Chapter 1 : True Training

Capsule Corporation; 09:00; May 17
Five Years Later

Trunks and Bra ran around the house looking for their father and his training partner, Hirori. Every now and then they would slow down their fast pase to avoid detection of their mother. Trunks and Bra snuck outside and began walking out to the gravity chamber. Trunks press his ear to the door to hear if someone was inside.

Trunks: Hey Bra, I hear someone...actually two people.
Bra: It must be papa and Master Hirori. Let's see here.
Bra: 9:05 A.M., we have to leave for school soon!
Trunks: Maybe you do.
Bra: What do you mean, Trunks?
Trunks: Father said I could stay home from school and train with him.

Trunks smile with pride as he saw his sister's face become angry. He always loved seeing her face when he told her something he knew would anger her.

Bra: That is not fair. I want to stay home too. You and Goten always get to have fun, even when mom tells you to study.

Bra crossed her arms in a discussed matter as she saw Trunks looking in the room through the partially tinted window.

Trunks: Look at them go, Bra. It is hard to believe.
Bra: Huh...?
Trunks: Whoa, they are able to move that fast without becoming Super Sayjins. Unreal.

Trunks and Bra starred at their father and martial arts master sparred. Vegita and Hirori seemed equal that is until Hirori hit Vegita several times in the gut and shot him with a ki blast which appeared strong enough to end the match.

Hirori shut off the gravity enhancer as Vegita lifted himself to his feet. Two headed for the door and seemed to be boasting on the moves they each pulled on each other. Vegita opened the door, and as the two walked out the gravity chamber they notice Trunks and Bra hiding behind the door.

Hirori: You two should not be here. If Bulma finds you-
Vegita: Ah, do not worry about that woman.
Hirori: I wouldn't say that, Vegita. You have a hard enough time protecting yourself from her.
Vegita: Explain.
Hirori: Well, for one. Whenever she yells at you, you become speechless.
Vegita: That is a lie.
Hirori: Really...? Watch this.
Hirori: Hey, Bulma, Vegita said Trunks did not have to go to school today!

In an instant Bulma ran out of the house and starting yelling at Vegita.

Bulma: How could you let these children's futures go to waist, you know how hard it is to find a job without an education, huh, are you listening to me!?!?!

Bulma took Trunks and Bra inside.

Hirori: Is my point proven, Vegita?
Vegita: ......
Hirori: So, is that a yes?
Vegita: ......
Hirori: Right...well I am going inside to grab something to eat, want anything?

Before Vegita could answer, Trunks and Bra cheerfully ran outside and circled Vegita several times before jumping on each of his shoulders.

Bra: Mom said we could stay home.
Trunks: Yea, she said we might as well, our futures are already going to waist.
Bra: Isn't that great papa? We can stay home and train with you, and become stronger and stronger.

Instantly Hirori's smile went away as he starred at Vegita's overpowering laugh.

Vegita: Looks like you got one thing wrong. I always get my way!
Hirori: The one time I try to prove Vegita's afraid of Bulma...
Goku: Oh boy Chi-Chi...this stuff is great!

Chi-Chi, Gohan, Goten, and Bardock watched Goku eat.

Goten: He is like pig.
Gohan: No kidding.

Bardock, Goten, and Gohan looked at Chi-Chi.

Chi-Chi: Well, he is not my son.
Bardock: I don't eat like that.

The discussion was cut by a knocking on the door. Chi-Chi opened the door and to her surprise it was Master Roshi, Oolong, Yamcha, and Puar.

Chi-Chi: Oh, hi everyone. Come on in. We were just finishing breakfast.

The four walked into the kitchen commonly.

Yamcha: Hey, Goku!

Goku threw down his bowl of rice.

Goku: Hi there, Yamcha. How are you doing?
Yamcha: Ok, I guess. Goten? You have a day off from school or something?
Goten: Nope, I have today and the next two days off school to train. I am not sure why. We were just told to by Master Hirori.
Roshi: Err, I am the only one being called master around here!
Goten: Whatever.
Gohan: not start telling me you forgot what is in three days.
Goten: I don't remember you telling me anything.

