SSS H H III N N III N N GGGG FFFF OOOO RRRR CCC EEE 2222 S H H I NN N I NN N G F O O R R C E 2 2 S HHHH I N N N I N N N G GG FFF O O RRR C EE 2 S H H I N NN I N NN G G F O O R R C E 2 SSS H H III N N III N N GGGG F OOOO R R CCC EEE 2222 This WalkThrough is Copywriten by Dark Sphere (If you have some helpful hints, tips, mistakes. please e-mail me and tell me. thank you) _________________________________________Index__________________________________________________ **1** Characters **2** Monsters **3** Walkthrough **4** Spells **5** Weapons **6** Items **7** Cheats _______________________________________Characters_______________________________________________ This is the list of Party Members, NPCs, and other people with pictures or of big deal. Party Members _____________ 1. ???? *Default: Bowie* Gained: Start with Evolve: Swordsmen -> Hero The main character of Shining Force 2. Bowie starts out with the Egress like the Leader in Shining Force 1, but is also given the Bolt spell as well. Bowie uses swords and at the end of the game gains the Force Sword. 2. Sarah Gained: Granseal School *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Priestess -> Victor/Master Monk *With Vigor Ball* *Priest is a male :P* Sarah is your first healer in the game. Sarah sucks dearly at fighting but she can make that up if you evolve her to the Master Monk class that I normally do. Worst thing about Sarah is that she doesn't gain the Boost spell and she doesn't get a whole lot of MP. 3. Chester Gained: Granseal School *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Knight -> Paladin/Pegasus Knight *With Pegasus Wing* Chester is your first Knight of 3. He gains a good amount of HP and Attacks very well but has the defence of a wizard and that's bad. I always have Chester to the end of the game because is least effected by the Evil Lance. 4. Jaha Gained: After "Battle of the Gizmos" *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Warrior -> Gladiator/Baron *With Warrior's Pride* Jaha is the bomb as a Gladiator or Baron. He has high Defence and high Attack but he's slow. Jaha also loses power as the game goes farther along and he loses out on stronger characters and wizards. 5. Kazin Gained: After Hawel's Death *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Mage -> Wizard/Sorceror *With Secret Book* The Master Sorceror right here. Kazin's Neptune Level 2 spell makes him on of the most deadly members if you evolve him to Sorceror. Kazin is a must for the whole game never put him out of your party. 6. Slade Found: Just before leaving Galam *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Thief -> Ninja Slade starts out the worst of the worst. Low HP, Low Attack, and Low Defence he has at the beginning of the game. But, once Slade is evolved to Ninja he is on his way to being a god. He gains two Ninja spells that are just renamed Mage Spells and with the help of some Mithril he can get the second, or maybe the best sword in the game. *7. ???? *Default: Kiwi* Found: Granseal *After "Escape from Galam" battle* [Found in the little house with a vase and barrel by the port] (Must be talked to to join) Evolve: Tortoise -> Monster How can you hate Kiwi? He's a cute little dude with great Defence and Attack but very Low HP. Yea, spells normally kill him but fighters are nothing to him. But the poor bug keeps getting weaker just like Jaha. In his Monster Evo. he's the only other character besides Zynk *IN THE GAME* with 2 attacks *Rolling and Fire Breath* Fire Breath does some killer damage but it hardly shows up. I like Kiwi and I normally keep him in my party since he is a good wizard protector. 8. May Found: Ribble after talking to Ribble's Elder [Found at the Front Gate walking around] (Must be talked to to join) Evolve: Ranger -> Bow Knight May is what I think the best archer in the game but she totally sucks. I like her because she has some good attack power and ok defence and she can move but I normally throw her out when I get better characters. 9. Peter Found: New Granseal *but joins at Mt. Volcano after talking to Volcanon* *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Phoenik -> Phoenix *yes there is a difference Phoenik is a not adult Phoenix* Hero meet God, God meet Hero. Peter is the best character in the game even better then the Leader with the Force Sword. High Attack, High Defence, High HP, High Move, and look....He even flies!!! Peter is a major powerhouse, keep him in the frontlines. 10. Gerhalt Found: Polca Village [Gained in the "Save Oddler Battle"] *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Wolfman -> Wolf Baron wow... Two powerhouses gained almost together. Gerhalt has VERY HIGH attack, High HP, High Speed, but has O.K. Defence. Gerhalt takes sometime for home to show his true power. He normally starts kicking ass in the Taros battle if he is up with the other characters. I think Gerhalt has the coolest Evolved battle picture. He looks fucking cool. 11. Luke Found: Polca Village [After the "Save Oddler Battle"] *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Birdman -> Bird Battler Luke is the best birdman out of the two. He doesnt doesn't have good stats but he also doesn't have bad ones. Luke's best thing is he uses Swords and Flies so he can rush to a wizard in need and get back to battling in the front. 