DRAGON BALL Z 2 FAQ/Translations Translated by Ian Kelley FOREWARD I'm sure some of the readers of these translations will have problems with how I translated. It is often quite difficult or even impossible to express the exact meaning of a Japanese sentence in English, so keep in mind that the stuff put here is not universally correct in any sense. Furthermore, some expressions are impossible to translate to English (such as "Onegai-shimasu") so I hit problems there too. Therefore, I occasionally messed a little with the script to make the sentences sound like normal English. Some of you will probably dispute my uses of "kuso" and "chikusho." While "kuso" literally means "feces" or "shit," I have substituted the word "damn" for when in appears in the text. Every time I see "chikusho" (literally "beast" but used as "damn") I have used the word "shit." I did this because "chikusho" is a stronger word than "kuso" and "shit" is a stronger word than "damn." So if you disagree with me, keep in mind that I did this deliberately. Basic attacks/maneuvers: Y-Punch B-Kick A-Energy Bolt X-Transfer from Lower/Upper fighting levels Forward-Walk/Float forward Back-Back up/Float back/Standing Block Down-Duck Down-Back-Lower block R-Dash Right L-Dash Left Y + B-Charge Power meter Note that how you punch/kick depends on where your enemy is. If you kick while your enemy is in the air, you will do a high kick. If you kick while your enemy is on the ground you will do a lower kick. Throwing: To throw a character, be close to them, then press Forward + Y Nullifying/Reversing a throw: If you are thrown, you can land safely without damage or even counterattack with the R and L buttons. To land, you must hit the R or L button twice, depending on which direction you are being thrown. You must press the button corresponding to the direction you are being thrown. That is, if you are being thrown to the right, you would hit the R button twice, and vice versa if you were being thrown to the left. To counterattack when thrown, you also have to hit the R or L button twice, only you press the button opposite the direction in which you are being thrown. NOTE: Timing is critical when you want to stop a throw; you must key in the L or R buttons the moment you are grabbed, but you get a fair amount of time to press the button. Energy attacks: All energy attacks are executed with the A button, (excepting the energy attacks used within the "Super Combo moves," which I will explain later.) and all energy attacks tap into your power meter. To charge your power meter, hold the Y and B buttons. Your power meter will go up faster, but beware; you are vulnerable to enemy attacks while charging. If you use an energy attack that you do not have enough power to use, you will still throw it, but afterwards will be stunned for a short time until your power meter can charge to a non-negative level. While the standard energy bolt takes no power on your meter, if you try and throw it too many times in a row you will be stunned, regardless of how much power you have. Mega-Blasts: Each character has two Mega-blasts. When executed from a far distance from the other character, the split in the screen will disappear and the attacking character will fire a huge blast. The screen will then split to the target character, who then has four means of stopping the attack by keying in special movements. The time allotted to input the movement depends on the distance the attacker is away from the defender. The four methods of stopping the blasts are: Guard: B + A button. The defender shields him/herself with their arms, reducing the damage done by the blast by 50%. Hajiku (repel): Back, Down-Back, Down + A The defender uses their arms to stop the blast and then deflect it away, reducing the damage done by the attack to 25% of the full damage of the blast. If you make a mistake while entering the move often your character will stop the blast but it will then blow up in your face, doing 100% of the damage of the blast. If you make such a mistake you can prevent it from exploding, however. Once you stop the attack, hit buttons as fast as you can and often the blast will be deflected anyway. Kakikesu (disperse): Forward, Back, Forward + A button The defender flares up and the energy totally disperses the attack. The defender takes no damage from the blast but his/her Power meter is reduced. Uchikaesu (Counterattack): Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A button The defender fires a blast of his/her own, stopping the attacker's blast halfway. Then, they have what I call a "blast duel." Whoever's blast is stronger overpowers the other and continues towards his target. If you lose a "blast duel," you can use a Guard to reduce the damage but you cannot Hajiku or Kakikesu the blast. HOW TO WIN A "BLAST DUEL" The outcome of a "blast duel" is determined upon who can hit the A button the fastest. Whoever hits the A button 50 times first wins. If neither side hit the A button 50 times in an 8 second time period, whoever hit the button more times in 8 seconds