Kyley stared out the window in her royal bed chamber. She gazed down upon the arriving guests for the Confrence of Leaders that was to be held today. It was a yearly meeting that was held between Vegitta-sei and a handful of other planets to discuss their alliance. Even though it seemed very unlikely for Vegitta-sei to have allies, the Saiyajin planet did have a few. Buki-sei, Vegitta-sei's source of weapons. Tetsu-sei, Vegitta-sei's source of most metals and minerals. Someina-sei, Vegitta-sei's provider space pods. And Setsuna-sei, Vegitta-sei's source of advanced technology. In return for the services of these planets came the promise of protection from Vegitta-sei's powerful Saiyajin race. So as expected these planets wanted to stay on good terms with Vegitta-sei, and Vegitta-sei wanted to stay on good terms with them. Kyley continued to stare out the window with extreme boredom. It was inevitable that she an Vegitta would be dragged to this meeting so that they would 'someday learn to rule the planet', or so their father always told them. "I wish I could just skip this stupid meeting," Kyley proped her chin on her fists and continued to blankly stare at the ground below. "This never has anything to do with us, all they ever talk about is demands, and statistics and other boring things that have nothing to do with me. I'd rather be training!" She sighed letting her tail slowly swirl and loop from side to side. It wasn't long before she heard a knock at the door. "Princess Kyley, it is nearly time for the meeting. Are you ready yet?" Kyley sighed again and stood up smoothing out her slim black dress. "I hate these things," she grumbled as she walked over to her dresser. "Please hurry Princess," said the voice at the door. "Shut up already, I'm coming!" Kyley snapped as she put the silver tiara on her head and walked towards the door. Outside of her room she found Tridave, as expected. He was her personal trainer. A saiyajin elite warrior who was barely a few years older than herself. He was fairly tall, and had a decent build. His hair was short, and pitch black with 3 wild bangs. "You look most becoming your Highness," he admired. "Save it!" Kyley sneered, "lets get this over with so I can get out of this annyoing dress and into some real clothes." He smirked, half-expecting somthing like that as an answer, and lead her to the meeting hall. |