12. Rick Found: Nassan (After Taros battle) [Must go back to Nassan for him] Knight -> Paladin/Pegasus Knight *With Pegasus Wing* Rick has the highest Defence of all the Knights, but I don't really like him because Chester is normally higher level then Rick is and more powerful. 13. Elric Found: Harpy Pond *Auto-Gained* Evolve:Archer -> Sniper/Brass Gunner *With Silver Tank* Rick plainly sucks. Weak in every stat there is. Don't even think about changing him to Brass Gunner as well. Janet is way better then he is. *14. Karna Found: Creed's House *Auto-Gained or Get Later* Evolve: Priestess -> Victor/Master Monk *With Vigor Ball* Karna is always my pick. You can't lose on having a other healer in the party since she is the second one you get. I always make Karna a Master Monk. *Not bad having three of them in your party* :) *15. Eric Found: Creed's House *Auto-Gained or Get Later* Evolve: Knight -> Paladin/Pegasus Knight *With Pegasus Wing* Don't waste your space with 3/4 Creed Characters. Just get Karna and forget the others. *16. Randolf Found: Creed's House *Auto-Gained or Get Later* Evolve: Warrior -> Gladiator/Baron *With Warrior's Pride* Don't waste your space with 3/4 Creed Characters. Just get Karna and forget the others. *17. Tyrin Found: Creed's House *Auto-Gained or Get Later* Evolve: Mage -> Wizard/Sorceror *With Secret Book* Don't waste your space with 3/4 Creed Characters. Just get Karna and forget the others. *You must choose one of these dudes when you get to Creed's but after the ship crashes go back to Creed's and get the other three that are normally missed* 18. Janet Found: New Grans *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Archer -> Sniper/Brass Gunner *With Silver Tank* Janet is OMG the best Brass Gunner. You'll have her most of the game. 19. Rohde Found: Hassan [Joins at North Cliff] *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Brass Gunner Janet's better go back running the Caravan. 20. Higins Found: After Ketto *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Knight -> Paladin/Pegasus Knight *With Pegasus Wing* Chester is better *This is the time where you always get sucky people* 21. Skreech Found: Tristan (Must have saved him at Bedoe *Auto-Gained* if did) Evolve: Bird Battler By this time Luke is out of your party and Skreech sucks worst then him. 22. Taya Found: Mitula's Temple [Must talk to] Evolve: Sorceress *Female Sorceror* Taya is a good second Sorceror. Forget the Wizards use Kazin and/or Taya. 23. Jaro Found: Battle to Moun *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Pegasus Knight So many sucky people..... Stick with Chester. 24. Frayja Found: Palacon *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Priest -> Victor *Only Priest in the game* Frayja learns Aura 4 faster then the Priestesses but I normally like the Girl's as Master Monks because they do more damage and 2 of them learn Aura 4. 25. Gyan Found: Moun *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Warrior -> Gladiator/Baron *With Warrior's Pride* Now, Gyan is a upgraded Jaha. He has more Power but less defence. I normally stick with Jaha. 26. Sheela Found: Monk Temple after Ship Crash [Behide the Building] Evolve: Master Monk Hehe...a 3rd Master Monk.... They are all useful, They can attack and cast magic great, so I think you would have about 2 or 3 Master Monks and Frayja in your party. 27. Zynk Found: Roft *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Robot Dude...a Robot! POWER THAT MOFO UP AND USE ZYNK. Zynk is the only other character other then Kiwi that has a second attack!!! And he's powerful as the Hero!! 28. Claude Found: Tunnel to Parmecia [Must get his Arm at Roft] Evolve: Golem Claude is a good replacement for Kiwi but you have to power him up to do it. If you don't have Kiwi in your party forget Claude as well. 29. Chaz Found: Yeel [Must play the piano and goto the church] Evolve: Wizard Chaz plainly sucks just put him in the Caravan unless your a Wiz Freak 30. Lemon Found: Yeel or Demon Skull *Auto-Gained* Evolve: Red Baron Lemon is cool for the fact that he is a Vampire. Lemon is a must NPCs _______________ Priest The Priest dude who has so many damn brothers or cousins that just like him/his other priest family that Resurrects you and your friends over and over and Evolves you. ALL HAIL THE PRIEST Astral I want to know why this so called badass Wizard doesn't join you? He must have like 500 HP and 500 MP and spells of Blaze, Freeze, Bolt, and Desoul Level 4 and some hidden magic *like he used on King Granseal at the beginning..... I think there is something up with this Wizard.... Creed If I looked like this Devil I would have killed the other ones because they looked gay. Creed must have been a weak greater devil because he didn't stop Odd Eye now did he....something is up with this dude too King Granseal This dude like will not stop crying over his daughter. He also looks like Santa Claus. How did this dude become a king? Mitula Mitula has to be one of the weakest gods to be caught by a weak devil. Princess Elis What in the hell did she do with King Galam over the Year and a half? Cook him dinner? Volcanan This god needs to get his head out of his ass. Just because he helped you at the end doesn't mean he wasn't aloud to make you a weapon at his temple. Item/Weapon Shop Owners If it wasn't for these dudes how would've you beat those monsters? _________________________________________Monsters_______________________________________________ Here is my list of Monsters, Devils, and Bosses of the game Name HP MP At Df Ag Mv spell/level ARCH DEMON 99 65 ?? 