Dragon Ball Z: Super Gokuuden 2 FAQ By: Greg Williams Contact: tatakau@hotmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Revision History 2. Introduction 3. Notes 4. Battle 5. The Battle Screen 6. Menu Translation 7. Walkthrough - Tenka-ichi Budoukai 8. Coming Soon 9. Legal Notice ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REVISION HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/18/00 -Added Notes section -Finished Tenka-ichi Budoukai walkthrough -Made a few minor edits 3/16/00 -Added a partial walkthrough -Translated some of the menus 3/15/00 -First version written -Battle system explained ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first FAQ that I've ever written, so please forgive any mistakes. This is my Dragon Ball Z: Super Gokuuden 2 FAQ. For those of you who do not know, this game takes place right after the original Super Gokuuden. It covers the 23rd Tenka-ichi Budoukai from the original Dragon Ball series all the way up to the battle against Freeza. The game is basically just the story being told with brief pauses inbetween to ask you what is said next. These are multiple choice questions with three possible answers, but only one correct one. Each of these questions are called a "Cult Quiz". Once the story leads up to a battle involving Son Gokuu or Son Gohan, you take control of a very unique battle sequence. The odd thing about this game is that there is virtually no control over your character. You never get to walk around, there are no maps. The only time you control your character is in fights. As for the walkthrough, I try to include as much information as possible. When I know what's going on in the story, I'll include it in the walkthrough. My knowledge of the original Dragon Ball story is very limited, so the first part of the walkthrough won't be very detailed. If something isn't covered in this FAQ, feel free to give me an email. I don't mind answering questions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout this FAQ, I might mention "kanji" or "katakana". Kanji is one of the main scripts used in Japan. These characters usually look very complex. Katakana is a script used to import foreign words. The words in this game using this script are English words written in Japanese. Katakana looks very simple, usually consisting of only a few strokes. For those of you having a hard time reacting to the computer's attack fast enough, I've found a neet little trick. As soon as the computer's attack appears on screen, push select. This should pause the screen, allowing you to think out your attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battle system is unlike most RPGs. Basically, it's like a big game of paper/rock/scissors. Each attack beats one, loses to another, ties with itself, and ties with another. To make things a bit easier, they show the computer's attack on the screen for a few seconds before you're forced to make a choice. If you don't input a command in time, the computer scores a free hit. Using basic attacks enough times will result in you gaining a stronger attack that you can assign to the button. Special attacks, however, never gain an upgrade. This types of attacks usually require more ki, but are definately worth the cost. I've beaten the game using mostly strong ki attacks without losing a single match! The basic attacks include: beats: draw Y: counter attack speed attack ki attack X: power attack counter attack speed attack B: speed attack ki attack power attack A: ki attack power attack counter attack Special attacks: Y+B: stun attack Defeats strong ki attack. X+A: strong ki This beats all except stun attack. L+R: Charge ki Holding these buttons down before selecting an attack recovers ki. The stun attack for Gokuu is Taiyouken. Gohan's is ikari(anger) power. The strong ki attack for Gokuu is Kamehameha. Gohan's is a Masenkou. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BATTLE SCREEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a bar along the top and bottom of the screen. Each bar is split in two. It looks like this: [enemy's name / enemy's attack] Action Screen [your health / remaining ki] If your status bar is blue, that means you are the successful attacker. The computer's bar will turn red, meaning they will take damage. If the colors are reversed, you will take damage. If both bars are green, the round is a draw. If your ki gets down to zero, your attacks will do no damage. Fighting may sound difficult, but it becomes second nature after a while. Even if you can't read Japanese, you can memorize what the Japanese looks like so you can counter with the appropriate attack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU TRANSLATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start the game, there are three options: Continue: This takes you to a screen with 3 save files. New Game: This takes you to two more options. -start game: This starts a new game. -enter password This takes you to a password screen. Options: This opens two new options -sound stereo/mono Stereo is the default setting. -BGM This is a music test When you start a new game, you will be taken to a screen where you enter your name. To skip this, put the cursor over the Japanese on the bottom right part of the screen and push A a few times. Now the game begins. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALKTHROUGH --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23rd Tenka-ichi Budoukai ------------------------ The game begins with Gokuu being greeted by his friends at the 23rd Tenka-ichi Budoukai. Some text goes by, and then you are asked your first question. The answer to this one is Y. More text goes by, and Chaozu, Kuririn, Yamucha, and Tenshinhan appear on the screen. A second question appears on screen. The answer to this one is B. After more talking, a girl that goes by the name "anonymous hope" appears on screen. She asks Gokuu if he remembers her. This leads to your next question. You can either Identify her as Chichi or say you don't know who she is. The latter is the correct answer, which is Y. The elimination rounds of the Tenka-ichi Budoukai begin now. When a black guy and Gokuu are on the screen, another question is asked. The answer is X. The elimination rounds continue until Taopaipai beats Chaozu. When Taipaipai is on the screen, another question is asked, with the answer being X. The elimination rounds continue, with the main characters knocking out the exras. Yajirobe