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Don't count the years it's been.
Don't number the ones to come.
Timeless, I wait for Time to teach me
Something I don't already know.
What a waste.
Could've done so much with this shell of a world...
But for what?
Not worth my time.
None of it.
Let them dwell on meaningless actions long gone.
I have no past.
Let them strive all their wretched lives for some half-formed goal.
I have nothing to reach.
They grasp at the familiar, clutch at shadows,
And now they try to draw me into it, this hell they call Earth...
Claiming to have my humanity.
As though I never had it.
As though I didn't give it up for good.
They say they have my memories...
As though I can't remember on my own.
I don't want it...I don't...
And it won't leave me alone.
Every night that I sleep...every time I awake to screams not mine...
I feel it all again.
And I hate it.
I won't go back, I won't..
But this, I cannot stop.
It's coming forward to me.

Chapter One
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