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My Land

To pass my mind,

you must meet my six trials,

to enter the place

of my heart and soul.

There is a place,

the only way you can go,

the neutral will slow,

but the evil of heart shall stay.

The second of ice,

a desert of cold,

none shall pass,

unless of a whole.

The third of love,

a love of all,

no hate must enter,

for it shall be the end.

The forth of light,

the way is shown,

for the light is pure,

the light woN't harm thee,

The fifth of mind,

control is the height,

for if you doN't,

you shall be cast out.

The sixth is of fear,

the greatest shall even fall,

they have none to fear,

for they fear only fear its self.

The finnal way,

through the darkness,

through the peace,

thee shall be even true.

For you shall enter my land.

a place of mystery and sight,

go see the wonderous sights,

the land that all humans dream.

The heart shall know,

your in the land of good,

peace is our way,

you shall be one with all.

A land of many plants,

druids, elves, dryads, and the rest,

all hiding from your world,

never leaving unless needed.

A land that doesN't fear,

the land beyond the mind,

the beauty of all went,

but for only their own.

For this land is of joy,

happeness engolfs all,

all love for every being,

no hate in this world.

Even byond our greatest dreams,

the beasts doN't kill,

men doN't enslave,

Just loving their wild brother and sisters.

The sky starts to lighten,

as the mystical fairys greet you,

for none of them fear you,

they just wish to play.

In the distance a castle,

of what you it is made of you know not,

dragons fly high in the sky,

while unicorns and pegasus play.

In this land there lives a man,

a man of knowledge,

a wise man,

that feels all.

Many know hims as 'the mighty one',

some know him as ' the magi',

the man of wisdom and understanding,

but all know him as ' the elven king'.

For he is a elf,

with hair of gold,

a silver streak flows,

down from the left side,

His green cat eye stare,

the silver streak glows,

with much power,

when he preforms his magick.

For he is a magus,

a magi of good and purty,

only he knows the word and the will,

for he is also called 'the sorcerer'.

He is a peaceful man,

in god he works,

for the good of his poeple,

the good of nature.

In great need he calls the land,

to send him power,

for he knows this can be done,

just before the brink of dawn.

A mist flows down to him,

to his castle of glass,

slowly moving toward him,

covering the hills the surround it.

With mists of energy,

bringing great power, to his castle,

for him and only him to drain,

for he is a vampire.

As the mists gentle fingers,

softly touch his crystal castle,

as rainbows flow through it,

then dwindles away with the dawn.

Then he scans the land seeing and knowing all,

knowing who belongs,

welcomeing them with open arms,

kicking the ones out that doN't.

For if they knew his place,

his world  that he creats,

shall fall to evil rule,

then he shall be no more.

Written by

Scott Killpack

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