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Namek Saga:

Episode 26 : Battle's End
Gohan's Saiyan skills are called on as the warrior battles with Vegeta. Teamwork is required as the titanic battle for control of the Earth concludes.

Episode 27 : A New Goal...Namek!
After defeating Vegeta and saving the Earth, Goku, Gohan, Krillin and the gang realize that there is a second set of magical Dragon Balls on the planet Namek.

Episode 28 : Journey to Namek
A spaceship is found which is capable of reaching the planet Namek and Bulma, Krillin and Gohan begin a journey for the original Dragon Balls.

Episode 29 : Friends or Foe?
Bulma and the gang rescue their captors from doom to gain their trust, and learn the reason for their suspicious behaviour. After turning their enemies into friends the gang renews their quest for Dragon Balls.

Episode 30 : Hunt For A Dragon Ball
New friends Raiti and Zaacro lead Bulma and the gang in their treacherous search for Dragon Balls. And before they can gain their reward they'll have to overcome some major obstacles, such as a tornado, acid lakes and an angry giant!

Episode 31 : Who's Who?
Discovery turns into danger in the quest for Dragon Balls, as Bulma and the gang require help from their Namekian friends Raiti and Zaacro. But are they really Namekian? ...And are they really friends?

Episode 32 : Touchdown On Namek
Escaping from the trap set by the devious Raiti and Zaacro, Bulma, Krillin and Gohan manage to land on the real planet Namek-only to find they're not alone! Others are also after the Dragon Balls!

Episode 33 : Face Off On Namek
On the planet Namek, Krillin and Gohan must battle two of Frieza's henchmen while Vegeta must dispose of Kui. But these skirmishes are not being overlooked! They're being witnessed by the watchful scouters of Freiza and his followers, who are already gathering a nice collection of Dragon Balls for themselves!

Episode 34 : The Ruthless Frieza
A sick Goku is mended with the help of magical Senzu beans. Being informed of the poor state of affairs on Namek, Goku takes off to find Bulma's dad, who is currently rebuilding Goku's old spaceship. Now Goku must try to rejoin with the gang before it's too late!

Episode 35 : The Nameks Versus Frieza
Goku begins training in the space pod designed by Bulma's dad! While on the planet Namek, a group of Namekian warriors are under attack from Frieza's evil henchmen. But with Dodoria on Frieza's side, the Namekian forces are in for a tough time!

Episode 36 : Escape From Dodoria
As the group of Namek warriors fall under Dodoria's assault, Krillin and Gohan must intervene to rescue a young Namek named Dende.

Episode 37 : Secrets Revealed
A returning Dodoria is interrupted by the arrival of an old acquaintance...Vegeta! As Vegeta shows his new skills, a frightened Dodoria bargains for his freedom by telling Vegeta the truth about the destruction of his home planet.

Episode 38 : A Collision Course
As Goku approaches planet Namek, problems ensue. It seems a tear in the space pod is causing him to plummet into a star. And as Goku tries to repair the spacecraft, things only get worse. While on Namek, Vegeta encounters a small village and tries to force the Namekian villagers to give over their Dragon Ball.

Episode 39 : Stay Away From Frieza
Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin are informed by Dende that they need to seek the help of the eldest Namek, Guru. Guru will be able to help them in their quest for the Dragon Balls. While in space, Goku is informed by King Kai that Yamcha, Chaotzu, Tien and Piccolo have arrived at King Kai's planet and are training under him.

Episode 40 : Zarbon Transformed
Training on King Kai's planet continues, as Yamcha, Chaotzu, Tien, and Piccolo advance their fighting talents. While on Namek surprises are in store, as Frieza's sidekick Zarbon is surprised by Vegeta. Just as it appears Vegeta has bested the saucy warrior, Zarbon transforms into a beast.

Episode 41 : The Eldest Namek
Krillin and Dende reach Guru, the eldest Namek, and learn the mystery of how the Earth Dragon Balls were created, as well as Piccolo's strange origin. Realizing Krillin's good intention, Guru proceeds to reward him with a Dragon Ball, as well as awaken sleeping powers lying dormant within Krillin.

Episode 42 : Get Vegeta!
An injured Vegeta is located but since he alone knows the location of a hidden Dragon Ball, he must be rejuvenated. And a frustrated Frieza summons forth a fighting arsenal to find the Dragon Balls...the Ginyu Force! Elsewhere, Bulma's Dragon Radar locates Vegeta's hidden Dragon Ball and Gohan takes off to recover it. And on King Kai's planet, Yamcha, Tien, and Chaotzu finish training with Bubbles and Gregory, and join Piccolo for their next level of training.