46 61 6 Bolt 3 ARROW LAUNCHER 33 0 35 24 23 4 BLACK MONK 30 19 33 18 21 6 Heal 2, Blast 1 BLUE SHAMAN 72 60 ?? 54 51 5 Aura 3, Blast 4 BOW MASTER 46 0 87 53 40 5 BOW RIDER 61 0 95 55 44 7 BUBBLING OOZE 32 0 47 35 26 4 BURST ROCK 45 0 0 60 43 4 CERBERUS 51 0 87 44 45 6 CHAOS DRAGON 83 0 ?? 48 57 6 Chaos Storm breath CHAOS WARRIOR 76 23 ?? 50 54 5 Magic Attack CHAOS WIZARD 53 49 86 48 59 5 Blaze 4 CYCLOPS 64 0 ?? 51 46 5 DARK BISHOP 39 38 54 38 27 5 Aura 1, Blast 3 DARK CLERIC 15 7 18 11 13 5 Heal 1 DARK DWARF 21 0 27 17 18 4 DARK GUNNER 60 0 97 56 45 4 DARK KNIGHT 50 0 76 48 40 7 DARK MADAM 29 17 38 31 29 6 Freeze 2 DARK SMOKE 18 20 22 13 13 6 Dispel 1 DARK SNIPER 39 0 53 37 35 5 DARK SOLDIER 35 17 63 46 34 4 Magic Attack 1 DEATH ARCHER 27 0 28 19 20 5 DEATH MONK 23 13 27 14 18 6 Heal 2, Blast 1 DEMON 75 38 ?? 50 55 6 Bolt 3 DEMON MASTER 73 68 99 50 65 6 Freeze 4 recover 2 MP per round. DEVIL GRIFFIN 89 0 ?? 47 59 7 DEVIL SOLDIER 60 16 84 48 43 6 Boost 2 DRAGONEWT 60 0 87 42 46 6 Blaze 2 (Heat axe) EVIL BEAST 84 0 ?? 51 60 6 EVIL BISHOP 33 36 47 37 25 5 Heal 3, Blast 2 EVIL BISHOP 64 51 95 48 46 5 Aura 2, Blast 3 (start battle37) EVIL CLOUD 22 0 30 18 17 5 EXECUTIONER 64 0 94 46 45 6 GALAM ARCHER 15 0 15 10 10 5 GALAM KNIGHT 16 0 17 11 12 7 GALAM MAGE 14 5 15 9 11 5 Blaze 1 GALAM SOLDIER 11 0 15 10 8 6 GARGOYLE 29 0 38 23 21 6 GIZMO 5 0 8 5 5 5 GOBLIN 18 0 22 13 13 5 GOLEM 24 0 35 24 19 4 GREEN OOZE 17 0 22 12 12 4 GRIFFIN 60 0 96 45 48 7 HARPY 32 10 48 38 29 7 Dispell HARPY QUEEN 53 20 81 39 43 7 Freeze 2 HELL HOUND 62 0 ?? 49 50 6 Can breathe fire HIGHT PRIEST 30 29 40 31 23 5 Heal 3, Blast 2 HOBGOBLIN 21 0 25 19 19 5 HORSEMAN 67 0 ?? 57 55 7 HUGE BAT 11 0 15 8 6 6 HUGE RAT 10 0 12 8 7 6 HUNTER GOBLIN 24 0 22 12 14 5 HYDRA 70 0 ?? 62 50 4 KNIGHT 48 0 51 34 29 7 LESSER DEMON 40 21 61 37 32 6 Blazze 3, Boost 2 LIZARDMAN 40 0 67 45 38 6 MASTER MAGE 28 14 25 18 22 5 Blaze 2 MASTER MONK 47 39 66 45 31 6 Heal 4, Dispell MINOTAUR 58 0 98 51 44 5 Blaze 3 (Atlas Axe) MIST DEMON 68 28 ?? 41 51 6 Muddle 2 MUD MAN 55 0 95 51 41 4 NECROMANCER 47 42 75 44 51 6 Freeze 3 OOZE 9 0 11 6 5 4 ORC 30 0 43 37 27 5 ORC LORD 46 13 73 44 37 5 Dispell PAWN 36 0 53 37 25 6 PEGASUS KNIGHT 65 0 81 37 47 7 PRISM FLOWER 62 0 20 55 44 0 Laser PURPLE WORM 58 0 97 46 43 5 PYROHYDRA 80 0 ?? 53 55 4 QUEEN 30 26 46 36 35 6 Freeze 2 RAT 41 0 56 32 30 6 REAPER 82 31 ?? 49 57 6 Muddle 2 ROOK 40 0 48 31 27 4 SHAMAN 56 46 82 42 40 5 Aura 2, Blast 3 SKELETON 30 0 54 40 30 6 SOULSOWER 27 0 43 32 25 4 Paralyse VAMPIRE BAT 20 8 26 16 16 6 Blaze 2 WHITE DRAGON 66 0 ?? 50 53 6 Snow Storm Breath WITCH 21 10 19 12 16 6 Freeze 1 WIZARD 37 37 59 40 44 5 Blaze 3 WORM 45 0 75 40 34 5 Poison WYVERN 46 0 72 39 36 7 Poison, Flame ZEON GUARD ?? ?? ?? 54 64 5 Demon ZOMBIE 27 0 32 20 18 5 Poison, Freeze resistant *CAMEELA 99 0 96 52 58 6 Blaze ? (using Iron ball) *GALAM ?? ?? ?? 50 62 6 Demon rod *GESHP ?? ?? ?? 51 63 6 Freeze 4 *KING 55 28 55 40 33 6 Blaze 2 *KRAKEN ARM 30 0 42 28 22 6 *KRAKEN HEAD 35 0 50 29 25 5 Aqua-breath *KRAKEN LEG 24 0 38 26 19 6 *ODD EYE ?? ?? 54 67 67 6 Sleep. Odd Eye like blast 3 *RED BARON ?? 0 ?? 64 62 6 Desoul (using Dark Sword) *TAROS 49 0 43 32 23 0 Bolt (using Taros Sword) *WILLARD 50 0 62 36 37 6 *ZALBARD 80 65 91 50 52 5 Bolt 2 *ZEON ?? ?? ?? 50 72 0 Demon _______________________________________Walkthrough________________________________________________ GRANS Go to the School: Meet SARAH, CHESTER and ASTRAL SARAH and CHESTER join Find 1 medical herb in the jar in ASTRAL's office Castle weapon stores: Find 1 angel wing, 1 antidote, 1 medical herb Ancient Tower BATTLE 1: 6 gizmos [Note that the map above shows four green dots and seven red dots, this is because Sir Astral is the extra green dot - although he does not interfere in the fight - and the Dark Smoke which only Astral fights is the extra red dot: you will notice this on other maps too] Find 1 mithril behind the Tower (look on the Mithrils Page) GRANS Town: Find 1 medical herb, 1 quick chicken in the boat Meet KIWI (the tortoise) Before you leave for YEEL JAHA joins TO YEEL BATTLE 2: 4 oozes, 2 huge rats Before going to YEEL, go south to find a cavern entrance, inside there is a chest with 1 power water. find 1 mithril (look on the Mithrils Page) YEEL Meet KAZIN TO HAWEL'S HOUSE BATTLE 3: 3 oozes, 2 huge rats, 1 huge bat HAWEL'S house: Find 1 antidote, 1 healing drop KAZIN joins RETURN TO GRANS BATTLE 4: 3 huge bats, 3 GALAM soldiers, 2 GALAM