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~*~Anime Fan Art~*~

Aeris: Welcome to our fan art section! Here Me and Sasami will be putting up our own drawings for you to enjoy. Please DON'T steal them as they are COPYWRITE their owners!
If you would like to submit your own fan art please do! Email me! We'd prefer them to be anime related.

These are by me! Aeris!

A weird (Sasami loves this one its kool!) picture of Link from Zelda64

A messy Madison from Card Captors

My version of a white mage (From Final Fantasy)

A chibi version of Quistis from Final Fantasy 8. I so can't edit on computers

Sasami: Well I've been forced to draw a pic for the fanart section though next to Aeris's pics mine looks like crap.

this crap pic is just one i did when i was sent to sit outside in math

Here is a pic of Link that i drew a while ago its only in led cause I can't colour in.

Yet another embarassing pic by Sasami i kinda coloured this one lol

Does the embarassment eva stop? lol
Aeris: Oh my god Sasami! Embarrassing? These are cool! I luv them!

This pic of Goku is by our friend adam its kool

Ah this is so cool! Our first visitor that has submitted artwork! Great pic huh? Visit her kawaii webpage here!

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