Title: Dekiru Dake (By Any Possible Means)
Author: Veggie Gurl 4221 aka Yamcha’s Saiyan Babe aka Mirashia
Rating: NC-17 (Lemon in one chapter) apart fromt hat one chapter it's more of a R15 fic
Pairings: Trunks & Pan (gah I can’t believe I actually did this paring I’m ashamed),
and a little bit of Goten & Marron (a better couple I believe)
Story Brief: DBGT War/Spy fic... I don’t actually know how to brief this one...
Disclaimer: I don’t own Dragonball, Z, GT, AF or whatever come after GT I don’t
even know what happens in that series this is purely an AU fan fic... This is the only
part of the story where there will be a disclaimer I can’t be bothered putting one at the
beginning of each new chapter it ruins the mood...
For those who adore a Marron and Trunks couple... heh forget it not this fic... But for
those who like Pan and Trunks well yah I guess you could say this might be for you....
Author’s Note: This fic was done while I was high on nicotine, caffeine, (note: to Sei)
SUGAR and Moulin Rouge... inspiration that swordfish flick
too so if it’s warped and you don’t understand it... it’s not you... it’s me.... ;) heh I
always wanted to say that...
Hokay read please I’d like opinions, options, suggestions even, spelling mistakes,
grammatical errors, this is my first fic where I’m taking down the rules for the regular
and irregular and I’m going with everything I feel and everything my gut is telling
The world as we knew it no longer exists...
There was a war, between the two of the most powerful countries in the world. It left
most of Europe, Japan and America in ruins, the economy collapsed and the
governments all over the world fell about. Warfare has decimated the world and the
population between the ages of 35 and 64 and has drained the world of it’s natural
The young and hardy, male and female have survived to become leaders. United by a
common goal, they can’t allow or afford to allow corruption within their ranks to
hinder the quest for reestablishing political and economic stability.
Satan City is fiercely dedicated to upholding the old values of freedom and
democracy. But the rest of the world, the outside world had fallen in to the hands of
the brilliant demonic new dictator, Gys Morad. He may look human but the resistance
knows the truth, we all know and now is the time to bring him down. Gys’ ultimate
goal is global domination, beginning with the destruction of Satan City, which stands
for everything he despises.
We fight back courageously with action groups, taking on from where our
grandparents and parents left off, some of us are lucky that we still have our parents
but only a few of us, the strong survive and the weak are crushed. As a member of this
force, and president of Capsule Corp. It’s my job to keep the hope alive... by any
possible means...
This story, is our story, our battle for survival, and it could one day be your
To Be Continued...