Episode 43 : Vegeta Revived
Gohan recovers Vegeta's hidden Dragon Ball and begins his return. While chaos strikes Frieza's camp, as Vegeta breaks free and escapes with all of Frieza's Dragon Balls. Frieza sends Zarbon to recover them, giving a one hour limit. Having safely stashed the Dragon Balls, Vegeta sees Krillin returning with yet another Dragon Ball, and follows in pursuit.

Episode 44 : A Heavy Burden
A magnetic space storm strikes Goku's space pod, causing the Gravitron to malfunction. Now Goku is trapped in a space pod of 100 times normal gravity! And on Namek, Krillin is met by Vegeta, who wants to force Krillin to give over his only Dragon Ball. But wait...Zarbon also arrives, and also plans to regain the Dragon Balls for Frieza.

Episode 45 : Immortality Denied
A stronger Vegeta overpowers Zarbon, gaining Krillin's Dragon Ball. Thinking he now has all seven of the Dragon Balls, an anxious Vegeta takes off to summon the Eternal Dragon. On his trip, however, he runs into Gohan returning with one of the Dragon Balls hidden by Vegeta.

Episode 46 : Big Trouble For Bulma
Krillin and Gohan take off to see Guru, with hopes that the eldest Namek can awaken hidden powers within Gohan, while Bulma watches over the Dragon Ball recovered by Gohan. But blasts from Frieza shake the planet, causing the Dragon Ball to slip into a deep lake, sinking to the bottom. Now to recapture the Dragon Ball, Bulma must face a sea monster as well as an angry giant crab in the watery depths!

Episode 47 : Scramble for the Dragon Balls
Bulma is captured by two of Frieza's henchmen, who plan to take her and her Dragon Ball back to Frieza. But Bulma convinces them that they should collect the Dragon Balls for themselves! The henchmen force Bulma to lead them to the location of the remaining Dragon Balls. Now Bulma, unaware of where the remaining Dragon Balls are located, must devise a plan to escape. Elsewhere, Gohan and Krillin are spotted by Vegeta on their journey to Guru.

Episode 48 : Arrival of the Ginyu Force
Goku completes training under 100 times normal gravity in preparation for his landing on the planet Namek. While on Namek, Krillin and Gohan detect Vegeta following them, so Krillin stays behind to delay Vegeta long enough for Guru to awaken Gohan's sleeping powers. But as the Ginyu Force arrives, the collective forces of Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan will not be enough to stop Frieza from gaining all of the Dragon Balls. That is, unless they team up to grant Vegeta immortal life! Will Krillin and Gohan go along with this incredible proposal?

Episode 49 : Elite Fighters of the Universe...The Ginyu Force
As all seven of the Dragon Balls are collected, Krillin decides not to allow Vegeta to summon the Eternal Dragon. Almost immediately, the the Ginyu Force has arrived. Using their unique skills the Ginyu capture all seven of the Dragon Balls before they can be discarded or destroyed. Now Captain Ginyu returns to Frieza with all of the Dragon Balls, leaving the remaining four Ginyu to finish off Vegeta, Krillin and Gohan!

Episode 50 : Time Tricks and Body Binds
Krillin and Gohan battle Guido of the Ginyu Force, discovering he has the ability to freeze time for brief periods! Undaunted, the warriors from Earth fight on, eventually wearing down Guido. But just as it appears Guido is no match, he launches his mind freeze...a move which leaves Gohan and Krillin defenseless. As the Ginyu warrior is finishing off Krillin and Gohan, Vegeta intervenes to save them from disaster and put Guido out of action! Now Vegeta must face an even stronger opponent...Recoom!

Episode 51 : No Refuge From Recoom
Vegeta battles Recoome but finds the him to be too powerful. As Gohan and Krillin intervene to aid the Saiyan warrior, they also fall prey to Recoome.

Episode 52 : Enter Goku
Having collected all seven Dragon Balls, Frieza is unable to summon the Eternal Dragon, and is off to find out why. Meanwhile fighting with Recoome continues, with Krillin down and Gohan shouldering the load. But a tough blow stops the young warrior. A strange space ship appears on the's Goku! And he's got Senzu beans to heal the injured warriors!

Episode 53 : Goku...Super Saiyan?
With his sidekicks Krillin and Gohan healed, Goku patches up Vegeta, sharing his Senzu beans with him. But it's Goku alone that stands against the awesome Recoome, sending the giant Ginyu crashing in a single blow. Now Goku takes on the forces of Jeice and Burtter with ease. Has Goku become a legendary Super Saiyan?

More Coming Soon...

More To Come.. Due To my lack of Funding and other things I can't give you much any idea of what the next Episode of Great Sayia-Man Saga, Majin-Vegeta Saga, and So On. Even though I have seen most all of the 239 DBZ Episode, I forgot what most of the Titles were too :-P .So I will most Likely Get The other Episodes Soon.