Know Your Stars

Voice: Know your stars, know your stars, know your stars, know your stars.

Voice: Zarbon.......(Zarbon suddenly looks up and around.) His hair is violet.

Zarbon: What? No what a minute, my hair is not violet its green, see green?(Holds his hair up for all to see.)

Voice: Zarbon....... he likes to roll in the mud.

Zarbon: Hey no way! I don't like rolling in the mud. I hate getting dirty! I like being clean. I'm kind of a neat freak.

Voice: Zarbon......... he doesn't have a job.

Zarbon: I certainly do! (Getting angry.)I work for Lord Frieza. I'm his right hand man in case you didn't know.

Voice: Now you know Zarbon.

Zarbon: No they don't!

Voice: Yes they do.

Zarbon:(Scrunches his face, furious.) All right, that's it! When I get my hands on you whoever you are, I'm going to rip you up from limb to limb!!!

Voice: Ooohh, I'm terrified. He he.

Scene fades, end of skit.