<html> <body> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>Slayers</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="none, default"> <meta name="Microsoft Border" content="none, default"> </head> <body> <p><font size="4">Slayers</font></p> <p>Filia: *glares*</p> <p>Xellos: *glares*</p> <p>Filia: *glares*</p> <p>Xellos: *glares*</p> <p>Filia: *glares*</p> <p>Xellos: *glares*</p> <p>Pin: *drops*</p> <p>Zelgadis: *sigh* leaving those two together is a bad idea...</p> <p>Filia: *glares*</p> <p>Xellos: *glares*</p> <p>Amelia: You're right, Mr. Zelgadis!</p> <p>Filia: *glares*</p> <p>Xellos: *glares*</p> <p>Zelgadis: *sighs*</p> <p>Filia and Xellos: *continue glaring*</p> <p>Lina: Are they even capable of acting like adults?</p> <p>Gourry: This is rediculous! </p> <p>BlackLightning: *pops in* is it just me or is that one of his favorite expressions? *pops out*</p> <p>All: O.O()</p> <p>Filia: Namagomi</p> <p>Xellos: Lizard-butt</p> <p>Filia: Filth</p> <p>Xellos: Dragon breath</p> <p>Filia: Evil Mazoku!!!</p> <p>Xellos: *smiles* why, thank you! ^^</p> <p>Mace-sama makes an appearance.</p> <p>Zelgadis (with much pounding sound in the background): Oh, that <i>had</i> to hurt...</p> <p>Lina: Yeah...</p> <p>Xellos: ^^</p> <p>...</p> <p><a href="slayersfics">Fanfics!</a> - get away from this insanity and find a different one... I have too much time on my hands...</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="index.html">Back</a>, if you can stomach it...</p> </body> </html> </body> </html>