then fights Shen(kami) Shen proceeds to beat Yajirobe. The final matches have now been decided. They are: Taopaipai vs. Tenshinhan Gokuu vs. anonymous hope(Chichi) Ma Junior vs. Kuririn Shen(kami) vs. Yamucha Conversation continues (bored yet?) and Lunch, Buruma, Kamesennin, Oolong, Puaru appear on the screen. You're asked another question with the answer being Y. The story progresses more. Tenshinhan defeats Taopaipai. Gokuu is about to square off with anonymous hope. You finally get to fight. ___________________________________________________________________________ FIGHT: SON GOKUU VS CHICHI This battle is very simple. She does little damage and usually uses a counter attack. If all else fails, hit her with a Kamehameha. ___________________________________________________________________________ After the fight, Gokuu hits her with a weak ki attack to knock her out of the ring. After that, she announces that she is Chichi. Everyone is shocked with this statement. Chichi reminds Gokuu that they are to be married. When Chichi and Gokuu are on screen, another question is asked. The answer is B. Ma Junior and Kuririn's fight is next. During the fight, another question is asked. The answer to this one is X. Ma Junior wins the fight. The next fight is between Yamucha and Shen. In the middle of the fight, Yamucha creates a Soukidan, which fails do affect Shen. Shen eventually knocks Yamucha out of the ring. Up next is another fight you get to control. ____________________________________________________________________________ FIGHT: SON GOKUU VS TENSHINHAN Once again, you have a pretty simple fight on your hands. His most frequent type of attack is a speed attack. You should be catious of an attack that is three kanji. This will either be a kikouhou or a taiyouken. The kikouhou will hurt you badly if it connects, so be prepared to do a taiyouken of your own. Other than that, you shouldn't have any problem with this fight. _____________________________________________________________________________ The fight will pause midway through. At this point, Gokuu and Tenshinhan will take off their weighted clothing. The fight will resume. Just follow the strategy above, and you'll do fine. After you beat Tenshinhan for the second time, the game will automatically show off the interesting points of the fight. Tenshinhan will do his Shishin no Ken. When 4 Tenshinhans and Gokuu are on the screen, answer X to the question. After a while, Chichi will be on the screen. Answer X to the question. Gokuu and Shen(kami) talk. When Shen's on the screen, answer B to the Cult Quiz question. Shen(kami) and Ma Junior(Piccolo) fight. Kami tries to suck Piccolo in a bottle and Piccolo reverses it, sucking Kami into the bottle. After this, everybody talks. Piccolo swallows the bottle that kami is in. A question will pop up when Piccolo is on screen. Answer this question with X. After this, Shenlong will bring up a menu. There are three options: Save raise battle power? raise health? I'm not sure on the last two, but the first one is definately save. Be sure and save here, because you're gonna fight Piccolo right now. ___________________________________________________________________________ FIGHT: SON GOKUU VS PICCOLO DAIMAOU On this fight, you may want to memorize what Piccolo's attacks are because you're gonna have to fight him again. The one with 3 kanji characters next to each other(bakuhatsu ha) is a regular ki attack. The attacks that are in katakana are speed attacks. Just counter effectively until you win. If you are having difficulty defeating him, just hit him with a few Kamehameha. ___________________________________________________________________________ After you beat Piccolo, he will blast Gokuu. Gokuu reverses the blast with a Kamehamaha. You will leave the battle screen after this. After this, you're in for another long story sequence. Lunch mentions that Ma Junior is Piccolo Daimaou, and everyone is terrified. More conversation will go on, and eventually Piccolo will grow. Gokuu will now use a Kamehameha to get into Piccolo's mouth(not shown, but in the comics). He does this to get kami out of Piccolo's body. Gokuu succeeds, kami is released from the bottle, and Piccolo shrinks back down to his original size. A little fight with the character cards goes on. Piccolo shoots a ki blast that follows Gokuu around. Gokuu leads the ki blast into Piccolo. Piccolo's arm is injured, so he rips it off. This leads to a scene of him growing his arm back. He then creates a huge blast, destroying the surrounding area. Lucky you, you get to fight him again without the option of saving. ___________________________________________________________________________ FIGHT: SON GOKUU VS PICCOLO DAIMAOU Use the same strategy against him that you used before. If you are even close to a danger level on your HP, blast him with a Kamehameha to ensure victory. ___________________________________________________________________________ After the battle, Gokuu fires a Kamehameha at Piccolo. Gokuu celebrates victory. Piccolo gets up and blasts Gokuu.(In the manga, Piccolo blasted a hole through the upper right area of Gokuu's chest.) After this, Piccolo beats up on Gokuu for a while. Then, he tries to finish Gokuu off with a final big ki blast. Piccolo declares victory, but Kuririn and Tenshinhan notice that Gokuu is flying!(This was the first time Gokuu used the bukujutsu technique.) Gokuu flies at Piccolo and headbutts him. After the fight, Yajirobe comes and gives Gokuu a senzu. Kami tries to kill Piccolo, but Gokuu stops him. I think that Gokuu explains that if Piccolo dies, kami dies as well, but I could be mistaken. This leads to a Cult Quiz question. Answer this question with X. After some talking, Piccolo leaves. Chichi comes on the screen, along with a question. The answer to this is Y. Gokuu and Chichi go off to get married(I think). This brings up a save screen. Save your game here. This ends the Tenka-ichi Budoukai part of the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMING SOON --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pause menu will be translated More to be added to the walkthrough Translation of attacks(hopefully) Complete list of correct answers to trivia questions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file may be used freely on any site. It may not be altered in any way, though. You don't have to ask to use it, just be sure to give credit where it is due.