Gohan sighed.

Gohan: It is the World Martial Arts Tournament.
Goten: Again?
Gohan: Yes.
Bardock: Anyway, what brings you all here?
Yamcha: We just thought we would come over and say hello, that's all.
Bardock: It is Vegita and Hirori, right? You are afraid of them.

Yamcha started to become nervous.

Yamcha: way.
Bardock: Face it Yamcha. You are afraid of them.
Yamcha: Well maybe, j-just a little.
Chi-Chi: That is understandable. They are two of the strongest people I know of.
Goku: What are we waiting for, lets go to Capsule Corporation and train.
Yamcha: Are you crazy or something, Goku?

Everyone turned toward Yamcha.

Yamcha: I have been watching those two guys fight the entire week. They will beat you half to death.
Gohan: Nonsense, Yamcha, we're much strong than that.
Yamcha: If you say so.
One Hour Later

Trunks: Yaw!
Bra: Ow!

Hirori and Vegita watched as the two small fighters fought. Trunks was on the offensive. Bra on the defensive. The past hour had been difficult for the fighters. Hirori and their "loving" father constantly yelled at them and corrected their attacks.

Hirori: Bra, keep your right arm near your the other arm...right.
Vegita: Just attack him and show no mercy.
Hirori: You want to do my job.

Hirori and Vegita had an odd way of joking. They used insults toward each other for fun. No one quite understood the bond that they shared. Bulma was just now beginning to grasp their way of communication. She would always ask herself why men act like idiots. She liked it though. Their stupidity easily cheered her up from time to time. They never paid much attention to her emotions, but, she knew they cared...mainly Vegita.

While Vegita had trained for the coming of the androids, Bulma noticed that no one ever really got to know him. Thus, causing a bitter individual with a crude taste for fighting. He would smile over his accomplishments and walk out of the chamber that her father had built him, eat, and reenter the gravity chamber. It was a cycle that she admired about him. She gladly broke it and decided to have a child. Yamcha was unfaithful and Bulma had a "thing" for Vegita so she had her way. Than came Bra, that was a whole new story on its own. She loved Vegita more than anything and she knew Vegita felt the same way.

Hirori: Alright children, time for your break.
Trunks: I beat you, I beat you.
Bra: Did not.
Trunks: Did too.
Bra: Did not.
Trunks: I did too and you know it.
Vegita: Silence!

Instantly Bra and Trunks stopped their argument.

Goku: Hey, Vegita, Hirori, what's up.

Goku yelled down to the ground as he descended his flight, along with the other warriors behind him.

Bra: Is that you, Mister Goku?
Goku: Yes, it is me Bra.
Hirori: I assume you have come to join our training, Kakorot.

Goku landed and walked to the grown men.

Goku: Sure am.
Vegita: Kakorot, you won't last against me. You shouldn't have even bothered joining the tournament.
Gohan: Thanks Vegita, your encouraging words make me fell warm inside.
Vegita: Shut up boy!

Goten ran up to Trunks.

Goten: I bet I could beat you up.
Trunks: I doubt it.
Goten: Oh ya, bring it on.
Pan: Hey Bra, wanna fight?
Bra: You could try to win, but you won't.
Pan: We'll see about that.

The children began fighting, as did the other four.

Roshi: These youngsters' minds are clouded. It's all about fighting to them.
Yamcha: So...?
Roshi: I wish I were younger!

Several minutes pasted before one of the matches was finished with a heart pounding crash. Gohan laid in a small crater. His head felt like it was spinning in circles and he very slowly stood to his feet. He had been cut in various places around his body and bruises shown through torn pieces of his clothes. He had survived one of Hirori's powerful beatings.

