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Dragoball Z

THIS SITE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION SO YOU CAN BOOKMARK IT AND COME BACK LATER TOO Hello, I' am the new owner of this site, and i will be updated this site as much as I can as soon as I can, most of this stuff is already up thanks to someone else, but now I am the owner.....for the millinium of this site! WELCOME..Piccolo Ummm.... right now, I really need some downloads, images and most of all GIFs so if you would like to tonate them to me.. e-mail me by clicking the link above.



Oh..and I want to let all know that this page is for DbZ Pleasure only and I

This Web Page was last updated...January 26, 2001



Soon to Come- Character Bios and more pics..I just gotta find some time to upload them so wait and be patient and the will come...."if I build it, they will come"

DbZ Summary

DragonBall was a fiction of a small boy with a monkey tail named Goku and his experiences with the purpose of gaining the DragonBalls. It was told that a loving old man named Gohan rescued Goku after coming down to earth in a capsule from who knows where. Through the journey Goku meets with some friends which aid him locate these priceless artifacts-such as Bulma, a lively young girl, armed with hi-tech machinery. WuLong, a pig that has the capability to shape-shift, Yamcha-a desert rebel warrior with an attitude and a sociable magical-cat comrade, KAME-senin-a wise old mentor of Goku and other warriors, with a perfected martial art recognized as "Kame-senin style"-, which he passes on to all his students, and ultimately, Krillin-a monk who makes friend with Goku at an early age where they become good friends for the entire series. The Pilaf series is the first placement of DragonBall, followed by Red Ribbon series where he fights man named Dr. Gerot and then (of course) Piccolo series. Then later on....Goku enters the great TenkaichiBudokai tournament. There is where the turning point of the series takes place, and he fights Piccolo-an impressive foe-and hardly deafeats him. Piccolo presumably divides into a good and bad form, and the good form succeed to stay on earth for quite some while. DragonBall Z intiates shortly after a TV. show, but the manga series goes on from there still under the name of "DragonBall Z". And later comes Vegeta and Frieza and Cell and eventually Buu.

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