The Hannibal Song

Title: The Hannibal Song
Author: Yamcha’s Saiyan Babe aka Mirashia / Veggie Gurl 4221
Rating: G - General
Story Brief: No story just mockeries....

I don’t own the movie ‘Hannibal’ and I don’t own ‘the Animal song’ by Savage Garden which this is suppose to be the beat too... K?

The Hannibal Song

When superman and cannibals are running through your head
expensive gifts and letters from Hannibal everywhere
carousals make me nervous people moving to fast
got to break away eat my hand now because
I want to live like Hannibal
careless and free like cannibals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
with blood in my hair and bodies at my feet...

I’ve been having difficulties eating to myself,
feeling and emotions for Clariece on the shelf
Hannibal and children tell the truth they never lie
which one is more human?
There’s a thought now you decide.
Compassion in Florence
is Compassion eating our hands
would you make a run for it?
Would you like to eat my hand?

I want to live like Hannibal
careless and free like cannibals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
with blood in my hair and bodies at my feet...

Sometimes this life can eat you down
it’s so confusing there’s so many rules to eat
but I don’t feel it cause I just drink it away with a nice chantie...

When superman and cannibals are running through your head
expsensive gifts adn letters from Hannibal everywhere
Hannibal and children tell the truth they never lie
which one is more human?
There’s a thought now you decide.

Compassion in Florence
is Compassion eating our hands
would you make a run for it?
Would you like to eat my hand?

I want to live like Hannibal
careless and free like cannibals
I want to live
I want to run through the jungle
with the blood in my hair and bodies at my feet...