wins. When playing against the computer on level 1, 2, or 3 in a "blast duel", you can usually win simply by tapping the A button quickly. On level 4, however, it gets a bit tricky; without a rapid fire controller, the computer can be tough to beat. I recommend "rubbing" the A button as fast as you can, with two fingernails or the tips of your fingers. If you do it fast enough you can usually win. Beware, however; if you do this too much or with the wrong places on your finger you can reduce your fingers to hamburger in a matter of minutes. Be careful not to give yourself any blisters! :) How the options screen before battle works. There are five lines after choosing your character which will affect the battle options. These are what each one does. Line one: Life. You can set your character's life, from anywhere from 10-400 using this option. Line two: Attack Strength. This is default set to "Normal." You can change it to "High" to make your character's attacks do more damage. Line three: Game Rank. Choose difficulty from 1-4 for a computer opponent. Line four: Stage This is a stage select. It is defaulted to random. Pressing right from "Random," these are the stages you can choose. 1. Random 2. Koya-Wasteland 3. Yuyake no Koya-Wasteland at Sunset 4. Shinrin-Forest 5. Yuyake no Shinrin-Forest at Sunset 6. Iwaba-Rocky place 7. Yuyake no Iwaba-Rocky place at Sunset 8. Kaijo-The ocean 9. Yuhi no Kaijo-The ocean at late afternoon/early evening 10. Suna Arashi-Sandstorm 11. Sabaku-Desert 13. Setsugen-Snowfield 14. Fubuki-Snowstorm 15. Joku-The sky 16. Asayake no Joku-The morning sky 17. Bubutai-Fighting Stage 18. Bubutai Kessho-Fighting Stage Finals 19. Saigo Kessenjo-Final Battlegrounds How the options screen during battle works. To access the options screen, press Start, and then Select during a battle. You will then see a screen with five lines. Here is what each one does: Line one: Command There are three options for this; Normal, Auto, and S-Auto (Semi- Auto) If you set this to Auto then your character will fire the most powerful energy move that he/she can with the amount of power currently in the power meter. Semi-Auto is similar, except that if you deliberately make a move, you can override the automatic blast. Example: I am playing Vegita with a full power meter, and I want to throw a Kienzan. If I am playing on Auto, no matter what move I do, as soon as I press A I will throw a Final Flash. If I am playing on S- Auto and press Down, Down-forward, A, I will throw a Kienzan instead. Line two: Input direction This controls the way you input your special moves. Normally this is set to "Opponent Direction" but you can change it to "Facing Right" or "Facing Left." If you change the setting to Facing Right or Left, you will input your special moves as if you were always facing that direction. This option is put in for people who have trouble doing special moves from one side or the other. Example: I'm Trunks, and my Input direction is set to "Facing Right." Now I always enter my moves as if I was facing right. (i.e. on the left side) So if I wanted to do a Lightning Dash, I would always press Down, Down-Right, Right, Y. Even if I was on the right side, I would still press Down, Down-Right, Right, Y. Line 3: Command Help If you ever forget your character's special moves, you can check using this function. Go to this option, select the character you want by pressing right and left, and then press the A button. You will now see a list of your character's special attacks, barring his/her Super Combo Moves. Scroll down the list and you can see how to execute the moves. By the way, you might notice that the colors of the numbers differ. White numbers are physical attacks, blue numbers are Ki attacks, and Red numbers are Megablasts. To practice your move, go down to the move you want to practice, and press A. Your character should appear. Now try out the move. If you do it successfully, the character onscreen will execute the move. Press Start to stop practicing. Line 5: Sound Mode Use this option to toggle between Monaural and Stereo sound. Line 6: Radar Use this option to turn the Battle Radar on or off. SPECIAL/SECRET MOVES While you can easily tell HOW moves are done by reading the arrows in the documentation of the game, you can't really know what they mean. So I've translated the names of the moves and have written them down here. Included in this list are the ways to do all of the "Super Combo moves," of which none of these are written in the instructions. All the "Super Combo moves" do heavy damage (except for Zangya's) and will kick you through rocks and/or slam you on the ground. I know of a Super Combo move move for everyone except for Cell Junior. Thanks goes to my brother Nathan, who spent hours assisting me, messing with the controller trying to figure out what the Super Combo moves were, which he eventually found out. Thanks for your hard work Nate!! If anyone finds a Super Combo move for Cell Junior please let me know!! Gohan Bakuretsu Punch: Forward, Back, Forward + Y Bukukyaku: Forward, Down + B in air. Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Down-back, Back + A Tsuiseki Energy Bullet: Down, Down-forward, Forward + A Kiaiho: Forward, Back, Forward + A Shogekiha: Down, Up + A Masenko: Back, Down-back, Down, Down-forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Kamehameha: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Super Straight: Hold back, Forward + Y Bakuretsu Rush: Forward, Back, Down, Up + B (Super Combo Move) Vegita Slash Arrow: Down-Back, Up-foward + B Super Dash: Forward, Back, Forward + Y Driving Elbow: Down, Down-forward, Forward + Y Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Down-Back, Back + A Bakuhatsuha: Down, Up + A Kienzan: Down, Down-forward, Forward + A Big Bang Attack: Back, Down-back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Final Flash: Down, Down-back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Planet Burst: Forward, Back, Down, Up + Y (Super Combo Move) Trunks Super Sliding Kick: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + B Lightning Dash: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Y Bakukenha: Hold Back, Forward + Y Tsuiseki Energy Dan: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A Kakusan Energy Dan: Down, Down-Back, Back + A Energy Zan: Back, Down-Back, Down + A Burning Attack: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Finish Buster: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Tornado Breaker: Forward, Back, Down, Up + B (Super Combo Move) Piccolo Sonic Kick: Forward, Back Forward + B Bukukyaku: Forward, Down + B in air Mystic Throw: Hold Back, Forward + Y Tsuiseki energy Dan: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A Kaikosen: Back, Forward + A Kaikoha: Back, Down-Back, Down + A Makankosappo: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Gekiretsukodan: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Chobakuretsuken: Forward, Back, Down, Up + Y Cell Astral Shock: Forward, Back, Forward + B Rising attack: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Y Grand Slider: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + B Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Down-Back, Back + A Taiyoken: Down, Up + A Energy Shot: Back, Forward + A Kamehameha: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Cho Kamehameha: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Spike Buster: Hold Forward, Back + Y (Super Combo Move) Cell Junior: Step up attack: Down-Back, Up-Forward + B Spin liner: Forward, Back, Forward + B Double Kick: Hold back, Forward + B Renzoku energy Dan: Back, Down-Back, Back + A Energy Shot: Back-Forward + A Kienzan: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A Makankosappo: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Kamehameha: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Rising Rush: Forward, Down + B in air Zangya: Sharpshooter: Forward, Back, Forward + B Slash liner: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + B Sky Zapper: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Y Kakusan energy Dan: Down, Down-Back, Back + A Energy shot: Back, Forward + A Energy Zan: Back, Down-Back, Down + A Spark Laser: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Shoot Blaster: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Somersault Splash: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + B Lift Strike: Forward, Back, Down, Up + B (Super Combo Move) Bojack: Bicycle Smash: Down-Back, Forward-Up + B Smash Hammer: Forward, Back, Forward + B Dash Knee Lift: Down, Down-forward, Forward + Y Tsuiseki energy Dan: Down, Down-forward, Forward + A Energy Shot: Back, Forward + A Energy Zan: Back, Down-back, Down + A Grand Smasher: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) (He says Kore demo kurae-"Take this!" when he throws it) Galactic Buster: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) (He says Kurae, chibi! "Take this, runt!" when he throws it) Cosmic Boomer: Forward, Back, Down, Up + B (Super Combo Move) Son Goku Gekiretsurenkyaku: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + B Abisegeri: Forward, Back, Forward + B Hurricane Sobatto: Hold Back, Forward + B Tsuiseki energy bullet: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A Kiaiho: Forward, Back, Forward + A Taiyoken: Down, Up + A Kamehameha: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Super Kamehameha: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Super Meteor Smash: Forward, Back, Down, Up + B (Super Combo Move) Brolie Smasher Lariat: Hold Back, Forward + Y Machine Gun Shooter: Forward, Back, Forward + B Atomic Bomber: Down, Down-Forward, Forward + Y Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Down-Back, Back + A Bakuhatsuha: Down, Up + A Kiaiho: Forward, Back, Forward + A Eraser Cannon: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward + A (Megablast) Slowing Blaster: Down, Down-Back, Back, Forward + A (Strong Megablast) Hell's Smash: Forward, Back, Down, Up + B (Super Combo Move) HINTS/TIPS/GENERAL STRATEGIES FOR EACH CHARACTER Gohan: There are some