Dragonball Z Mockeries
Director: Okay places everyone sound rolling? Camera Rolling? Mark it! ACTION!!!!
*Cell goes to blast an unconscious Vegeta*
Krillen: *turns to look at Mirai Trunks to say his line* Trunks... uh *Mirai Trunks
isn’t there* Er... Trunks???
Director: CUT!!!! Has anybody see Trunks?!?!
*elsewhere off set*
Mirai Trunks: *on the phone* Hey say how’s about you and me get together, they
gave me this wicked sword for this... *slyly* I can show you if you want.
*a flirting giggle is heard on the otherline*
Goku: (talking to the director) Oh c’mon you’ve got to be *beeping* kidding me?!
What is with these *beeping* redub scenes? What’s wrong with my language. *beep*
FUNimation... Well *beep* you and *beep* anyone who has a problem with the way I
*beeping* talk!!! I can *beeping* swear if I *beeping* want to. *beep* this, *beep*
you!!! I’m *beeping* gong home to be with my *beeping* family... (walks off
grumbling) *BEEP* this *beeping* crap... *beeping* freaks.
Vegeta: *comes storming out of his trailer* Who’s responsible for this?!
Director: *sighs* What now Vegeta?
Vegeta: That’s it I’m sick of this. Why does Kakarott get to be always stronger than
me? *waves script about angrily*
Goku: *walks up* What seems to be the problem?
Vegeta: YOU!!!!! *blasts Goku*
Director: *sighs* Vegeta!!! That’s the third time you’ve blasted Goku’s this week.
Goku: *groans* don’t worry... he’ll get over it...
Vegeta: *blasts Goku again* Shutup you!!!
Director: *shouts* Medic!!!
Gohan and Goku are sitting on set at the son home, at the kitchen table.
Gohan: *whispers to Goku* they had to get Bulma to cook this Goku are you sure you
want to eat this.
Goku: *whispers back* Why didn’t they get Chi-chi to cook it?
Gohan: *whispers* She’s sick at the moment.
Goku looks suddenly worried.
Director: Okay and Action!!!
Chi-chi come wandering out of the kitchen and places two plates in front of the two...
Chi-chi: *sniffles* A.a.a...ah- CHU!!! Okay you two... eat up...
Goku: Ah... Chi-chi I just realised that I’m not hungry... *runs off*
Gohan: Yeah me too!! *runs off as well*
Chi-chi looks bewildered.
Chi-chi: It’s just a cold...
1st AD: Um sir... Chaoitsu refuses to come in for the shot.
Director: Get the stand it!!
Stand in comes in.
1st AD: Think they’ll notice the difference?
Director: I don’t think so.
Mr. Mime: Mime... Mr. Mime... Mime...
Trunks is floating in mid air and he looks round for his big slicing scene of Frieza’s
cronies he is holding his sword unsheathed.
Director: And action!!!
Freiza: All of you begin your search, and when you find them, show no mercy...
Cronies: *unison* Right!!!
The group of them fly off... there is blackness as suddenly purple streak shot through
the shot as Trunks slices the cronies.
Trunks gets to close through the camera and he cuts through the camera and the
camera falls off the tripod on the ground and hits the ground. Along with the cronies.
Director: CUT!!! Trunks that’s the fifth camera!!!
Trunks: Heh... oops...
Krillen, 16, Trunks are standing in their places, it is the scene where Cell is nearly
finished transforming in to his complete form.
Director: And action!!!
The camera gets a birds eye view of the surrounding area... 18 standing on a rock.
Cameraman: Uh what’s 18 doing there.
Trunks goes to punch through the forcefield and it knocked back straight past 18 she
looks down at him.
Trunks: Arrrrrr... 18’s in SHOT!!!!
18: *twisting her blonde hair round her finger* No one told me to get off the set.
Director: CUT!!!!
Director: Sound rolling? Camera rolling? Mark it! And Action!!!
The camera is moving in P.O.V of Cell and the tail lashes and absorbs someone, then
the camera moves of quickly and turns round for Cell’s P.O.V to see who’s behind
The camera gets instead Cell standing there. He blinks smiles sheepishly and waves
his tail at the camera.
Director: Cut!!!!!
The scene is set for Vegeta and Yamcha’s scene at Capsule Corp. with their
disagreement scene.
Director: and action!!!!
Yamcha: That’s alotta talk for someone who got pounded by Cell don’t you think?!
Vegeta: What!!! You insignificant human *blasts Yamcha*
Director: CUT!!! Vegeta!!!!
Vegeta: What?!
Director: *sighs* Medic!!!!
The eternal Dragon has been summoned on Kami’s look out make up is just finishing
the dragon’s touches. The make up person runs off scene.
Director: Places everyone!!! Quiet on the set. Sound rolling! Camera rolling! Mark it!
And Action!!!
Yamcha: *remembers he forgot to learn all his lines the night before* Ohmi gosh you
didn’t know I was just kidding about that? Hey c’mon guys you really didn’t think I
was going to ask the dragon for money did you? Man give me a break.. ha ha ha
(nervous laughter) what a bunch of - *stops* uh... LINE!!!
Director: Cut!!!!!
Director: And action!!!
Krillen: Kaaaaaaaaa...... meeeeeeee..... haaaaaaaaa...... meeeeeeee...... HAAAAAA!!!
Pikachu: Pika-pik-a!!!
Krillen: Hey that’s not a Sabiman!
Director: They’re on strike, it’s a stand in.
Krillen: *sweatdrop*