Frequently Asked Questions

Will you put my fanfiction on your page?
Maybe... depends on if you read the submission rules or not ^_~

Will you put my fanart on your page?
This is usually an always yes. Just make sure to read the rules.

When the HELL are you going to update?
When I want to... meh.

I sent my fic/original/art/poem in and you never wrote me back or posted it. WHY?!
Because you probably didn't obey the rules. Make sure you sent it in .txt or .html and sent the correct information.

Can I host [author's] works on my site?
That's not my call. You'll have to email them. You can find their email next to the fic or in the author's section.

Can I host your works on my site?
Email me with your URL and I'll let you know.

Will you link me?
Thing is, I don't update my links much. Once I have a lot to put up, I might add you though. Go ahead and send me your link... hey, you might at least get a couple of hits from me! ^_^'

Can I link you?
Duh... yeah. (*pst* Usually if I get hits from you... I link to you quicker ^_~)

Wanna affiliate?
BY GODS NO! I think that sums up my thoughts.

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