fighting games that have a choice of fighters but it is obvious that the programmers want you to pick a specific character. The first DBZ game did it with Son Goku, and DBZ2 does it with Son Gohan. In my opinion, Son Gohan is not the best character, but he certainly is one of the better ones. The only problem with Son Gohan is that he has no really good special moves. His Bakuretsu attack is one of the worst multi attacks in the game; while he throws his punches really fast and they are awesomely effective if you connect he is VERY weak to attack while doing them. However, his Bukukyaku attack is one of the best attacks in the game that I wish more characters could have had. His Kiaiho is a very good attack to catch your enemies off guard. His Super Straight punch is good to use against people who use multi-attacks, like Son Goku's Gekiretsurenkyaku. Most of the megablasts are really the same so Gohan's are about average. Vegita: While Vegita is not a really BAD character, I don't like playing him that much; he is far weaker in this game than he was in the first. He does have a few advantages on his side, though. Without a doubt, Vegita's Renzoku Energy Dan are better and faster than those of anyone else in the game. They are a very good way to keep an opponent at bay and/or make them dizzy. Vegita's Slash Arrow is a good as both an aerial stopper and a way to keep your opponent off guard and his Driving Elbow will throw your opponent off almost every time you do it. Succesive Super Dashes are good too because you will usually end up on the other side of your opponent who will not block in the other direction in time. His Bakuhatsuha is an all right move but it's not all that effective, especially if you're playing a human opponent. (However, against a computer opponent.....) One thing about Vegita that really irritates me is the way he always does a Driving Elbow whenever I try to do a Planet Burst too fast. Trunks: At first glance Trunks may seem to be one of the weaker characters but of the four characters you can choose to play the story game with he is my favorite. If you get good with him you can do incredibly well. First of all, Trunks' normal moves are pretty good and have good range with the exception of his standing kick. His energy moves are not all that spectacular but his other special moves more than make up for it. First of all, Trunks is the best character in the game in the air or everywhere on the water stage; in fact he's indomitable in either of these cases. Since you cannot low block in the air, you are very susceptible to low attacks. But pressing down in the air does nothing so in aerial combat low attacks are not normally used. Except for Trunks. His Super Sliding Kick in the air is not only unblockable but A) It does a lot of damage, B) It takes no power to use, and C) Knocks your enemy back setting you up perfectly for another slide. If you time it right, you can hit your enemy again with a slide as soon as he recovers, giving him no time to jump over it. You can literally win the entire game on any difficulty level by doing only this. The only character that can get past this cheap shot is Son Goku, who can use his Hurricane Sobatto. Trunks' Bakukenha can get almost anyone out of any special attack, and is a good move to use immediately after a Lightning Dash. When you're playing against the computer, the Lightning Dash is a great attack. Execute the move from such a distance so that first dash- punch is just barely far enough to connect. This will be about 1.5 character distances away. As you are not up close, the computer will more often than not forget to block and get hit by all four attacks. Repeat this until the computer is dizzy; then go in for a Tornado Breaker or Megablast. Piccolo: Trunks is probably my favorite character, but Piccolo comes in a VERY close second. While many of his moves are not as effective as they were in the first game, especially the Mystic Throw, he has one move that more than makes up for the difference. Piccolo's Kaikoha is probably the singly best attack in the game. First, you cannot fire any kind of energy attack into the wave with the exception of the energy Zan. But what's really great is if you connect. Your opponent will get shocked for a little while before being knocked to the turf. When he gets back up he will be dizzy, and for far longer than he would be with a Taiyoken. At this point, pull off a Chobakuretsuken or a Megablast. You can get far enough away to start the megablast before your opponent even gets up, and you can take your time to excecute the Super Exploding fist wave. Personally I use the Chobakuretsuken because it takes no energy and is only a little less powerful than a Gekiretsukodan. The Mystic Throw and the Kaikoha can sometimes not be blocked after Piccolo's opponent does a Multi attack. The Bukukyaku is nice too but Piccolo's real strength is in his Kaikosen. Cell: Cell was one of the best characters in the first game; his Perfect Attack was almost invincible. Cell was VERY toned down; however he is still a