Hirori: Well, well, well, are you quitting so soon?
Gohan:(Thinking) Incredible, here I am, bruised and beaten, and he doesn't even break a sweat. Oh ya, that's right, he is half machine and half Sayjin.
Gohan: You cheated!
Hirori: How?
Gohan: You are half machine. It takes twice as long for you to get tired.
Hirori: That is not cheating young one. You just have a lot more training to do, that's all.

For a half Sayjin, Hirori seemed rather understanding. He always knew when someone could not take anymore hits. Yet, he would continue to be strong and mighty to the very end. He was the hardest to understand among all of the Z Warriors. Being both machine and Sayjin made it most difficult for Gohan to try to bond emotionally with him like he did the others. Gohan believed that Hirori was a good example for Trunks. Alas, Bulma did not seem to mind. She actually liked having Hirori around the house. He gave the family a sense of propose.

Every day, Gohan thought about the past events dealing with Hirori. The warrior once came to earth to kill them all and destroy the planet like Freiza and his father did many years ago. Only Hirori had almost achieved his goal. If it wasn't for Trunks's compassionate heart, the Z Warriors would be a thing of the past. It seemed rather odd that Hirori, being one individual, was able to kill all of them, but spared a child.

He was of course forgiven over time and lives with Vegita's family. Gohan had just realized the reason Hirori was angry at the Sayjins years ago. While planet Vegeta still existed, he was summoned to Freiza's ship for a “special award”. At the time he had become one of the strongest people Freiza knew, and Freiza wanted him dead for it. Freiza always feared the legend of the Super Sayjin and figured that Hirori might reach that state. Hirori was ambushed by Freiza's men, Zarbon and Dudoria, and sent Hirori's body back to the planet, assuming he was dead.

The Sayjins found Hirori's broken body and left him for dead. They mocked him, stepped on him, and even used him as target practice. Hirori for the first time saw what he once was and hated it. He renounced his heritage and Sayjin blood. He vowed that he would have his revenge some day. He was sold to an advance alien race where he recovered and was operated on. The result of the operation was his half robotic body. He began training as soon as he could. One day he flew a pod the planet Vegeta just to have found it destroyed. Using the technology that the aliens had in ossession, he was able to track Goku and Vegita on planet earth.

It took Hirori little time in arriving. He killed Piccolo minutes after he had landed. Followed by his dad, Vegita, Trunks, Bardock, and the others. All down to young Trunks. Somehow, Trunks was able to convince Hirori that he was good and he killed good people. With Dende's help, the warriors were wished back and began a new life. Now here Gohan was, looking up at the one he misunderstood the most. The thought almost made Gohan cry. All of this time he thought Hirori was blood thirsty. He was wrong and wanted to show Hirori how he felt, but wasn't quite sure how.

Gohan: Hirori, I understand you now. It took me awhile, but, I think I actually understand how you felt in the past when you killed us. I am sorry I did not think of it sooner. Sorry.

Hirori:(Thinking) Either this boy has lost his mind or he is dreaming.

Everyone stopped their fighting and looked at Gohan.

Goku: Hey, Gohan, is something wrong? You should go inside.
Yamcha: He is right. You hit the ground pretty hard. Go rest.
Hirori: Kakorot, your son is not strong enough to compete in the tournament mentally. He will have to join some other time.
Goku: I don't want to say it, but, your right.

Gohan was walked into the complex and began treatment for any damage to the brain.

Bulma: Strange, there is nothing wrong with you physically, Gohan. Maybe you shouldn't think so hard after hitting the ground like that.
Gohan: For some reason everything went crazy after I hit the ground.
Bulma: You just had a slight concussion. You will be fine as long as you stop fighting for a week or two.
Gohan: A week...!
Bulma: Yes.
Gohan: What about the World Martial Arts Tournament? I have to fight in it.

Chi walked in quietly.

Chi-Chi: I don't think so, Gohan. You need rest. besides, you are in no condition to fight.
Bulma: She is right, Gohan. Be a normal human for once.
Gohan: I-I suppose I could, but promise me I can have a rematch against Hirori when I get better.
Chi-Chi: We'll see, Gohan.