
THis is basically when tournaments are gonna be. IT will say it a little below this so read this once a month. Enjoy! :)

  1. Gogita vs. Goku >-
  2. Piccolo vs.Barcok >-
  3. TGohan vs F.Trunks >-
  4. Stars vs. Vegeta >-
  5. D.Goku vs. Brolly >-
  6. M.Vegeta vs.Gohan >-
  7. Gotenks vs. Vegetto >/
  1. $1000 pl5000
  2. $500 pl3000
  3. $250 pl1000
    Ok the rulz are:
    1. Killin IS aloud
    2. If you die,Fall out of the ring,or get KOed you lose
    3. No weapons (z sword)
    4. No absorbing
    5. Defiently no chopping off limbs (diztructo disc)
    The tournaments will start at the same time everytime so the time will be