archers Win a medical herb from bottom-left huge bat GALAM Prison: Meet SLADE, SLADE joins Find the chirrup sandals (Search the table from where the right-hand stool is, before you talk to anyone) Find 1 mithril in the west wall just outside the cave entrance (look on the Mithrils Page) Castle BATTLE 5: 3 GALAM soldiers, 2 GALAM mages, 2 GALAM archers, 1 GALAM knight Win a short rod from the first mage, after the battle get the jewel of LIGHT from the GALAM knight. Find 2 medical herbs TO GRANS BATTLE 6: 3 GALAM soldiers, 2 GALAM knights, 2 GALAM mages, 1 dark cleric, 1 GALAM archer. GRANS: The tortoise joins if you name him - the default is Kiwi ANCIENT TOWER BATTLE 7: 3 GALAM knights, 3 GALAM archers, 2 smokes, 1 dark cleric, 1 GALAM mage. After battle get the jewel of EVIL. GRANS TO PARMECIA Find 1 mithril in a small hole in the ground after the earthquake outside the castle gate (look on the Mithrils Page) Take the boat. PARMECIA BATTLE 8: 3 hunter goblins, 3 goblins, 2 green oozes, 2 witches NEWGRANS CASTLE Find 1 Cheerful Bread, the WARRIOR PRIDE (behind the shield in the tactical base, where your troops stand) Before going to see the bird (PETER) find in the shops and houses: 1 angel wing, 1 antidote, 1 healing seed, 1 healing drop Meet PETER TO RIBBLE (east) BATTLE 9: 2 green oozes, 2 witches, 2 vampire bats, 3 goblins, 2 hunter goblins RIBBLE Go and talk to the mayor. Find 1 bright honey, 1 cheerful bread, 1 mithril (look on the Mithrils Page) Look in the tree in the centre of the village to find the hollow, where you will need to put the WOODEN PANEL later on. MAY Joins Exit the town (From here you can visit the shrine to get info, but you can't do anything here for now, and must return later) TO THE DARK CAVE (east) BATTLE 10: 3 vampire bats, 2 dark dwarfs, 2 witches, 3 goblins, 2 hunter goblins Win a power ring Find 1 mithril (look on the Mithrils Page) THE DARK CAVE BATTLE 11: 1 hobgoblin, 2 vampire bats, 2 witches, 2 dark dwarfs, 2 hunter goblins Find the SILVER TANK in a chest (look on the Promotion Items Page) The exit to the cave is in the top-left corner POLCA Find 1 protect milk Meet GERHALT TO BEDOE BATTLE 12: 1 evil cloud, 1 death archer, 5 hobgoblins, 2 witches, 3 death monks BEDOE Find 1 quick ring Meet LUKE, in the temple PETER joins Before you leave, talk to the mother bird, then walk around in the bushes to the left of the entrance until SKREECH drops on your head RETURN TO POLCA GERHALT joins BATTLE 13: 5 zombies, 2 evil cloud, 4 death archers, 3 hobgoblins, 1 master mage To get the raft, you need to talk to the mayor after the battle, and accept that ODDLER follows you. ODDLER follows, LUKE joins From here there are two options: 1- Go to HASSAN, killing the KRAKEN on the way, and meeting ROHDE who will tell you about the caravan but won't follow you. He will only follow after you get the Achilles Sword. 2- Before you go to HASSAN, take the raft and go to where the rivers split in two - start to take the east way, and get off the raft on the south side on the river, going to the far east of the continent, into a battle. After the battle enter the shrine. The old man in this shrine will tell you about a tunnel leading to GRANS Island, and will follow you to show you where it is. (Take the steel sword) Go to the shrine by the cave in the river, and fight the battle there. Once over, get the WOODEN PANEL in one of the chests there. Return to RIBBLE, use the panel on the hollow in the tree (stand in front of it), and enter the opening. You will find the Achilles Sword inside. Do option 1 again, ROHDE will join you, then go to TAROS's shrine which is west of HASSAN. You might as well go straight to HASSAN, fight the KRAKEN and get it over with - although it is quite a hard fight, and going east first will increase your strength - you miss out on the bit of the story as to who ROHDE is, and why he follows you. If you use the raft and encounter the KRAKEN: KRAKEN BATTLE 14: 8 KRAKEN legs, 2 KRAKEN arms, 1 KRAKEN head. If you go to the shrine with the old man. (far east of HASSAN): TO EAST SHRINE BATTLE 15: 4 zombies, 2 evil clouds, 2 black monks, 1 master mage, 2 death archers, 4 Golem This is the battle to get the wooden panel, and 1 power water: CENTRAL SHRINE BATTLE 16: 4 gargoyles, 5 Golem, 2 arrow launchers, 2 black monks, 2 master mages HASSAN If you have already killed the KRAKEN, then you can enter HASSAN freely, and look for ROHDE - who will eventually follow you to the Taros shrine where the caravan is - otherwise, get ready for your hardest fight yet... In HASSAN: find 1 running pimento find 2 mithril (look Mithrils section ) Once you've done all the steps outlined above, ROHDE will follow you, exit from the town and go west to TAROS Shrine. TO TAROS SHRINE BATTLE 17: 4 gargoyles, 2 arrow launchers, 2 Soulsowers, 2 Golems, 2 black monks, 2 master mages. After the battle enter the TAROS shrine in the top left corner. TAROS SHRINE BATTLE 18: Taros, 2 master mages, 2 archer launchers, 3 Golem, 1 black monk, 2 Soulsowers, 3 gargoyles Remember you can only kill TAROS with the Achilles sword, which only BOWIE can use - hope