Chapter Eighteen: Diamonique Won't Give Up Yet

Six months later on Frieza's mother ship...

Frieza had speeded up the date of Chestra's Final Evaluation. He and Zarbon had mutually agreed that she was ready to be inducted early. It had taken a long time for Frieza to repair the damage that he had done emotionally to Zarbon and Chestra and Jaden. He was usually a leader without much conscience, and what conscience he did have, he had stretched to the limit, trying for once in his life to make things right again with Chestra and Zarbon and Jaden. He was still a cruel tyrant, and he still killed without reason, but he had become more benevolent as of late to the three minions that he had previously terrorized. While he had never officially apologized for his vile behavior, Chestra, Zarbon, and Jaden knew that Frieza leaving them alone in peace was his way of making things up to them, and that was the best that they would get out of him. He had coolly given his blessing for Chestra and Zarbon to be together, and he had freed Jaden of her ki-restraining collar. He had even tolerated Chestra and Zarbon bringing their love affair out into the open, and no one dared to say a word to him about making an exception for Zarbon as far as the rule forbidding sexual or romantic relationships with trainees went.

Life went back to normal, well as normal as things could get under a cruel, heinous warlord who was still bent on ruling the universe one day. For many planets throughout the universe, the past six months had been a time of terror and chaos, but for Chestra, Zarbon, and Jaden, things were fairly peaceful, except of course for the assignments that they went on for planet-clearing. Chestra, still being a recruit at the time, would accompany either Jaden or Zarbon in clearing a planet, and she was becoming as adept at it as they were.

Whenever, she and Zarbon went on a mission together, they would use the purging missions as mini-vacations to spend time alone together. She and Zarbon were as close to each other as ever, having very rare arguments, but always making up quickly. Zarbon taught her many things in bed, things that Chestra never knew were possible to do with a man. He was training her to become an excellent lover, as well as a superb warrior, and there were very few acts in bed that appeared to be unnatural or repulsive to her.

Meanwhile, Jaden, who had been allowed to keep her position as a Fourth Lieutenant Top Elite Officer, was back to her old self, hanging out with Chestra, ribbing Chestra and Zarbon about their fiery romance, and giving Balair and Dodoria a hard time as usual. She threw it in Balair's and Dodoria's faces every chance that she got about her being allowed to live and keep her Top Elite status. Balair and Dodoria hated her as much as ever, but there was nothing that they could do to her right now, for Frieza had ordered both angry men to leave Jaden alone, and that was also something that Jaden loved to rub in their ugly faces.

King Cold was ecstatic to be mating with his third wife, Caldair, again, and she had not had a period since that last one that had halted their sex life temporarily. Why? Because Caldair had conceived her second child with her husband shortly after their active sex life resumed, and she was due to give birth any day now to a son (much to the chagrin of Frieza, who did not want his father to have any more children). Caldair, being of the Cara Tribe of planet Cara-Camay, had a gestation period of only six months, and King Cold had stayed at home on Ice with her just in case she gave birth while he was away.

Balair and Captain Ginyu were still aggrieved over the fact that Zarbon had beaten them to Chestra's virginity. Now both men, almost realizing that they both essentially lost their bet with each other, were trying to figure out how they were going to survive the Biannual Full Staff Meeting, Fair, and Banquet. Captain Ginyu had not dared to send another poorly written love poem to Chestra, now that Zarbon had basically claimed her, for even the overconfident captain knew when to give up. Balair would have continued trying to get Chestra into bed, had it not for Frieza's official blessing on Chestra and Zarbon's relationship, and a few ugly threats from both Zarbon and Jaden warning Balair that he would be risking losing his "three best friends" (meaning his manhood and balls), if he didn't leave Chestra alone permanently. Balair would have normally told Jaden to go to hell, but she and Zarbon were united on this issue, and even he was not as foolish as to try to take on two other Top Elites by himself, particularly one who was still Head Commander. Balair had grudgingly assented, and after a week or two after the incident on planet Sime (which the Unibraugh had been extremely happy purchasing from Frieza at the steep price they had offered him), he had left Chestra alone. He would nod curtly to her when they passed each other in the corridors, and she would nod politely back, but that was all.
Near the end of Chestra's Final Evaluation...

Now six months had passed, and Chestra was finally taking her Final Evaluation, and the examination was in the final stage, with her facing off against Zarbon and Dodoria. She had already eliminated Dodoria from the match by throwing him out of the ring telekinetically when she had managed to catch him off guard. Now it was just her and Zarbon, and they had been fighting so hard and so intensely that Zarbon had transformed himself into his second form that resembled a green Oozaru.

