This is the status page. Check daily for upgrades. When you win a spar email me at The next tournament is Saturday so get ready. Peace out!
P.S. email to join. Also, YOU CAN NOT TURN SSJ UNLESS YOU PASS 300,000 PL THANk you.
- BrandMecca736:: Pl: 410,796, Dice: 6d940 sides, Nuggets: 15,000, Status: alive, Weapons: Silver Dragon sword, Armor: Super Saiyan Armor, Ginyu Armor, Items: Rust Guard, SSJ2 form, Potora Earrings, Medium Capsule, Guild: The Light Guild
- Denderouge:: PL: 30,000 Dice: 5d520 sides,Nuggets: 20,000, Status: alive, Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0 Guild: The Light Guild
- Ssj4goku90880178:: Pl: 255,500, Dice: 5d800sides,Nuggets: 20,000, Status: alive, Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: Rust Guard, Guild: The Light Guild
- ElementEarth24:: PL: 30,000, Dice: 5d520-sides,Nuggets: 20,000, Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Status: alive, Guild: the Darkness Guild
- xxl Seifer xxl:: Pl: 30,000, Dice: 5d520-sides,Nuggets: 20,000, Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Status: alive, Guild: The Twilight Guild
- Shop77777:: PL: 30,000, Dice 5d520-sides, Nuggets: 20,000, Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Status: alive, Guild: The Twilight Guild
- Trunks3000299967:: Pl: 30,000, Dice:5d520-sides,Nuggets:20,000, Weapons: 0, Items: 0, Armor: 0, Status: alive, Guild:The Twilight Guild
- lx Duo6383xl:: PL: 30,000, Dice: 4d520-sides,Nuggets: 20,000, Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Status: alive, Guild: The Twilight Guild
- EMINEMvsKIDROCK:: Pl: 30,000, Dice: 5d520,Nuggets:20,000 Weapons: Hope Sword, Items: Fruit From the Tree of Might and a Seed,King Yamma Fruit, Senzu Bean Farm and a Senzu Bean, Armor: SSj Armor Guild: Twilight guild
- too2cutelaosboi:: PL: 30,000, Dice: 5d520,Nuggets: 20,000 Weapons: 0, Items: 0, Armor: 0, Status: alive, Guild: Darkness Guild
- Jac12086:: Pl: 30,000, Dice: 5d520,Nuggets:20,000 Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Status: alive, Guild: Twilight Guild
- skyhigh23 25:: PL: 55,000, Dice: 5d600,Nuggets:30,000 Weapons: 0, Items: 0, Armor: 0, Status: alive, Guild: Twilight Guild
- Devo2000:: PL: 30,000, Dice: 5d520,Nuggets:20,000 Weapons: 0, Items: 0, Armor: 0, Status: alive, Guild: Twilight Guild
- DrD324:: PL:425,999,Dice: 6d960,Nuggets:34,229, Weapons: Golden Dragon Sword,Majin Blade,Laser Gun,Power Pole, Recovery:King Yamma Fruit, Items: Rust Guard,Potaring Earings,SSJ1 form,Huge Capsule,Time Watch, Armor: Rock Hard Armor,Tail Armor, Status : Alive, Guild: The Light Guild
- McDowell005:: PL:30,000,Dice: 5d520,Nuggets:9,000, Weapons:Dragon Sword ,Items 0, Armor: 0,Status: Alive, Guild: The Light Guild
- Chatterman7000:: PL:65,000,Dice: 5d590,Nuggets:20,000,Weapons: 0,Items: 0,Armor: 0,Status: Alive,Guild: The Light Guild
- IrishArmy007:: PL:: 376,064, Dice: 6d820,Nuggets:2,000, Weapons: Dragon Sword, Tapions Sword,Z Sword, Items: Capsule, Training under King Kai, SSJ1 form, Armor: SSJ Armor , Status: Alive, Guild: The Light Guild
- BertCruser:: PL: 238,763, Dice 5d840,Nuggets: 25,000, Weapons: 0, Items: Potora Earrings, Armor: 0, Status: Alive, Guild: The light guild
- Sean252825:: PL: 30,000, Dice: 5d520,Nuggets:20,000 Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Status: alive, Guild: Planet Vegeta
- rsz90386:: PL: 45,000, Dice: 5d550, Nuggets: 20,000, Weapons: 0, Armor: 0, Items: 0, Status: alive, Guild: the light guild
- wing_zero_190: PL: 30,000, Dice: 5d520, Nuggets: 20,000,Status:alive,Weapons:0, Items:0 Armor:0 Guild: Darkness Guild
- Shibber14::PL: 30,000, Dice: 5d520, Nuggets: 20,000, Status:alive, Weapons: 0, Items: 0, Armor:0, Guild: Twilight Guild