Dracula Tips
Before you fight Dracula, make sure Trevor has an axe and a LONG whip. When you fight Drac, have Trevor back up a few spaces to get some room to attack Dracula. Walk near the flame next to Drac, jump and whip him twice, then watch his hands. When his raises his hand RUSH RIGHT to dodge the flame. Repeat until Dracula's first fake Drac is dead. If Drac forces you to attack in a tight corner when Drac's energy is low, just jump and whip him repeatedly until he's dead.
Once the second fake Dracula arises, whip the lower two faces repeatedly until they're killed. Then go for the middle and the last two heads. Once this fake is dead prepare to meet the REAL Dracula and run to the fourth brick on the right.
On this brick dodge the shot Drac fires at you(NEVER jump over them! Just rush to the right, then back to the fourth brick. If at anytime there's a platform above you wait for it go by and just dodge another shot from Drac.) When you have a free shot, jump up and aim Trevor's axe at the head Of Dracula. Repeat until he's dead for good! Then get ready for the SECOND Quest!
Submitted by Kevin Merrill

Extra Lives
For 10 lives, type "HELP ME" on the name entry screen.
Submitted by Joan Clarke

Name Entry Codes
There are a total of 5 name entry codes. They are as follows:

Code      Effect
HELP ME   Start with 9 lives
AKAMA     Harder game
OKUDA     Start with Alucard
URATA     Start with Sypha
FUJIMOTO  Start with Grant

Submitted by Tim Dennie (tdennie@hotmail.com)

In the table below, H=heart, C=cross, and W=whip.

C--W stage   CC-W stage    HW-- stage    -C-W stage
-H-H 3-01    -H-- 4-0A     -C-H 5-06     ---- 5-0H
--W- Grant   H--- Sypha    C--- Alucard  --W- Sypha
----         ----          --W-          WW-C

-C-- stage   -C-W stage    -W-W stage    -H-- stage
H--- 6-01    C--- 6-0A     ---- 6-0A     ---- 7-01
--C- Alucard -W-- Sypha    ---- Trevor   -WH- Alucard
WH-C         CW-H          CW-C          CH-H

-WH- stage   --W- stage    -WC- stage    -WW- stage
--CW 7-0A    --CW 7-0A     --CC 8-01     --CC 8-01
-W-C Sypha   ---W Trevor   -W-H Sypha    -W-H Trevor
C-W-         H---          H---          C---

-C-W stage   ---- stage    -H-W stage    ---- stage
H--- 9-01    W--- 9-01     H--- A-01     W--- A-01
-W-- Sypha   --W- Trevor   -W-- Sypha    -WC- Grant
WC-C         WC-H          CC-H          CC-C

-H-- stage   ---W stage    WW-W Quest 2
H--- A-01    H--- A-01     -C-W lvl 1
--H- Alucard -WW- Trevor   C-W- Sypha
CC-H         CC-C          ---H
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