Gohan 28's FAQ for -------------------------------------------- Dragonball Z Super Goku Den -------------------------------------------- Contents --------- 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. The Battle Mode 4. Walkthrough 5. Copyright Info 6. Contacts ------------- Introduction ------------- Dragonball Z: Super Goku Den is about how everything with Dragonball started. It tells the story of Goku, who you play as through the game, meeting Bulma all the way to him killing Piccolo Daimaoh. Super Goku Den translates to Super History of Goku, and that's really what this game is. The game has totally unique gameplay, and the course you take depends on how you answer questions. The battle mode is also something I've never seen before, and it's really quite fun to do. So without further ado, here's the FAQ! ---------------- Version History ---------------- Version 0.5- he first version. Not quite complete yet. ---------------- The Battle Mode ---------------- The battle mode is quite cool. You and your opponent inch towards the center and when you reach there you can attack. Before anyone asks, there's no way to speed up your trip to the center. If they make it there, you can defend, hope you get there in time to attack them instead, or just let 'em hit ya. When the enemy flashes, press x to defend, or press it with one of the directions to defend better. When you flash, you can attack. A and B are attack buttons. A is punch and B is kick. Press one of the directions to make them stronger. Kick is stronger then punch, but you can stun them with punch. I have two strategies, and bothe work quite well. 1. Whenever they flash, defend, whenever you flash, wait for them to flash, then attack with a kick, as it will send him back to the starting point too. If you're fast enough, they may never get a hit in. 2. When you flash, press up and A to do a stun punch. Then get back to the center while they're stunned and do one of two things: 1. Attack them with a kick 2. Wait 'til they start moving and do another stun punch, another they don't attack plan. That's the battle thing in a nutshell. ------------ Walkthrough ------------ O.K., I don't know if this could be called a walkthrough. Heck, I don't know if this game qualifies for a game requiring a walkthrough. But here it is anyway. You start the game at your house. You go to catch a fish for some food. After some odd Japanese talk, you'll have a choice to make: Left, Middle, or Right. This refers to where you'll try to catch a fish. Choose any of them and try to press A when the fish appears. It may take a few tries. Now you'll go to the path area and you'll go into Battle Mode against Bulma's car. Bulma will pop up and shoot you. When you start flashing, attack. You'll break the car. Now Bulma will tell you she's a girl and you'll bring her to your house. She'll get excited when she sees the Dragonball. She'll tell you to give it to her. You'll reply no, of course, and she'll show you her two Dragonballs and then tell you again. You'll reply no again. Bulma, being the dirty little slut that she is, will show you some part of her body (her hip, I believe) and let you touch it in return for the Dragonball. I usually touch it, as it's funny, but either way you end up going with her anyway. You'll fly away in this odd thing Bulma poofed out of a capsule. Soon you'll stop, 'cause Bulma has to take a leak. You can either stay while she's gone or play with the vehicle. If you stay, Bulma will be crying and you'll go find her. She's being attacked by a dinosaur that you'll have to fight. I suggest that you stay and do this part of the game until you win, 'cause you'll be doing more of this later and unless you can prove you can beat this wimp, you're basically screwed. Next, you will set up camp. After a little talk between Bulma and Goku, where Goku says somemore about him and his Grandpa, Gohan. The next morning Goku will be sad, 'cause he misses his now dead Grandpa. He he'll lie down on Bulma's thigh, only to find it isn't soft. After a very odd bit of speech, he'll take off Bulma's panties (don't even ask). Bulma will wake up, not knowing anything's, well, missing. Goku and Bulma will go outside and find Umigame, Kamesennin's (aka Master Roshi) turtle friend. You'll feed him some seaweed and saltwater then answer the same question several times. Keep answering the top one. If it takes a really long time, try answering the lower one, then the top one a few more times. Eventually you should go to the beach, and Umigame is in trouble. Beat up the pirate cat thing and Kamesennin will appear and give Goku his Flying Nimbus. Then, for some reason I have yet to figure out (I think it's for the Nimbus) he'll say that infamous perverted lineŠ "You'll have to show me your panties first!" Any of you dubbies who don't know squat about the real Master Roshi, he has the largest porn collection in the universe. The only reason Krillin got trained there ishe gave him a XXX Magazine that Kame didn't have. Anyway, the little whore will, unaware of the fact that she ain't wearin' any. After getting the Dragonball, you'll head back to the Capsule House, and Bulma will see her panties on the bed. After a little cinema thing, you'll head onto a village being terrified by Oolong. After a bunch of funny "battles" where Oolong runs off 'cause his transformations wear off, he'll join you. Now, after a HUGE crapload of dialogue and a chance to save, you'll go to the river. After some more dialogue (God, this game can get BORING if you don't know Japanese, with all this talking.), you'll cross the river into the desert (boy, this place sure is dry, seeing how it's RIGHT next to a river!). After yet some more dialogue, the scene will cut to Yamcha and his adorable kitty friend Puar. For the less educated in the ways of Dragonball, Puar can shape shift like Oolong, without the restriction of time. Anyway, they'll come to rob Goku and the other guys, and a little "battle" will happen, in which Goku will nail Yamcha with his bo-staff and Yamcha will punch up Goku. Now you'll fight him, and before you lose Bulma will wake up. Yamcha, who is very shy around women, will freak out and run off. After some more dialogue, Puar and Yamcha will go to the Capsule house, and there will be some more talking. The next day, you'll fight Yamcha. Beat him up, and he and Puar will run off, then start following you. Now you'll go to fire mountain, which, ironically, is burning right now. Gyuumaoh (Ox-King, for dubbies) and his daughter Chi Chi are there. A bit more talking will ensue, and then Goku will start flying away with Chi Chi. At the intersection, you'll have to make a choice on the road. Choose the top on and you'll go to Kamesennin's Island. You'll bring him with you to fire mountain and he'll extinguish the fire with a Kamehameha. Now Goku will try to do the Kamehameha. Alternate tapping L and R until Goku's attack power thing (right of his HP) is at 180. Now press A and he'll use Kamehameha and destroy a car. And now you'll take control of Goku in a cute little mini game where you search the ruins of Fire Mountain to find the Dragonball. This is actually quite a lot of fun. Press x to check the Dragon Radar. The little blinking dot is the Dragonball. If it isn't showing up, look around a little. Once you're right on top of where the radar says it is, press A. You found it! Now the radar will indicate that Kamesennin also has a Dragonball. Bulma will flash him in order to get it (she knows she ain't wearin' nothin'). The queen of sluts will do this several times. After this, you'll get the Dragonball and continue on to the second save point, and the end of the walkthrough for right now. More to come soon! --------------- Copyright Info --------------- Copyright 2000 Gohan 28 Unauthorized copying or distribution of this FAQ is prohibited. All rights reserved --------- Contacts --------- Primary E-Mail: gohan28@mailcity.com Secondary E-Mail: jgabel@dcwis.com ICQ Info: Nickname: Mystic Gohan Number: 40115584