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Mr. Clown: We've got some horrible news for y'all so I hope your sitting down.
Mr. Socrates: Of course they are sitting down, Mr. Clown. They're on their computers!
Mr. Clown: (realizes he was using his computer standing up and sits down) Right So-crates!
Mr. Socrates: (sighs)
Mr. Admiral: Okay, enough about you two's personal lives! We've got some important stuff to talk about!
Mr. Clown: Yeh! Like that evil guy Babidi!
Mr. Socrates: What about him?
Mr. Clown: He was making all the strongest fighters he could evil to help him in his quest to awaken Majin Buu.
Mr. Socrates: And what about it?
Mr. Clown: Babidi of course went after the strongest guy in the world---
Mr. Socrates: No, you couldn't mean---
All: NO!!!!!!! NOT MR. POPO!!!!
Mr. Socrates: What proof do you have?
Mr. Admiral: Lots, So-crates. Like this picture, taken by Yajirobe as he fled for his life. Would you like to analize the picture for us, So-crates?

Mr. Socrates: Of course. It appears we have a picture of Mr. Popo. He is clearly Majin in it; note the buldging veins and the "M" on the gem in his turban. And Mr. Popo would never smile like that under normal circumstances. And on a side note, another thing about Majin Popo; Mr. Popo's becoming Babidi's evil slave would explain why no one has checked up on Dende since the tournament began. So in conclusion, there can be no doubt Popo is now evil.
Mr. Clown: So what'll we do, So-crates!
Mr. Admiral: Hey, I'm the leader here and I already sent Mr. Corporal Punishment to try and contain the situation.
Mr. Socrates: Then I guess all we can do is wait.

Go back and get some cards while you're here
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