Chapter 2-Life of a Setsunite Prince

Zarbon stared at the immense castle as he made his way to the gates. ‘Why do I have to go to these boring meetings?’ He mentally whined looking at hi surroundings. ‘And this place, it’s so primitive! No wonder we have a treaty with them so they can learn our technology.’ He rolled his eyes and headed though the castle gates and was ushered to the royal conference room.
‘Bored…so…very…bored…’ Kyley could barely keep herself awake. She shifted herself in her chair and rested her hand on her palm. Slowly she blinked while glancing around the room. The handful of leaders were now discussing statistics and cost variations and a whole lot of other technical stuff that she really didn’t care to listen to. She glanced over at her brother Prince Vegita who was sitting across from her. He was already sound asleep and somewhat snoring. She let a jagged smirk crawl across her face, ‘looks like he’s enjoying the meeting.’

Zarbon sat straight up in his chain in a very dignified manner. His hands were gently laying on top of each other and he appeared to be listening intently to everything. However he to was insanely bored. Currently they were discussing the price increase on battleship parts. A thing King Vegita was not too happy about. He let out a sigh and looked around the room. 4 other royals, himself, King Vegita, and what he assumed to be Vegita-Ou’s children. One Prince, one Princess.

The Prince appeared to be thoroughly enjoying his nap, and the Princess looked as thought she was about to fall asleep as well. ‘Actually she’s not half bad looking for a monkey,’ he smirked.

He ended up paying attention to her for the remainder of the meeting.