you haven't been keeping him at the back! You win the caravan, 1 healing water RETURN TO HASSAN RICK joins. A new weapons store has opened - there is a trader by the entrance who will sell you better weapons. TO THE DWARVES CAVE Go west from HASSAN - there's a small bug in the game that sometimes makes you do BATTLE 17 again - to avoid it, follow the mountains around the top edge, just as you leave HASSAN. In the north wall of the cliffs there is a break leading to a river full of rocks - now you have the caravan, you can go over this. Keep going west until the river splits - to the north is a shortcut back to NEW GRANS, to the south look for a cave entrance. Once inside the cave, talk to all the Dwarves, and search the little fire to find the DRY STONE (you'll need this later to get to the Dwarven Blacksmith, and get all those lovely Mithril weapons!). Now head west once more (you'll need to cross the river a couple of times), and look carefully at a small patch of forest, just across the river - you should see a lighter patch of forest - walk onto it, and you enter the HIDDEN FOREST TOWN, sometimes called the Elves' Secret Village. HIDDEN FOREST TOWN Find a VIGOR BALL and the SECRET BOOK (look on the Promotion Items Page), 1 fairy powder. find 1 mithril (look on the Mithrils Page) To enter the Secret Fairy Woods battle follow these directions exactly - this is right by the start, where you enter, the Mithril is in the chest you go past, on the right, partially hidden by trees: SECRET FAIRY WOODS BATTLE: Bubbling Ooze plus appearing regenerating monsters, including: Lesser Demons, Mist Demons, Dark Soldiers, Dark Madams, Harpies, Blue Shamen, Master Monks and Orc Lords Exit the secret town, and go west. TO THE HARPY'S POND TO THE HARPY'S POND BATTLE 19: 2 high priests, 1 dark madam, 4 Soulsowers, 3 Orcs, 3 gargoyles. Win a shining ball. As with Battle 17 - there's a bug which makes you do this battle again - the method to avoid this is the same as before. As you approach, ODDLER will hear something and you will get inside to save ELRIC. HARPY'S POND BATTLE 20: 5 harpies, 2 dark madams, 2 high priests, 1 arrow launcher, 2 Orcs. ELRIC joins Exit the pond and once outside try to re-enter the pond, ELRIC will open a hidden cave entrance. TO CREED'S MANSION Inside the tunnel search for 1 angel wing, 1 brave apple, 1 medical herb, 1 mithril (look on the Mithrils Page) TO CREED'S BATTLE 21: 2 skeletons, 2 dark madams, 2 high priest, 1 arrow launcher, 3 Orcs, 2 harpies. Win a protect ring. find 1 mithril (look Mithrils section ) CREED'S MANSION Before you enter, go to the left and find 1 healing rain in a chest - you may well need it for the next battle! You meet KARNA and ERIC. CHESSBOARD BATTLE 22: 6 pawns, 3 queens, 2 rooks, 2 Knights, 2 evil bishops, 1 king After the battle you win a cotton balloon, with this item go talk to the guard on the ruler going over the edge of the table, who now allow to to pass, use the cotton balloon here to get to the floor. To the left you will see a boy trying to get a ring (remember this for later) You meet RANDOLF, and TYRIN. Go to the north-east and enter the hole. WALL CAVITY BATTLE 23: WILLARD, 5 rats, 6 bubbling oozes After the battle, you will be able to enter the room where Creed is, who restores you to your normal size, and you meet the fairy. After the scene downstairs Creed will help you by allowing you to choose from 4 characters: KARNA, TYRIN, RANDOLF and ERIC. ODDLER will rest here, and the fairy will follow you to help the sick dwarf. Before you leave, go to the room where Desktop Kingdom is and search for the running ring (just behind the chair), go outside and search for 1 antidote and 1 medical herb. TO THE DWARVES CAVERN Receive the Cannon. Return to NEWGRANS (remember the short cut) NEWGRANS Talk with Astral, He will join the party as an Adviser Talk the inventor, he has the dynamite, but be sure you have the Cannon with you and Astral following you. You will receive the dynamite. JANET join. go to the NORTH CLIFFS - where you fought Battle 8 earlier. TO NORTH CLIFFS BATTLE 24: 6 skeletons, 5 lesser demons, 3 dark snipers, 2 dark bishops. Win 1 blizzard from the first bishop, bottom-left, 1 medical herb After the battle ROHDE will help you to open the cavern with the cannon and the dynamite, and after join the party as a Brass Gunner. IN NORTH CAVERN BATTLE 25: 1 dark soldier, 2 lesser demons, 2 dark bishops, 5 skeletons, 4 dark snipers. Win 2 medical herbs from the last two skeletons. Find 1 fairy tear KETTO Talk to the man standing at the north of the town he will open the store for you. Find 1 healing water, 1 bright honey TO PACALON You meet HIGINS BATTLE 26: 4 lesser demons, 3 dark snipers, 2 dark bishops, 4 dark soldiers, 1 wizard, 1 Lizardman. Win a black ring. HIGINS joins. Go to PACALON - the big castle to the east. PACALON Meet FRAYJA. Find the Pegasus Wing (look on the Promotion Items Page), Find 1 medical herb, 1 cheerful bread, 1 fairy powder Find 2 mithrils (look on the Mithrils Page) Head towards the bridge, past MOUN. TO THE BRIDGE BATTLE 27: 3 dark soldiers, 4 dark snipers, 3 Lizardmen, 