely NO good cards). ----Character-Effect Items---- Lunch/Kushami: A Yellow haired, severely P.O.ed-looking woman. Kushami is a beautiful, innocent young girl with blue hair (not Bulma, though, because Bulma is FAR from innocent). Unfortunately, whenever Kushami sneezes, she turns into the golden-haired woman, Lunch. Lunch is BEYOND violent, and ALWAYS seems to have a weapon at hand. Her(their?) item allows whatever character you use it on to attack every enemy in the group for 1 round. This is a VERY effective card, since it allows the character to use even Ki attacks on everything, with the cost of only 1 use. Which means that TenShinHan is the ultimate warrior, since his 12 eyes technique cannot be dodged. King Kaioh: A blue catfish-like man sporting sunglasses. King Kaioh is the ruler of the small planetoid at the end of Snake Road. His item, whomever you use it on, raises their Battle Rating by 25%. This is a VERY nice card to have, since before/during the Vegita & Nappa fight, they are fairly common to win from battles. Saichourou: Gigantic, wrinkly green man. You'll see a Kami item WAY before you ever see one of these, and besides, this man is easily 3 times the size of Kami. Saichourou is the Namekian elder, and his card is easily one of the best in the game to have. It raises your power rating by 1/2. Wow. That means that even if you've only got a power rating of 416, you power will jump to 624. Geez, that's a lot. ----Various Items (Cannot Sell)---- Dragon Radar: Looks like a large watch, except instead of a watch face, it has a digital readout with a green grid and (hopefully!) green lights signifying Dragon Balls. This is used to find the location of the Dragon Balls. After you use it, by pressing the A button again, it will increase the readout radius. You can do this two more times, but pressing it a fourth time will shrink it back to the original size. You exit the readout by pressing the B button. Gohan: Small, crying child with a yellow and green shirt. This item is required to beat the game. You get it by travelling to Mr. Popo's house on the eastern side of the main continent. Defeat the 4 Gold Sfuru-Jin, and you have the item. The Gohan item is used against Raditz. Simply use it during the battle, and at the end of the next round, Gohan will slam Raditz, stunning him. At this point, Gokuu can now grab Raditz and hold him long enough for Piccolo to kill him. Namekian Toad: Yes, folks, this does exist! That's right, you can get it during the fight against Vegita on Earth. All you have to do is purchase a Lunch card, then visit Yajirobee. He'll tell you that Oolong is looking for some hentai pictures, so go visit Oolong and talk to him a couple of times. He'll take the Lunch card (that pervert!), and give you the Namekian Toad. This is used in the fight against Ginyuu. Using the Frog will immediately get rid of the evil Captain (he'll try to do a body switch, but will end up missing and switching into the frog). Thanks go to Clement Chang for this! Dragon Balls: One of seven yellow orbs, each with a different number of stars in the center (1-7). The Dragon Balls are collected to summon Porunga on Namek. The location of these can be found using the Dragon Radar. And since Gohan has a Dragon Ball on his hat at the beginning of the game, that means you should easily be able to find him... ----Various Items (Can Sell)---- Green Scouter: A Saiya-Jin piece of machinery. They are all white, with a green screen that flips over the eye, which projects the readouts. These are used to determine the power rating, Hit points, and Ki of the enemies you are fighting. Unfortunately, they have their limits. Once used, they only detect the next 3 fights before quitting, and if they try to register someone with a power rating over 23,999, then it'll explode. This causes you to lose it. Sorry... Red Scouter: Looks like a Green Scouter, but with a red readout screen. This is just the same as the Green Scouter, except these also read the attack cards of your opponents, it will last for 5 fights, and it can't read over a 199,999 power rating without exploding. Sorry... Grandpa Gohan: An old man with a white beard and a cap. Not to be confused with Child Gohan or Kamesennin (another Gohan, another old man with a white beard), this card stuns the enemy you use it on. Sometimes, it remains effective for more than 1 round of fighting, while others snap right out of it and attack. It's all random, but you're guaranteed a round of fighting with it. Bubbles: A brown monkey. Bubbles, King Kaioh's pet/friend, certainly is an odd character. His item allows you to fly or walk for a period of time without being attacked. Very nice during the Vegita fight, since you have a certain amount of time to find them in between rounds. Yajirobee: A fat man with shaggy, long black hair. Yajirobee's item only appears twice in the game (as far as I know), and isn't near as useful as it was in DBZ 1 for the Famicom. His item summons Yajirobee, who attacks the target of your choice. He's not that strong, either. Vegita: Man with wild black hair and a LARGE widow's peak. Vegita (my favorite character) has a rather interesting item. You earn it from him after you beat him on Earth. His item allows you to call him into a battle, where he will fight alongside you. He will stay for the entire round, but is uncontrollable. At least he won't attack you... Buuku Juitsu: A shot of someone (Gokuu? Piccolo? Vegita?) flying along with a large Ki field around them. This card has 2 uses. The first is rather pointless: where ever you are on the overworld map, if you use this, it will take you to the nearest Healing place (Bulma's house, etc). If you are in a cave, then this will allow you to transport out of the cave, returning you to the cave entrance. It's good to have for the latter, but not the former. Moon/Tail: A shot of the moon/a Saiya-Jin's tail. This card is given to you after you defeat Nappa. Once you've used this card, Gohan turns into an Ooarzu (or as some people like to call it, a "Giant Ape"). Once he has done this, his power is multiplied by 10, making him a match for Vegita. The only problem with this card is, you get it after defeating Nappa, and if you didn't use it, you lose it after defeating Vegita! ----Unknown/Rumored---- Porunga: A large, greenish-monster lookin' thing. What this item does (according to WAY too many people using cheat codes), you get 3 wishes: 1) Half the life of all the enemies in the battle, 2) Restores the life of all the characters alive in the battle, and 3) Gives all the characters in the battle a level up (except enemies). When I actually find this item IN THE GAME, I'll let you know. Please stop e- mailing me telling me you've found it, when you used a Game Genie or GameShark! No offense, but that really doesn't help me. I mean, if you get a copy of the ROM, and hack into it directly, you can find special characters, like Golden Ooarzu Vegita, SSJ Gohan, and others. But they're NOT REALLY there, folks. ??????????: Well, it looks like a green glitch. As I stated above, here's what you you do to see what this is. When you first touch down on Namek, fight until one of the enemies gives you a scouter. Now, go fight Kewie, with the scouter on, so you get to see what his Power Rating is. Then immediately use the Vegita card. Vegita will come in, then it will give you the option to use some odd looking card. It's all messed up, and green. And when you use it on someone, their life drops to 0. What's the point of this item? Man, what a weird item. I REALLY don't know what to make of it... This Document Copyright Vegita, Guardian Of Destiny - March 2000.