Chapter 4 – Training Session

Zarbon waited impatiently in the gym, glancing at the door, and the clock. He couldn’t wait to see Kariosa again. He had had a hard time sleeping the last night. He couldn’t get Kariosa out of his head. He dreamt of her over and over again. So, he only got a few hours of sleep.

Suddenly, the doors opened, and in walked Kariosa. Zarbon smiled and stood up. Kariosa walked up to him and smiled pleasantly. Zarbon blushed slightly. She placed her gym bag down. She wore her usual attire, gi bottoms and a loose white tank-top, as did Zarbon.

“Sorry I was late,” she said, “for some strange reason, Jiece kept running into me.” Zarbon smirked. Karosa started to stretch her arms and legs. Zarbon had already done that.

Then, kariosa kicked her bag out of the way, and got into her fighting stance. Zarbon smiled, and got into his fighting stance. “Ready?” he asked. Kariosa smiled, then, she got a look on her face like she forgot something. She got back out of her fighting stance. Zarobn was confused, and got out of his stance. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Kariosa began to take off her tank-top, and threw it next to her bag. “I forgot to take off my tank-top. It always slows me down. You want me at my fastest, right?” she smiled, in her training bra. But all Zarbon did was blankly stare at the amazing, beautiful curves on Kariosa’s body. She looked at him confused, “What? Is there something on me?” she asked, looking over herself. Zarbon got out of his hypnotizing stare, and shook himself out of it. He smiled, “No, no, you look fine.” he said.

Then, a sound echoed throughout the gym. Kariosa and Zarbon looked at the one-sided mirror, looking at their reflections, but trying to see who was on the other side. Frieza used this mirror to watch recruits and commanders fight to see if they were fit enough to work for him. On the other side of the mirror, the Ginyu Force, along with many other of Frieza’s men squeezed in the window to get a peek at Kariosa. “Stop pushing!” shouted Ginyu. “OW!! Your feet are on my hands Jiece!” shouted Recoome. “Shut up! Zarbon’ll kill all of us if he finds us!” shouted Jiece.

Zarbon and Kariosa stood, looking at the mirror. “What was that?” Zarbon asked. “I’m not sure,” Kariosa said, “but, shall we get started?” she asked, getting into her fighting stance.” Zarbon looked back at her and smiled. “Gladly,” he said, taking off his tank-top, revealing his intimidating abs and upper top, and getting into his fighting stance. Kariosa’s eyebrow twitched, and a flirty, seductive smile crept over her lips. “Good…” she said.

In the blink of an eye, her and Zarbon were flying full force towards each other. Their fists started flying, blocks and kicks and punches rocked the gym. Kariosa's tail loose, moving with her rhythm.Then, they shot back from each other, and fired ki blasts at each other, then, flew back towards each other.

They continued this pattern for well over two hours. There were times when Kariosa pinned Zarbon to the ground, with her lying on top of him, and vice versa. The men behind the mirror could only wish to be in Zarbon’s shoes.

Then, three hours later, they stopped. Kariosa stood in front of Zarbon, panting, and collapsed in front of him. He caught her before she touched the ground. He pulled her up to him, and she opened her eyes, opening to see his beautiful face. “You alright?” he asked. She nodded, “Just a little tired,” she said, “I couldn't sleep, kept having a dream about,” but then she stopped herself before she went on. Zarbon wondered if she dreamt about him, like he did about her. He smiled at her. She smiled back, and fell asleep in his arms. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms. He picked up her other things, and walked out of the gym.

When he opened the doors, he found all the men surrounding him. “ Hey Zarbon, how ‘bout I hold the princess, while you hold her stuff.” said Ginyu. Zarbon frowned, and walked past them. “No, it’s alright, I’ve got it.” he said, heading for the elevator.

The doors opened to the royalty suite, he walked in, and placed Kariosa’s things next to the door. He walked into the bedroom, and gently placed Kariosa in the bed. She was fast asleep, she looked like an angel. Zarbon looked at her, he was amazed that such a delicate, beautiful creature be so powerful. ‘Sweet Kami, she’s so beautiful.’ He smiled, and walked out of the room, and closed the door behind him. Thinking he could use a nap himself, after training with Kariosa. He'd give Kariosa’s analysis to Freiza after he took a nap.