Zarbon was merciless on his lover in the final stage of Final Evaluation; he had to be, as required. Chestra knew that she would have to forget for the most part that Zarbon was the man she loved and fight to last. She was just as hard on him as he was on her, and she held no grudge against him for his fierceness as he landed repeated blows and kicks on her. She knew that he could not show favoritism towards her, not now. She returned most of his blows and kicks blow for blow and kick for kick. They hammered ruthlessly on each other, attacking each other wherever they could hit or kick. Chestra sported a huge bruise on her shoulder, and Zarbon bore a nasty scar on his side, but they did not stop. Only five minutes were now left in the Final Evaluation.

Zarbon was holding Chestra in a headlock, a headlock that Chestra was having a hard time breaking, even with her telekinetic powers. She concentrated her mind on forcing him to release his arm from around her slender neck. Finally, she grinned and tickling him in a special spot on his stomach, knowing that he was particularly ticklish there. Zarbon shrank back and he was forced to release her. Chestra used her mind to telekinetically seize him and pin his feet to the floor where they could not move. Zarbon fired several ki blasts at her, all of which Chestra had ducked successfully.

Zarbon was about to fire another ki blast at her when Hickey's loud voice boomed throughout the still, tense air of the arena, "Time's up, VR Chestra! Congratulations, you've passed all of your tests, including written and oral, for your Final Evaluation! You are now officially one of Frieza's soldiers! Congratulations!"

There was whistling and applauding heard all around, as Frieza himself joined the tiny, loud Hickey on the side of the ring. He declared through the mike, "I would like to add, ladies and gentlemen, that Chestra, formerly VR Chestra, is now a Mid-Elite Officer. Congratulations, Mid-Elite Officer Chestra."

Chestra replied humbly, "Thank you, sire." She still had not forgiven him for trying to rape her, but for her survival and the sake of her happiness with Zarbon, she had been cordial to him. To this day, she still did not know why Frieza's romantic and sexual interest in her had come to a complete halt, but she and Zarbon were glad that it did. Frieza had gone back to treating her the exact same way that he had done before he had become infatuated with her, and she just let it be. She knew realistically that it would be unlikely that she would ever escape Frieza, but she had found her heaven within her hell. She had her beloved Zarbon and her best friend, Jaden, and that was all that mattered to her. And now she was also a Mid-Elite Officer as well. Her life was not perfect, especially with the shadow of Frieza hanging over her, but it was much better than it had been in a long time.

And despite what Frieza had tried to do to her, Chestra knew that she did owe him a debt, although she would have never admitted it to anyone, but herself. For if it had not been for Frieza discovering her that day on planet Egimari, Chestra might not be alive right now. She would have either been in the next dimension, or the Triumvirate of Egimari's sexual plaything, or worst, being put back on the intergalactic slave market. So in a way, she did owe her life to Frieza, or so Chestra thought. She still had not completely absolved him for what he had tried to do to her, but she did acknowledge deep down inside that she would not have had a chance for a somewhat free life (as free as it could get under Frieza), if it had not been for the evil warlord. To this day, Chestra did not know whether to be thankful to Frieza for rescuing her from her Egimari masters, or angry with him for trying to rape her and separate her from Zarbon. With mixed feelings, she continued her work under Frieza, believing as long as she had Zarbon and Jaden, she was content. In the end, she reflected that her life could have turned out a lot worst than it had.

Zarbon, whom Chestra had released from the telekinetic bond, hobbled over to his beloved and gave her a sweeping passionate kiss that surprised everyone who was watching. They had never seen their Head Commander be this open or this expressive in public before unless it was a show of anger or fighting. Dodoria and some of the Ginyu Force squad members snickered, and Balair received a piercing ki blast on his shoulder from Zarbon when he had dared to ask him if he planned to keep Chestra all to himself. Frieza was solemn, and Jaden was grinning, especially when she saw Balair's burned shoulder and heard his howls of pain. And when she heard his cries, she laughed loudly, her rough voice merrily reverberating throughout the arena.