3 dark bishops, 1 wizard, 2 Wyverns After this battle head for the top-right of the screen - you can see MOUN on the left side, but can't enter it yet. BRIDGE BATTLE 28: 4 lesser demons, 3 Wyverns, 1 Lizardman, 1 dark sniper, 4 worms, 1 master monk, 1 dark soldier, 1 wizard Killing the wizard will end the fight. TRISTAN Find 2 healing seeds, 1 protect milk TO TEMPLE BATTLE 29: 4 worms, 2 Wyverns, 3 master monks, 2 Orc lords, 2 wizard, 1 dark knight. There is a chest in the lake in the middle of this fight, which you cannot get - only in the Japanese version can your characters search during a fight. TEMPLE BATTLE 30: ZALBARD, 2 wizards, 4 dark knights, 1 Wyvern, 1 gargoyle, 2 harpy queens, 2 Orc lords, 1 master monk Find 1 healing seed, 1 power water, 1 critical sword Find 1 mithril (look on the Mithrils Page) Meet TAYA TAYA joins (search the statue when you are in the left room) If you have saved SKREECH in BEDOE he will join when you try to exit the town. SKREECH joins. Return to PACALON PACALON BACK TO PACALON BATTLE 31: 3 dark knights, 1 necromancer, 2 master monks, 4 harpy queens, 3 Orc lord, 1 devil soldier. Killing the devil soldier ends the fight. FRAYJA follows to open the door to MOUN TO MOUN BATTLE 32: JARO, 3 Cerberus, 4 pegasus knights, 2 master monks, 3 devil soldiers, 1 bow master, 2 necromancers. Killing the bowmaster ends the fight. During the battle JARO joins. MOUN FRAYJA joins. MOUN BATTLE 33: 3 devil soldiers, 3 Cerberus, 2 necromancers, 2 pegasus knights, 2 mud man, 3 bow masters, 1 shaman. Win a mage staff from a necromancer. Find 1 running pimento, 1 angel wing, the Golem arm. The Golem arm appears when you go to the top left of the town, search with the 'A' button to pick it up. GYAN joins. ZYNK follows. TO NAZCA SHIP BATTLE 34: CAMEELA, 2 bow masters, 2 Cerberus, 4 Dragonewt, 3 pegasus knights, 3 mud mans, 1 necromancer, 1 shaman. Win a wish staff. Receive the sky orb. NAZCA SHIP Find the NAZCA cannon. GRANS After the crash go south and enter the little town. Find 1 brave apple. Find 1 mithril (look on the Mithrils Page) Meet SHEELA - go around the building to the left, in a C-shape, being careful not to exit the screen. SHEELA joins. Find a VIGOR BALL in a tree on it's own near to SHEELA. TO ROFT BATTLE 35: 2 Dragonewts, 2 mist demons, 2 griffin, 1 shaman, 1 bow rider, 1 chaos wizard, 3 purple worms, mud men appear during the battle. Win 1 heat axe. ROFT Find 1 healing drop, 1 blizzard, ZYNK joins. SOUTH TUNNEL CLAUDE joins (if you have the Golem arm) Now is your chance to return to Creed's Mansion, where the rest of the fighters join. (KARNA, RANDOLF, TYRIN, ERIC) RETURN TO GRANS BATTLE 36: 9 prism flowers, 1 Dragonewt, 1 griffin, 1 shaman, 1 purple worm, 1 chaos wizard, 2 mist demons, 4 bow riders, 1 executioner. Win 1 battle sword. TO GALAM BATTLE 37: RED BARON, 4 hell hounds, 2 Minotaurs, 2 mist demons, 2 evil bishops, 2 chaos wizards, 4 bow riders, 1 executioner. After the battle, look carefully at the river - you will see something that looks like a start of bridge. Use the DRY STONE in front of this, and a bridge will appear. Now you can enter the hidden Dwarves' village - where the Dwarven Blacksmith is - he will make you mega-weapons for Mithril and money, but what he makes is random - so save the game before you see him, and keep trying until you get what you want. Find 1 white ring, 1 healing water, 1 demon rod. GALAM In GALAM, return to the treasure room, you will find 1 healing water and 1 fairy powder TO YEEL BATTLE 38: GESHP, 2 dark gunners, 1 Minotaur, 1 hell hound, 1 mist demon, 1 chaos wizard, 1 evil bishop, 2 White dragons, 1 cyclops. 9 burst rocks will during the course of the battle. Win 1 Buster shot YEEL Play the piano, to make a stairway appear in the church - that's where everyone's hiding. Meet CHAZ. CHAZ joins. Sir Fil's Recommendation: CHAZ has BLAZE, FREEZE and BOLT - but TYRIN as a Wizard's probably better. Neither can do as much damage as the sorcerors, though. Find 1 quick chicken, 1 evil knuckles. LEMON joins as you exit the town. Note to emulator users: There is a bug in the KGEN and GENECYST emulators which prevents you equipping LEMON with any weapons - making him effectively useless. You have to use the GENEM emulator if you want to take LEMON. TO SOUTH SHRINE BATTLE 39: 3 white dragons, 1 hydra, 1 chaos wizard, 3 dark gunners, 1 hell hound, 2 Minotaurs, 1 evil bishop, 2 cyclops. Win 1 evil ring from the evil bishop and 1 holy thunder. IN THE SHRINE Find the Force Sword, search with the 'A' button to remove it from the rock. Upstairs you can then retrieve the Evil Axe from the chest which was previously blocked by a piece of stone pillar. TO THE ANCIENT TOWER To east of the tower (you'll have to walk all the way around) there's small entrance - here you'll see a statue of a devil's head. (If you didn't visit Yeel, LEMON will join you here) Use the Force Sword in front of the head to open it. There's an evil lance around here somewhere, but I can't recall the exact location. From now on it's pretty much just fighting: THE ANCIENT TOWER. BATTLE 40: ODD EYE, 2 demons, 2 evil bishops, 1 demon