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              Here are some religious Philosophies

                      and laws I live by.

 Karma : the three fold rule/law

   Remember this that what ever you do no matter if good or bad it will come back to you "what goes around, comes around".  It well return to you three fold in what you put out.  So if it is "evil" you will receive "evil" , if "good" you will receive good.  Think of it as a cosmic credit card and the interest will get you no matter what. 


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 Keep your body clean at all times and sleep when you body tells you to. This will help with the energy flow that is need, when you do your magick. This includes harmful matter. Also eat when it tells you to and what it need, it will tell you if you listen to it.

Unconditional love

I have pondered this for many years and come to conclude that , many people believe that love can be bought or given in mundane ways, but this is a love true but it is the wrong type. Unconditional love is where no matter what the person dose or says, you still love them.

  You love them for how they are, how and why they are under any condition. thus the word that come to my mind is "Perfect love, Perfect trust " Tis can go even in to respect, you can have respect for an elder even if you do not know them, on the fact the they have lived for so long, this is also a type of unconditional love.

The light

  To me the light is the light seen rising over the mountain playing, being happy, if you can be positive about every problem you have in life, it will be more easy to take care of then if you are negative.



  If you take care of the spirit and all that comes with and within it  you will find that all the rest of your life in the mundane world will take care of its self. that is way the religion is so important to me and should be to all thought that believe in god and the goddess.


  Magick is transformation, transformation is magick. Never use your magick until you have tried everything else. Use it at last of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

And more shall come with in time