Zarbon Shrine FAQ

Shrine FAQ

Why do you like Zarbon?
Because I can. Mwa ha ha ha!!
Seriously though, one of the first episodes I saw featured the great blue one, and I've liked him since.

Why on Earth did you make a shrine to Zarbon?
Because he's my favorite, and I have yet to see a decent Shrine to Zarbon. I also thought it would be interesting an unique.

Can I use your pics of Zarbon for my website?
Yes as long as you link to me and give credit to the Zarbon Shrine.

Can I use your character's for a fanfic or RPG?
NO! You may use my characters if, and only if you have direct permission from me. No one is to steal or use my characters (especially Kyley) without my permission.

Will you link my site?
As long as you send a link submission, and link to the Shrine. (See the Links page for more details).

How long has this website been around?
Since April 10, 1999. Back then it was only one page. (It really sucked ~.~)
The forum was created on August 2, 2000.

Are you insane? I'm not... *kicks the straitjacket under the table* >:)