Hickey was jumping up and down like an excited little boy, and he cried out so excitedly over Chestra's victory that his loud voice almost reached a high C pitch. Dodoria was forced to clamp his meaty, pink hand over Hickey's mouth, for the last time that Hickey had made a high C pitch, the tiny mouse alien with the big ears broke all of the windows on Frieza's mother ship with his powerful voice while the ship had been docked on one of Frieza's many planets. The damage had cost Frieza a fortune to have all of the windows replaced and almost cost Hickey his life for being so careless. If it had not been for all of the Top Elite Officers vouching for the poor emcee/referee/announcer (for despite his earsplitting voice, they all did like him, even Balair and Dodoria), Hickey would have been residing in the next dimension. Frieza had been amused that all of his Top Elite Officers would actually agree on one subject, instead of squabbling amongst themselves, so he allowed the little mouse to live, but warned that the next time Hickey fouled up, he'd be a mouseburger.

"Don't do that again," Dodoria hissed in Hickey's ear. "Remember what almost happened to you the last time that you did that." Hickey meekly nodded.

Chestra, who was still wrapped in Zarbon's arms, as they left the ring, noticed for the first time that Diamonique had been at her Chestra's Final Evaluation, but she only politely waved at Diamonique and left the arena quickly with her mate. Diamonique, to everyone's amazement, had been inducted into the Elite before Chestra. The reason for that was that Diamonique had competed in one King Cold's tournaments to win herself an Elite position without going through her Final Evaluation. She had barely won her way into a Mid-Elite position, and she and Chestra were now of the same rank, much to the ice maiden's annoyance. Despite her success, she despised Chestra as much as ever, especially since learning from her cousin, Eclipse, in the Ginyu Girls, that Chestra and Zarbon had become mates. Diamonique still wanted Zarbon for herself, and she was furious that a worthless former slave girl who had no clue as to her past or origins could win the heart of a man like Zarbon. What did Chestra have that she didn't?

Once Diamonique had become a Mid-Elite officer, she had coerced a Lower-Elite Technical Officer to secretly install a spy camera in Zarbon's room under the premise of checking Zarbon's room alarm. Diamonique had a small, portable machine with a little screen where she could watch Zarbon's activities at any time. She was still obsessed with him, and she was determined to have him for herself yet, Chestra or no Chestra. She had been watching Zarbon for the past few days, and she had been unable to keep herself from watching and fawning over Zarbon's nude, muscular body whenever he undressed in front of the spy camera.

Now, she quietly followed Chestra and Zarbon out of the arena, into the corridor, where Zarbon and Chestra stepped into an elevator that would lead upstairs to the Top Elite suites. Diamonique followed them in a separate elevator.

When Chestra and Zarbon reached the Top Elite suites, they managed to pass the guards easily, for Zarbon had granted permission for Chestra to enter the Top Elite sleeping quarters at any time. Any officer below a Top Elite rank had to obtain permission from a Top Elite officer before he or she was permitted to enter the Top Elite suites, otherwise he or she would be barred from the area.

When Diamonique had neared the Top Elite suites, she had to stop where she was because she did not have permission to go any further. All she could do was sit and wait, so she went to sit down on a simple white bench outside of the Top Elite suites. She turned on her spy device and watch in disgusted horror, as Zarbon quickly began to undress Chestra while Chestra was kissing him passionately.

Diamonique clenched her small fists in fury. That little former virgin certainly wasn't wasting any time!
Two hours later...

Diamonique had to stop watching Chestra and Zarbon after the first hour, and she had never been so repulsed in her short life. Chestra and Zarbon had made love repeatedly for the past two hours, with Zarbon slowly and leisurely caressing every part of his partner's body, and Chestra exploring every inch of her mate's body with both her mouth and her hands. Chestra was an apt and willing student who happily embraced almost all of the things that Zarbon was now teaching the newest Mid-Elite Officer in bed.

Diamonique couldn't resist turning her spying device on again, and she nearly screamed when she saw Chestra leisurely kiss and touch Zarbon's private areas. The Gemstarian warrior gnashed her teeth in fury when Chestra continued to make love to Zarbon with her mouth below his waist and above his knees. Finally, Diamonique couldn't take it anymore, and she angrily shut off the device and flung it at the wall.

"That little whore! She claimed that she had been a virgin when Zarbon had taken her, but there's no way a mousy little virgin could know all those moves in bed so quickly! She had to have picked them up from somewhere, the little slave slut! Oh, I hate her! I hate her, I hate her, I hate her! I wish I'd been able to kill her when I had the chance! I must find a way to make her pay for taking what should have been mine to have!"

She then heard a voice on her scouter. "Mid-Elite Officer Diamonique?"

Diamonique smiled then. It was nice to be in the Elite, and to have Frieza address her as such. "Yes, sire?" she asked sweetly.