master, 2 white dragons, 2 dark gunners, 3 chaos warriors, 2 hydras, 2 chaos wizards, 3 cyclops. Win 1 fairy tear from the first evil bishop, and sometimes the counter sword from ODD EYE. The floor disappears during this battle on two occasions, forcing you to take an S-shaped path. BATTLE 41: 4 chaos warriors, 4 demons, 5 hydras, 3 demon masters, 2 chaos dragons, 1 blue shaman, 1 reaper. Win 1 holy staff from the blue shaman. BATTLE 42: GALAM, 1 blue shaman, 2 demon masters, 1 devil griffin, 3 reapers, 2 evil beasts, 2 chaos warriors, 2 horsemen, 1 chaos dragon. FINAL BATTLE 43: ZEON, 1 blue shaman, 3 demon masters, 5 Pyrohydras, 1 horseman, 2 ZEON guards, 2 arch demons, 1 devil griffin. Win 1 healing rain from the blue shaman. The End - or is it? When you see the two jewels on the screen wait for 2-3 minutes, a new message " And more..." appears: press the C button and go in a special battle: SPECIAL BATTLE 44: ZEON, ODD EYE, GESHP, GALAM, WILLARD, ZALBARD, KING (chessboard), RED BARON, DARK SMOKE, CAMEELA, 2 prism flowers. Game Over. __________________________________________Spells________________________________________________ Arg...the hardest part in this whole thing...working the characters to see when they get their spells < > = Starts with Spell level: 1 2 3 4 Hero Egress Hero < > Bolt Hero L22 L33 L43 L53 Ninja Katon Slade L26 L31 L47 Raijin Slade L36 L41 L54 Healers Heal Sarah < > L7 L22 L48 Detox Sarah L4 L13 L41 L53 Blast Sarah L10 L16 L33 L44 Slow Sarah L19 L29 Heal Karna < > < > < > Blast Karna < > < > L30 L41 Boost Karna < > L34 Aura Karna L37 L45 L59 L64 Heal Frayja < > < > L36 L40 Detox Frayja < > < > L17? L23 Aura Frayja L14 L20 L26 L32 Attack Frayja L29 Heal Sheela < > < > L21 L31 Blast Sheela < > < > L18 L27 Muddle Sheela < > L16 Boost Sheela < > L24 Wizards Blaze Kazin < > L5 L22 Muddle Kazin L9 L25 Dispel Kazin L13 Desoul Kazin L18 L29 Blaze Tyrin < > < > L64 L68? Freeze Tyrin < > < > L31 L51 Sleep Tyrin L25 Bolt Tyrin L28 L48 Blaze Chaz < > < > Freeze Chaz < > < > < > L26 Bolt Chaz L20 L24 L29 L33 Dispel Chaz L21 Sorcerors / Sorceress *for Taya* Dao Kazin < > L12 Apollo Kazin L4 L17 Neptun Kazin L7 L26 Atlas Kazin L21 L32 Dao Taya < > L15 Apollo Taya L12 L19 Neptun Taya L22 L29 Atlas Taya L25 L34 Dao Tyrin < > L12 Apollo Tyrin L3 L16 Neptun Tyrin L8 L25 Atlas Tyrin L20 L29 _________________________________________Weapons________________________________________________ Here is the list of normal weapons and Mithril *Below. These Weapons are put in by their Attack power only not Value or Classes that can use it. Normal, Magical, Cursed Weapons ______________________ Weapon Value Atk Classes Special ______ _____ ___ _______ _______ Wooden Sword +3 SDMN,HERO,BDMN,BDBT,BRN,RDBN,NINJ Short Sword 140 +5 SDMN,HERO,BDMN,BDBT,BRN,RDBN,NINJ Middle Sword 340 +9 SDMN,HERO,BDMN,BDBT,BRN,RDBN,NINJ Long Sword 620 +12 SDMN,HERO,BDMN,BDBT,BRN,RDBN,NINJ Steel Sword 1120 +16 SDMN,HERO,BDMN,BDBT,BRN,RDBN,NINJ Achilles Sword 1350 +19 HERO Hurts Taros Broad Sword 1600 +22 HERO,NINJ,BRN,BDBT,RDBN Buster Sword 2600 +26 HERO,NINJ,BRN,BDBT,RDBN Great Sword 5000 +29 HERO,NINJ,BRN,BDBT,RDBN Battle Sword ? +35 HERO,NINJ,BRN,BDBT,RDBN Force Sword 10000 +46 HERO Dark Sword 17000 A+50,D-5 HERO,NINJ,BDBT,BRN,RDBN Desoul 1 *Cursed* Wooden Stick ? +3 KNTE,PLDN,PGKT Short Spear 120 +6 KNTE,PLDN,PGKT Spear 460 +12 KNTE,PLDN,PGKT Power Spear 1270 +20 KNTE,PLDN,PGKT Javelin 3400 +26 PLDN,PGKT Bronze Lance 260 +9 KNTE,PLDN,PGKT Steel Lance 810 +16 KNTE,PLDN,PGKT Heavy Lance 1600 +23 PLDN,PGKT Chrome Lance 6900 +31 PLDN,PGKT Evil Lance 11000 A+48,M-2 PLDN,PGNT *Cursed* Short Axe 120 +5 WARR,GLDR,BRN,RDBN Hand Axe 340 +9 WARR,GLDR,BRN,RDBN Middle Axe 610 +13 WARR,GLDR,BRN,RDBN Power Axe 1100 +17 WARR,GLDR,BRN,RDBN Battle Axe 1370 +21 GLDR,BRN,RDBN Large Axe 2250 +25 GLDR,BRN,RDBN Great Axe 4600 +28 GLDR,BRN,RDBN Evil Axe 15000 A+50,D-5 GLDT,RDBN *Cursed* Wooden Rod 60 +3 MAGE,PRST,WIZ,VICR Short Rod 130 +5 MAGE,PRST,WIZ,VICR Bronze Rod 360 +8 MAGE,PRST,WIZ,VICR Iron Rod 560 +12 MAGE,PRST,WIZ,VICR Power Stick 1050 +15 MAGE,PRST,WIZ,VICR Flail 1490 +19 WIZ,SORC,VICR Guardian Staff 2380 A+22,D+5 WIZ,SORC,VICR Indra Staff 3200 +25 SORC,WIZ,VICR Steals MP Wish Staff 6100 +26 VICR Boost attack Mage Staff 6300 +27 SORC,WIZ Blaze 2 Demon Rod 12500 A+50,D-10 SORC,WIZ,VICR Steals MP *Cursed* Wooden Arrow 250 +5 ACHR,BRGR,SNIP,RNGR,BWNT Iron Arrow 600 +7 ACHR,BRGR,SNIP,RNGR,BWNT Steel Arrow 1270 +12 ACHR,BRGR,SNIP,RNGR,BWNT Robin Arrow 1480 +17 BRGR,SNIP,BWNT Assault Shell 2500 +25 BRGR,SNIP,BWNT Great Shot 5000 +29 BRGR,SNIP,BWNT Cannon ? ? BRGR Nazca Cannon 3000 +33 BRGR,SNIP,BWNT Short Knife 70 +5 THIF Dagger 320 +8 THIF Knife 500 +12 THIF Thieve's Dagger 940 +18 THIF Leather Glove 1300 +26 MMNK Power Glove 1800 +33 MMNK Brass Knuckles 2900 +39 MMNK Iron Knuckles 4800 +43 MMNK Evil Knuckles 9500 +63 MMNK Mithril Normal & Special Weapons ___________________ Weapon Value Atk Classes Special ______ _____ ___ _______ _______ Wish Staff 6100 +26 VICR Boost attack Mage Staff 6300 +27 SORC,WIZ Blaze 2 Great Rod 7900 +28 SORC,WIZ,VICR Holy Staff 9000 +29 VICR Goddess Staff 9700 +31 