The Other World: This is a world for the after life. In our aspect it is like a heaven but only different. It has many parts that are discussed in the show. Some are paths to the world and others are training grounds for the dead.
HFIL: This is the Home For Infinite Losers which is much like Hell only a little better. You will go there if you fall off Snake Way (discussed later) or you are chosen by King Yama to go there (also discussed later). You are looked after by friendly demons who always want t race you. It has lakes and fruit, which can be eaten, and a jail cell where the really bad people go.(Funamation has edited this and it is really susposed to say HELL but the used an airbrush [F+-=E] & [I+-=L])
Snake Way: this is an endless path above HFIL which is used for travel. The Snake Princess lives on this path (correct me if I’m wrong) and at the beginning lives King Yama who decides where you will end up either train with one of the four Kai's or be sent to Hell. This path goes all around other world stopping at every Kai planet (discussed later). It is more like a Limbo, which means the path between Heaven and Hell. It is a green path that looks like a snake and hangs in yellow clouds.
Princess Snake's Palace: Her place is in the middle of snake way. She let Goku have a break at her palace and wanted him to stay forever so she could eat him.(she is a real snake). She isn't very important in the DBZ world and only shown once in the entire show.
King Yama’s Palace: This is a big palace where the dead is judged. Many sprits that enter the other world don’t have their bodies and are just small little white clouds. But others such as Goku and the Z gang keep their bodies because of the significance they have done in their world. Some like them and others are sent to The Grand Kai Planet where they will be able to train for many years. Bad Guys are sent to HFIL, which is where Cell, Frezza, and others are stationed. King Yama is a giant, which has big horns and a black beard. He might be known as God’s right hand man to care for the dead and the Other World.
The Kai Planets: These consist of four planets that look over different parts of the universe. There is a North, South, West, and East Kai Planet all consisting of one Kai. King Kai(who trained Goku) is one of them. They all use their antenna to talk with the living in their part of the universe, telepathically of course (so that is why I hear voices). They all can send their own fighters to the Grand Kai Planet to train and someday train with the Grand Kai. These planets are also very small and are only a little less then a mile around.
The Grand Kai Planet: This planet is much larger than the four other Kai planets. This is the home of The Grand Kai. The Grand Kai is one of the strangest Kais. He wears sunglasses, listens to a boombox and talks like he's high all of the time. Maybe he is? The planet itself though is a place where all people who have kept their bodies can train. If you train for 10,000 years you will recieve a private lesson from the Grand Kai.