
stories, poems, and fanfiction

l art, fanart, and hosted art

ted links, and a bunch of stuff I can't put anywhere else

to cool people
how to 

contact meeee!

beloved webmistress
and her 

livejournal... XD


Welcome to the Realm of... Stuff, the place where stuff happens. This originally was a DBZ site, and I guess for the most part still is, but it's grown a bit since then. Anyhow, I won't bore you with a long history and all that in my sorry little welcome speech. Enjoy the site, sign the guestbook, blah blah blah the usual on and on etc.

May 14th, 2003:
Well, obviously I've made a few changes around here... layout and all. Here's the deal-- write has all fanfiction and originals in it, draw has the artwork, amuse has... junk, link is, well, links... and I'm going to stop explaining now. If you need a little help and your net is slow or something just move your curser over the links over there; I have the alt text on.

Changes include the demolishing of the original section. Hardly anyone had anything in it but me, and I hated 95% of the stuff in there. So, as of now, I have 2 short stories and a hell alot more poems because I've been inspired lately. (I might add more later, but I'll have to go through my archives.) Also, no more submissions. If you sent something in and I didn't respond, it's because I'm lazy, no sense in denying it. Submissions are kinda too much for me, htmling and all that jazz, so I'm not doing it anymore. Unless you are my best friend. :)

As for stuff that's new... I wrote a new original but it's nothing special. Lotsa new links (and updated ones) in the link section, most are DBZ unrelated though.

If perchance you read this and can't find something I said I had, then... hold tight, I'll get to it soon... it's just been a while since my site was up and it might take a few days. Currently I got writing, drawing, links, ask, hate and sign up.

Well, I hope this wasn't too much to read but if it was, I don't blame you. Later.