VICR Aura 2 Supply Staff 8500 +32 SORC,WIZ Remove opponent's MP Freeze Staff 9500 +37 SORC,WIZ Freeze 2 Mystery Staff 10000 +39 SORC,WIZ,VICR * Buster Shot 6800 +33 BWNT,BRGR,SNIP Hyper Cannon 8700 +40 BWNT,BRGR,SNIP Grand Cannon 9800 +43 BWNT,BRGR,SNIP Muddle 1 Katana 9600 +34 NINJ Ninja Katana 11500 +39 NINJ Gisarme 15000 +42 NINJ * Heat Axe 7200 +32 GLDR,BRN,RDBN Blaze 2 Atlas Axe 9600 +35 GLDR,BRN,RDBN Blaze 3 Ground Axe 7500 +39 GLDR,BRN,RDBN Rune Axe 10000 +42 GLDR,BRN,RDBN Detox 1 Critical Sword 7200 +32 HERO,BDBT,RDBN,BRN Counter Sword 13000 +39 HERO,BDBT,RDBN,BRN Levanter 14000 +42 HERO Blaze 3 Valkyrie 7700 +33 PLDN,PGNT Boost Attack Halberd 7300 +37 PLDN,PGNT Bolt 1 Holy Lance 9300 +39,D+5 PLDN,PGNT Heal 1 Mist Javelin 9900 +42 PLDN,PGNT Misty Knuckles 5500 +48 MMNK Remove opponent's MP Giant Knuckles 7500 +55 MMNK Muddle 1 * The Gisarme is for Slade: about 20% of the time, Slade will make his opponent split into pieces. The message "(Monster) was cut off!" will appear and the enemy will be dead straight away. It has never been reported to work on the bosses, such as OddEye or Geshp but has killed Zeon Guards in one blow. It seems to work about 20% of the time, and is the best Ninja weapon you can get. * The Mystery Staff also has a special property: any wizard who has it equipped will automatically regain two MP after moving as the Demon Masters do. Rings _______________ Ring Value Equip effect Classes Use effect ____ _____ ____________ _______ __________ Quick Ring 3000 Agi+5 All Protect Ring 3000 Def+5 All Boost 1 Power Ring 3000 Att+5 All Attack Running Ring 3000 Mov+2 All White Ring 5000 Def+10 HERO,VICR Aura 2 Black Ring 5000 Att+10 SORC,WIZ Blaze 2 Evil Ring 5000 Att+15 SORC,WIZ,VICR Bolt 2 __________________________________________Items_________________________________________________ Status Upgrades _______________ Brave Apple: Level up Bright Honey: Increase MP (1-4) Cheerful Bread: Increase HP (1-4) Power Water: Att. up Protect Milk: Def. up Quick Chicken: Agi. up Running Pimento: Move. up Recovery _______________ Angel Wing: Casts Egress Medical Herb: Recover 10 HP Healing Seed: Recover 20 HP Healing Drop: Recover 30 HP Healing Water: Recover HP to full Healing Rain: Casts Aura 4 Antidote: Heal Poison Fairy Powder: Heal Paralysis Fairy Tear: Recover 20 MP Right of Hope: Recover all MP to All Other _______________ Dry Stone: Used to get to Dwarven Blacksmith Mithril: Forged into special weapons by Dwarven Blacksmith *List of Weapons above* Blizzard: Damage enemy Shining Ball: Damage enemy *More Powerful then Blizzard* Holy Thunder: Damage enemy *More Powerful then Shining Ball* Key Items _______________ Wooden Panel: To get Achilles Sword Sky Orb: Powers the Nazca Ship Cannon: With Dynamite opens North Cliff Dynamite: With Cannon opens North Cliff Arm of Golem: To get Claude Cotton Ballon: To get off the Desktop when Miniaturized at Creed's house __________________________________________Mithril________________________________________________ If you know of the location of any further Mithrils, please contact me! So far I have been able to find 15 Mithrils - here are their locations: 1. Behind the Ancient Tower in Grans - you can't see where you are walking, but gauge where the centre is, face North and search. 2. Search in the mountain where the south temple south of Grans is. X Yeel X Grans castle Mountain |------| search here>| X | south temple -- ------| 3. Search the north wall of the room you're in right after you go into Slade's secret passage in Galam Castle. 4. After the earthquake when you are at the castle door there's a small hole in the ground to the right- there's a Mithril inside. 5. In Ribble search in the centre of the sandbox. 6. At the far east of the mainland, travel over a bridge to a fairly large island, search in the two-square indentation in the west side of the mountains. 7. Chest in Hassan. (This, by the way is the first some people know about Mithril.) 8. Barrel on the dock in Hassan. 9. Chest in the Southeast corner of the hidden forest town. 10. Chest in the passage to Creed's land. The passage which leads to the Mithril is not visible, as it is in a dark passageway itself - you see the south passageway beneath you as you go through, but the Mithril's cave is totally undetectable, see the diagram: (EXIT) ---------------------------------------- (ENTER) | -----------------------------(3 HIDDEN CHESTS) | (MITHRIL) 11. In Demon's Tail, search the North wall of the clearing which contains Creed's mansion. 12. In the Pacalon Castle treasury, behind a locked door. Search the west wall of the castle, at one point there will be a few stones on the other side, like a vague arrow. You can walk through the wall at this point and find a stairway to the treasure room. 13. Go west from Pacalon castle as if going to the bridge. You will round the Northern tip of a mountain range. Search right at that tip. 14. In Mitula's temple in a chest. No NOT the one in the fight - you CAN'T open that! 15. You can find 1 Mithril where you find Sheela , go to the right side and you will see a chest. Well, That's All I think heh...