A Forgotten Past

Chapter 2-Escape

Later that night King Vegeta met with Emperor Freeza in the royal conference room. Freeza sat slouched in a chair with his arm draped carelessly over the side, while King Vegeta sat across from him in a more dignified position; back straight against the chair, head up, and at attention.

“Your son,” questioned Freeza, “he’s ten ne?”

“Hai Freeza sama.” Replied the king.

“Good,” replied Freeza, flicking his milk-white tail back and forth. “He’s at a good age, and his power level is high for his age too ne?” Freeza sat up in his chair, and looked at the king firmly. “I want him to come back with me to planet Freeza. There he will be specially trained. He has three hours to be ready. I’m leaving after that. Understood?”

“Yes, sir. I’ll send for him right away.” The King hastily called for Nappa who was standing guard outside the door.

Seconds later the large Saiyan came lumbering into the room. “Vegeta sama, you called?”

“Nappa, I want you to bring Prince Vegeta here immediately!”

“Yes, sir.” Nappa bowed low, and walked out of the room.

King Vegeta then turned his attention back to Freeza. “Sure you don’t want the other brat?” he chuckled.

Freeza then stood up, his gaze icy and unmerciful. “No. I don’t want that bitch. I have no use for her.” Then before the king could reply Freeza vanished out of sight.

Meanwhile, in Kyley’s room, a pale figure appeared.

“Ah little princess…” it said in a soft, low voice. “I might have said you were useless, but you are far from that. I here that your power level is nearly as high as your brother’s.” He paused and glanced around the room cautiously, then continued. “It would be a terrible waist if someone of your potential to be lost in the massacre.”

The pasty figure walked silently over to the huge bed, and effortlessly picked up the sleeping warrioress.

Sleepily she opened her eyes, and stared at him. “F-F-Fr-“ she began to stutter before his powerful hand slapped her viciously.

That began the struggle.

Meanwhile, Prince Vegeta, who had just gotten done speaking to his father, was on his way to his sister’s room to brag about him being accepted to be trained on planet Freeza, when heard a struggle taking place in Kyley’s room. Then a shrill scream pierced the night.

“Kyley!” He gasped as he raced down the hall, and flung open the door. He only caught a glimpse of the pale figure disappear with his unconscious sister in its arms.

“I don’t care about the little slut!” Thundered King Vegeta.

“But Otousan-“


“Vegeta sama, someone needs to go after her.” Complained the little Saiyan Prince.

“No one needs to go after her! I don’t care if she’s dead now! But if you don’t get your scrawny, little, weak ass ready in the next two hours you will be dead! Understood?!”

“Yes sir,” bowed the Prince before leaving the room.

Hours later, Kyley awoke in a strange place. She was in a small room that looked sorta like a cell most prisoners were kept in. Wherever she was, it wasn’t comfortable. Or anywhere a Princess should be kept.

Then she saw two shadows against the wall. One was short and fat, and the other was slightly taller, and much thinner.

“You, little Setsunite Prince! ” Growled the chubby one. “Guard the girl!”

“Hai!” Answered the skinny one walking towards her.

Kyley quickly pulled her knees to her chest, and tucked herself into a tiny ball. The figure opened the cell, and walked up to her. She cautiously lifted her head only to find clear, golden eyes staring intently at her.

He looked only about 5 years older than she did, and he was twice her size in height. He had long dark green hair, which was pulled back into a thick braid that fell down nearly to his waist. A thin silver chain graced his forehead, with an amber colored tear-shaped stone dangling from it. His skin was tinged blue, and he appeared to be very muscular. He wore a tight-fitting black battlesuit, and a regular armor set accented by a silver-white cape flowing majestically behind.

For a split second, she was afraid. She didn’t know where she was, or how she had gotten there. Quickly, she hid her head between her knees, and trembled violently. The boy then crouched down in front of her, and extended a long blue finger to lift her chin; making her look at him.

“It’s OK,” he whispered. “My home planet was destroyed when I was little too.”

“Nani?!” She looked him harshly in the eyes. “Vejittasei isn’t gone.”

“It is too princess.” He took her hand, and in one quick motion pulled her to her feet, and took her to the nearest window; showing her the vast nothingness.

The moment she looked she new that he was right, for she recognized two stars that were the nearest to Vejittasei.

“Come on,” he said nearly dragging her with him.

“Hey! Where are we going?” She complained.

“I’m going to help you escape. Now keep quite or we both die!”

She did as he said and shut up until they reached a large dark room that occupied many silver-gray space pods. He quickly opened one, and helped her in.

“Why did you help me?” She murmured to him when she sat down in the cushy seat.

“I felt sorry for you. This same thing happened to me when I was young. I was the prince of my planet before it was destroyed, and I was forced to come here and train to become a cold-blooded killer. I didn’t want you to have to go through the same things that I had to go through. Now get going before we get caught. I’m risking my life for you.”

“Arigato.” She whispered before her pod shot off into the dark void.

“Good luck princess of Vejittasei,” he mumbled. “May we meet again someday.” He quietly slipped through the corridors to his room hopping that his plan had worked.

Email: saiyajingoddesskyley@yahoo.com