Chapter 4-Creed

"How did you know?" Lita was dumb founded.

"Your radar clip, I have one too. My father knew him; well actually Vegeta killed my father. Anyways from the pictures I've seen of Vegeta, you look very much like him." The guy replied in his strong but kind Australian accent. Lita pressed her earring again and the clip disappeared.

"I guess you can say I know Vegeta, he's my dad. My name is Lita" The Saiyan princess smiled at the new comer.

"I'm Zarbon. Actually, Zarbon Jr but I don't like that ending. My father was also a Zarbon." He smiled. "You're a full-blooded Saiyan, or should I say the Princess."

"Yep, what race are you? I can't sense it." Lita studied Zarbon.

Zarbon grew nervous, "I'm sorry. Orders from the Supreme Kai, I am not allowed to say. I would love to tell you but I can't"

"So you are one of us?" Lita smiled again.

"Yeah, same old story; Father was evil: I 'm the opposite. Frieza killed my race. Your father killed my father: Frieza killed my mother. It's just a huge Soap Opera." Zarbon smiled.

"Hey Lita!" Goten screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Dude. That's why we got kicked out of the library before, you' re too loud!" Trunks whispered. The two young Saiyans walked to Lita's table and sat down.

"Zarbon this is my brother, Trunks, and Goten. Guys, this is Zarbon, another Z-warrior." She smiled " Would you like to stay with us?" Lita looked at Zarbon.

"Sure. If it's okay with Vegeta." Zarbon looked at the beautiful Lita. He knew she was going to be a major part of his life.

"Yamcha lives by himself and has a spare bedroom. You will probably stay with him. Let's go." Lita smiled. Zarbon, Lita, and Goten got up to leave. Lita looked back at her brother, he was sitting there shaking his head with his eyes closed. She walked back to him.

"Bro, are you okay?"

"Yeah, never been better." Trunks lied as the left the library and took off. Zarbon thought to himself. 'I only hope I can mask my secret long enough so Vegeta doesn't find out what I really am.'