"Planet Avaran needs to be cleared immediately. I cannot spare any Top Elites for this assignment at this time. You and Mid Elite Officer Chestra right now are the best that I have for this job. Do you think that you two could handle it together?"

"I could handle it myself, sire," Diamonique boasted without thinking.

"Perhaps you could, Diamonique, perhaps you could. But this is also to be a test mission for the both of you, and you and Chestra may be working together in the future. It will take two Mid-Elites to handle this job, and while the people on Avaran are a bit tough, it is nothing that you two young ladies can't handle."

Diamonique did not want to go on a mission with Chestra, and she was foolish enough to try to get out of it. "Sire, perhaps I ought to handle this one on my own. I've been doing this a little longer than Chestra has. Besides Chestra will surely need her rest after her Final Eval."

"You both will have two days before this assignment, Diamonique, but I want you two to work together, and that is not optional. I insist on it; I want to see how well you two can do on your own, and how much you have learned. Come to my office in two hours to learn more about the inhabitants." She scowled heavily at Frieza's words.

Grudgingly, Diamonique muttered, "Yes, sire. Whatever you say." And when they cut off communication, Diamonique's scowl transformed into a wicked, malicious smile. She then began to laugh cruelly, her rough, scraping laugh echoing throughout the corridors of the Top Elite Suites, nearly straining the eardrums of everyone who was nearby and out in the halls.

"I will be happy to have Chestra accompany me to Avaran," she purred. And then, she crossed her arms and leaned back against the cold, steel wall happily and added, "Because I will see personally that she never returns from Avaran. This next mission will be her last!"
And then she began to scheme on just how she would end Chestra's life once and for all.
Zarbon's bedroom...

Zarbon and Chestra were basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking, with Chestra's ruby and emerald head nestled against Zarbon's hard chest. Both were still undressed, their bare bodies fitting together perfectly against each other. Zarbon was leisurely stroking her hair when Chestra's scouter on the nightstand beeped softly. Both lovers grumbled under their breath at this untimely interruption.

Chestra muttered, "Someone better be trying to blow up this ship." She then reluctantly sat up and answered her scouter on the nightstand. "Hello?" she asked politely.

"Mid-Elite Officer Chestra, this is Lord Frieza. You have an assignment with Diamonique for planet Avaran in two days. I need that planet cleared as soon as possible. The inhabitants there are tough, but they are nothing that you and Diamonique cannot handle together. Come to my office in two hours from now to learn more about Avaran and her inhabitants."

Chestra said as calmly as possible, "Yes, sire," and then they cut off communication.

Zarbon had heard the entire conversation. He pulled his mate closer to him and sighed, "So he's sending you off already. It's your first assignment without Jaden or me. Are you sure that you're ready for it-and Diamonique?"

Chestra said slowly, "I think so. I don't know which to be more worried about: putting up with Diamonique, or fighting the Avarani." Zarbon and Jaden still did not know that Diamonique had tried to kill Chestra when they had been on planet Nassau, and Chestra had not seen the necessity in telling them. She did not relish being alone on an assignment with the ice maiden, but Diamonique did not scare her a bit. Chestra had long ago figured that Diamonique had learned her lesson on Nassau and figured wisely that it was far safer to leave Chestra alone. She considered Diamonique a nuisance, but not a real threat.

"The Avarani are a tough race," Zarbon told her, stroking her ruby tresses. "They are not as strong as the Saiyans or the Astorians, but they are tougher than many races in the western quarter of the Rosetta Galaxy. Lord Frieza's brother, Coola, has a few of the tougher Avarani working for him, but we have none here. Many Avarani men and women for Intergalacticpol, the Intergalactic police force, and lately they have been trying to rebel against Frieza and end his sovereignty over them. Also there is a race from the Bukata Galaxy, the Horitan race that has been one Avaran's main enemies for years. They are offering Frieza a high price if he can have Avaran cleared for them."

"What do the Avarani look like?" Chestra asked. "What are they like power wise?"

"The Avarani are humanoid, but very strange ones. All of them are no taller than you, but their bodies are much broader and squat with huge feet twice the size of their heads. An Avarani has three eyes, the color of them either being red or orange, and two mouths, one on his face for speaking, and one on his abdomen for eating. Their skin color is bright neon yellow, and they either have red hair, purple hair, or green hair, short patchy hair, very coarse. As for their capabilities, they are not strong physically, but they carry deadly weapons that are capable of blowing up a small moon or even Lord Frieza's mother ship. They are one of the most technologically advanced races next to the Calmagians, Astorians, and Saiyans, and it has been their technology that has kept Frieza from destroying them in the past. You or Diamonique could easily kill an unarmed one with seconds, but it is their weaponry that you have to beware of."

