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Training Section


All Spars and Self spars are to take place on aol instant messaging or in the battleroom. In a spar both fighters' pl,hp,and ki goes up by 200, In self-training you pl,hp and ki goes up buy 150, In a battle both fighters' pl,hp,and ki goes up by 300 you get $200 from self-training and a spar,and $300 from a battle.

There are 2 types of training.The first one is... Self-training where you train by just practicing your attacks in our own private chatroom(battleroom) like this.





For your power level to go up, copy and paste your training and send it to either me or ( in an e-mail.

The second type of training is sparring to spar you must invite the person you wish to spar with to your private chatroom you can spar like this:






Respawing Robot:a fighter can train with this item.This robot's stats never diminish.Each round with this robot is worth 600pl 450hp and 450ki and $100(1 robot is $1500)

Gravitron:a portible gravity device that changes any room to whatever times earths gravity up to 100.(cost $5,000)

Super Gravitron:a portible gravity device that changes any room to whatever times earths gravity up to 500.(cost $10,000)

Ultra Gravitron:a portible gravity device that changes any room to whatever times earths gravity up to 1000.(cost $20,000)

Ultimate Gravitron:a portible gravity device that changes any room to whatever times earths gravity up to 2000.(cost $30,000)

Mega Gravitron:a portible gravity device that changes any room to whatever times earths gravity up to 3000.(cost $40,000)

GSUUM Gravitron:a portible gravity device that changes any room to whatever times earths gravity up to 4000.(cost $50,000)

Inhuman Gravitron:a portible gravity device that changes any room to whatever times earths gravity up to 5000.(cost $60,000)

More coming soon
