
Title: Starling
Author: Yamcha’s Saiyan Babe aka Mirashia / Veggie Gurl 4221
Rating: G - General
Story Brief: No story just mockeries....

I don’t own ‘Hannibal’ or Crazy Town’s ‘Butterfly’ I just got bored one night and did my own version. r & r tell me I’m crazy!!! go on I dare you!!!


Come my lady,
come, come my lady,
you’re my Starling, chantie baby,
come my lady,
come, come my lady,
you’re my Starling, chantie baby

Such a sexy, sexy, proud young thing,
fierce proud practical,
you got me sprung from the asylum ring,
and I ain’t gunna lie, cause killing people gets me high
so to keep you near my side,
there’s nothing I won’t try,
lambs in your eyes and I love to kill
time is passing
I’m asking, could this be real
cause I don’t sleep, I don’t stay still,
the only thing I really know, is I love to kill,
I feel killing is more than enough,
I’m always there to scare you up,
now time is rough,
you got suspended now I’ve found,
ever since you’ve been round,
you’re the woman that I want
so I’m watching you now.

Come my lady,
come, come my lady,
you’re my Starling, chantie baby.

Come my lady, you’re a pretty baby,
I make your rep shake,
you make more crazy.

I know I deserve you
so here’s a small hidden message,
to show you you’re life is precious
then I know it’s true, that I tell the truth,
I really never knew til I met you
You were new and confused
naive and not up,
knew a better life existed
but I know you missed it,
My lifestyles wild,
I was killing like a demented child
Trapped in an asylum ward,
and on police files,
and what’s happening to you?
I see your life breaking
due to a gun fight
I see you on the papers everyday now

Come my lady,
come, come my lady,
you’re my Starling, chantie baby.

Come my lady, you’re a pretty baby,
I make your rep shake,
you make more crazy.

Hey my starling, come dance with me,
the smartest thing you ever did was do those
interviews with me,
so what ever thrills your fancy,
starling lets get together for a nice chantie
so sexy, almost evil
talking about lambs in your head,
I believe that deathly endings, we’re only because of me,
but with Jame killing on you came to me,
and as far as I can see, it don’t get better than this so starling, here is a song
and is sealed with obsession, from my profession.

Come my lady,
come, come my lady,
you’re my Starling, chantie baby.

Come my lady, you’re a pretty baby,
I make your rep shake,
you make more crazy.