strong contender (although the computer plays him like an idiot.) Probably what is the most annoying thing about Cell is that to charge your Spike Buster you have to hold FORWARD; blocking is impossible. Another thing about the Spike Buster is that it takes too long to charge. However, the Spike Buster can be used following a Taiyoken and as it is so easy to do it's much eaiser than doing a Super Meteor Smash with Goku on a light-dazed enemy. To pull a Spike Buster off after a Taiyoken, you must begin holding forward IMMEDIATELY after executing the Taiyoken. Cell's Grand Slider is good in the air (see Trunks) but is not as good as Trunks' because it will not knock over the enemy in one hit. Cell's Rising attack is an good attack and really will keep your enemy off guard, and his Astral Shock's not bad either; you don't need to use any energy to use it and it's easy to do. His Energy Shot is a cool attack too. Cell Junior: Cell Junior is the most underrated character in DBZ2. He has no Super Combo move that I know of, and his special moves don't seem to make much of a difference either. However, once mastered, Cell Junior is DEADLY; he is now one of my favorite characters. First of all, Cell Junior's energy moves are better than anyone else in the game's; His Energy shot is a great attack and unlike Cell's, you can't duck under it. Cell Junior's small size can act as an advantage; the only way you can get hit by some of the taller character's energy bullets (Or Brolie's continuous energy bullets) is if you jump into them. Unfortunately, Cell Junior's Taiyoken is just about useless. Cell Junior's non-energy moves are good, but they take a long time to master; his Step-Up attack comes to mind first when I think about his better moves. His Spin Liner is great because it will hit most enemies from behind but you have to be very close to your opponent when you execute it. His Rising Rush can be good too, but you have to be right after where the screen first splits to connect with it. Another great thing about Cell Junior is that he is the only character whose jump you can control in midair; if used effectively this is a GREAT fake-out tactic. Zangya: Zangya is my least favorite character. Her energy special moves are all right and her other special moves are OK too but Zangya's problem is that she's incredibly weak. One of her energy bullets that connects does less damage than the stronger characters' energy bullets blocked. Another problem is that her non-energy moves take way too long to do and leave you too open for attacks. What's even worse, her Lift Strike is very weak. However, Zangya has several strong points which make her an effective contender. Zangya's Sky Zapper is great for catching your opponents off guard, especially if you are playing against a human. If they get hit by the low attack in her Sky Zapper their natural reflex will generally be to block down, only to get hit by her aerial attack. Her Jump Shooter is a lot like Vegita's Driving elbow in the way that it can confuse your opponents. Another plus on Zangya's side is that she is the only character who can execute a Super Combo Move in the air. Bojack: Depending on who you're playing against, Bojack can be a good character, or he can be a terrible one. I personally think he's a mediocre character but he's got a few good moves. His energy moves are faster than most people's; in fact I'd say his energy shots are probably second only to Cell Junior's. His Bicycle Smasher, if used from the right distance, can really surprise your opponent. His best attack, however, would have to be his Smash Hammer. His first hit is a slide which is effective in the air. (See Trunks) If it connects, 9 times out of 10 your opponent will block down and get hit by your high kick. It's extremely frustrating sometimes if you get caught in this, but it's a great fake-out tactic. Bojack's Dash Knee Lift is OK if you can get it off, but you're weak while charging back for it when you first execute the move. Goku: Goku is one of the better characters in the game. He is a very well-rounded character and has a lot of great moves. His Gekiretsurenkyaku does LOTS of damage, even when blocked, and few characters can get Goku out of his spin. Son Goku's Hurricane Sobatto, while it doesn't look too impressive, is an extremely effective attack, as it makes you invincible for a second when you first pull it off. His Abisegeri is a good double-hit move too. Another thing good about Goku is his Taiyoken. The computer almost NEVER blocks Goku's Taiyokens, and when you pull it off, you have about 2 seconds to rush in and execute a Super Meteor Smash. While you don't get as much time to use this move as you do with Piccolo's Kaikosen, it still works very well. In the Tenkaichi-Budokai you can win a match against the computer by solely doing this move; hold down after you execute the Super Meteor Smash and do the Taiyoken just before your opponent jumps out of the hole in the ground. Dizzy again, Get him in another Super Meteor Smash and repeat. Brolie: Brolie is a really cheap