"On planet Avaran, the Avarani have landmines planted almost everywhere, and each soldier in the Avaran army carries a device that can set off a landmine anywhere within fifty miles of him or her. They can easily shoot rockets and missiles beyond their atmosphere and deep into space and destroy any approaching spacecraft that they perceive as a threat. It is likely that you will have to use the cloaking devices and radar-blocking devices that have been recently installed in the space pods to disguise yourselves." Zarbon sighed, and his emerald head fell back against his pillow. "And that's all I can think of for right now. Chestra, be careful, be very careful. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me," Chestra promised him softly, kissing him gently. She traced her fingers lightly against his chest. "Zarbon, Lord Frieza did say two hours right?"


Chestra grinned then. "Well, how many more rounds do you think that we could do in an hour?"

Zarbon chuckled. "Let's find out!" And with that, he pulled Chestra further into his arms, and they began to make love again.
Two days later in Chestra and Diamonique's new bedroom in the Elite quarters...

Chestra was out to lunch with Zarbon at the Elite Lounge And Bar while Diamonique was packing for their trip. "Hmmm...lipstick, ten tubes should do it, especially of the shades of amethyst ice and melted sapphire. Then my new silky, silver, lacy undergarments, and my new gold garters...there that should do it! And now, for the final stages of my plans for Chestra!"

She laughed again, her laughter resembling the sounds of nails scraping on a blackboard, as she whispered to herself, "Foolish Chestra, thinking that I am no longer a threat to her! Well, well, she doesn't yet know of my other powers, such as being able to turn people into diamond statues permanently or being able to freeze their vital organs, so that they will shut down forever! Oh, Chesty, darling, you are so naïve, you really are! You better have enjoyed those hours of lovemaking with my Zarbon, because you will never get to make love to him again. The next time he takes a woman, she will be, not you, because you won't be alive to pleasure him after Avaran is cleared. You will be joining the stupid Avarani in hell, hahahahaha!"
At the same time, in the ladies' restrooms three rooms down from Chestra and Diamonique's room...

"Ugh, that is it! No more jumbo-sized bean-and-chili cheeseburger pot pies for me!" Jaden grumbled, after she had finished taking a long time on the toilet. None of the other female Elite officers had dared to use the restroom because of the near-toxic odor enveloping the entire room. Jaden had just experienced the worst case of diarrhea that she ever had, and she felt that she had definitely learned her lesson: even her iron stomach could rust now and then!

"Never again!" she vowed, as she gave a final belch. She was about to head to the infirmary to get some antacids and anti-diarrhea medicine from Dr. Katsen. She knew that Dr. Katsen would lecture her again about eating beans and cheese in the same meal, but she could take it. Anything to feel better.

Just before she could leave, she cocked her head to the wall of the ladies room when she heard Diamonique whisper Chestra's name. The Rybanese, along with the Meatian race, had the best hearing out of many Rosetta Galaxy races, and Jaden was no exception to that rule. Jaden became concerned then, as she began to listen to Diamonique's whispers out of curiosity, then out of concern for Chestra:

"Foolish Chestra, thinking that I am no longer a threat to her! Well, well, she doesn't yet know of my other powers, such as being able to turn people into diamond statues permanently or being able to freeze their vital organs, so that they will shut down forever! Oh, Chesty, darling, you are so naïve, you really are! You better have enjoyed those hours of lovemaking with my Zarbon, because you will never get to make love to him again. The next time he takes a woman, she will be, not you, because you won't be alive to pleasure him after Avaran is cleared. You will be joining the stupid Avarani in hell, hahahahaha!"

Jaden clenched her fists in worry and anger. "The little witch! Does Chestra even know what the little slut is planning? I've got to warn her!"

But before Jaden could do so, her stocky body suddenly doubled over with cramps, and she nearly screamed with the awful pain in her stomach that had so inconveniently returned. In her suffering, her scouter fell off of her face and hit the floor. Jaden fell to the floor in pain, and before she knew it, she crushed her scouter beneath her heavy feet.

"Shoot! Just what I needed now! Curse Diamonique and curse my stomach! Wait, it's already cursed!" she cried in agony, as she was forced to return to her toilet once more. There was no telling how much longer she would be in there this time.

She just hoped that her stomach and bowels would do their business quickly before Chestra and Diamonique left. She only had two hours left to warn Chestra in.