Created Characters Art

Right this section is devoted to created characters of any kind... mostly created character art is stuff I've done via request and when I felt like it.

But also don't forget to have a look at my friend hades_evil's artwork of my created character Psyche.

Then if you wanna check out these pics for a cartoon series my friend Christa (who also has some fics coming up soon) is doing (basically the story behind this goes that a normal teenage girl finds out her grandfather is a nortorious Nazi and during his trial he is allowed home detention with his daughter- he gets more than he bargined for from these hyper active teenagers) have a look at these

Fatherland 1
Fatherland 2

Right here are the created character links to the pics I would have thumbnails but if you haven't noticed with all the other pages it takes to long to load...

Rian & Ichijin
Leona Skate Ad
22 pic #2
Bardock's Clan
Ichi & Niju
Ichi & Niju ~ computer colored
Daughter's of the Blue Dragon ~ This is the pic for the Coven from my fic "Storm" which I will place up once I have finished writing it...
Leona's Various outfits
~ Taken form the different parts of my Storm fic.
The Key Group in DBGT
My icon I made this and I actually drew the pic too.

Non dragonball related pics of mine

Buckles A created Powerpuff girl

More will be up when I can get the time but this is all for now...