character. While his moves aren't as good as some of the other characters, his throws cannot be reversed or nullified as he throws you down not up. Another thing that's cheap about Brolie is that you cannot reduce the damage you take with his Hell's Smasher, whereas you can reduce the damage for everybody else's Super combo move. (Not counting Zangya but her Super Combo move sucks anyway.) However, if you're playing AS Brolie, these are great advantages. Brolie's best move is definitely his Machine Gun Shooter, but be careful how you use it because if it is blocked you are weak for attack, especially by Piccolo's Kaikosen, and most people's Super Combo moves too. :) But even if blocked, the Machine Gun Shooter does tons of damage. Brolie's Smasher Lariat is a great move that does lots of damage. His Atomic Bomber is too but you can only really use it when your opponent is caught off guard. One problem with Brolie is that he's too big. When he fires his Renzoku energy Dan, anyone can duck under them and some characters don't even have to do that! Another problem with Brolie is that if you reverse a throw, you'll often go right over some characters' heads. A final good point of Brolie is that his Bakuhatsuha is a fast and surprising attack. SECRET CODES As far as I know, there are three secret codes aside from the character code in DBZ2. As there is no way to figure out exactly how to do them from the game itself like the character code, I'll tell you here. SECRET CHARACTER CODE Normally Goku and Brolie are not available to play. When you win the game on Hard or Super, it gives you 1/4 of the code to put in. When you see Gohan flying to the Tenkai at the beginning, Press: Up, X, Down, B, L, X, R, Y. You'll hear Brolie say "Kakarott" to tell you that you've entered it successfully. HYPER SPEED MODE To execute hyper speed mode hold down the L and R buttons on controller 2 right before you hear Goku say "Omee no deban da...Gohan!!" ("It's your turn, Gohan!") at the beginning of the game. When you see Gohan flying to the sky world, the game will play Satan's music instead of the opening theme. Also, the words (Super Budoten 2) will flash on the title screen. Now when you play the game will go about twice as fast and certain special moves will have increased ranges. However, you must exectute your special moves twice as fast as normal for the game to register that you actually did the move. The F-B-D-U moves are the hardest to get down pat under this move. RADAR ICON MODE When you enter Radar Icon Mode, instead of fighting as your normal fighter, you will be fighting as the your little animated radar icon that is normally on top of the screen. NOTE: While you look smaller, you are the same size as your character is normally, that is if you get hit above your icon you'll still get hurt. To utilize Radar Icon Mode, you must hit down 5 times in the mode when the characters talk to each other. KOSAN To kosan (surrender) just hold all the buttons on the controller except for L and R in a 1-on-1 match. This won't work in the story mode. Your opponent will say something different if you surrender, and if you try to surrender after already winning a match you will say something at random from about 3 or 4 speeches. HOW THE STORY MODE WORKS There are three chapters in the story, although there are two different third chapters. Which one you go to depends on your decisions, and how well you do in your fights. Actually, the entire story will progress differently, depending on your choices and how well you fight. The chapters are mostly the same for everybody, although each character has a "special event" in their storylines, something that none of the other characters can get. e.g. Piccolo can "join" the Milky Way Fighters, Trunks can save the West Capital from a Cell Junior invasion, etc.. There are two basic chapter progressions. If you do well in your fights it goes: Cell Game-->Milky Way Fighters-->The Legendary Super Saiyajin Note that in order to get the "true" ending, you must win on difficulty 3 or 4 on this storyline. If you do badly in your fights it goes: Cell Game-->Milky Way Fighters-->Hell Towers. The first chapter is directly taken from the Cell Game saga in the DBZ anime/manga series. The rest of the game uses characters from DBZ movie 10 and makes a new plot. Too bad the movie didn't use this plot, it has cool plot twists, like Trunks or Trunks going Super Saiyajin 2 if you play your cards right. There is actually a character from DBZ movie 9, Brolie, involved in the storyline, but he doesn't come in unless you're playing on difficulty level 3 or 4, and you have to do well in the second chapter to be able to fight him. No matter how badly you do in your fights, you will get an "ending" and credits. There is only one way to actually get your character killed, and it only happens if you make the story mode choice to let your opponent kill you. There is also a "good" ending, at the end of which you get 1/4 of the secret character code, and the game says "Dragon Ball Z" instead of "Himitsu." (secret)