Announcer: Last time on Dragonball Z! After the retreat of Nano, our heroes weren’t doing well, and that goes double for Android 17! His injuries were so severe, he forced Android 18 to leave without him--and to her, dismay, go shopping with Krillin! Yamcha and Tien, feeling pity for the abandon android, decided to take him with them. Meanwhile, Chi Chi and Bulma have been forced to deal with some unwelcome visitors at Chi Chi’s house---more aliens! What will happen? Find out today on Dragonball Z! A Saving Cry At Kami’s Look-Out Dende: Wow, I wonder whats going on on Earth? Its been so quiet. Mr. Popo: Earth is usually peaceful, Dende. Dende: It just seems too quiet though, ever since we saw those strange streaks in the sky earlier. And I could’ve sworn I sensed power levels, but they just disappeared! Piccolo: (coming from inside sanctuary on Look-Out) They didn’t disappear; they were hidden. There was a fight going on. It may still be going on. Dende: Who is it? Piccolo: I’m not sure, but I’m going to find out! (flies away) Dende: Be careful! Cut to the fight outside Chi Chi’s house Tazo: (sitting on top of Chi Chi’s house) Come on Wibbler! I’m so bored! Finish them off so we can secure the area and go! Wibbler: (grunts and finishes forming ki blast in his hand; Chi Chi is still lying motionless at his feet) Bulma: CHI CHI! Baby Trunks: (doesn’t understand whats going on an the yelling hurts his ears; begins to cry at the top of his lungs) Wibbler: (ki blast in his hand vanishes and he cinges in pain; has very large ears so finds Trunks’s crying unbearable; starts to back away) Tazo: Wibbler, what do you think you’re doing?!? (jumps to his feet) Destroy them! Bulma: (setting Trunks down) Please Trunks, don’t stop crying! (runs towards Chi Chi and pulls her to her feet) Chi Chi! Wake up! Please! Tazo: Well maybe I’ll just have to secure the area myself! (tosses something similar to a lens cap off his left wrist; there is a strange black mirror about an inch and a half in circumference underneath it; uses it to read power levels) Hm, this should be an easy battle for me! Wibbler: (cowering behind Tazo, ears still ringing) Tazo: You’re pathetic Wibbler. You make me sick! I’ll show you what power really is! (makes a fireball in his hands and sends it flying at Chi Chi and Bulma) YAH! Bulma: (screams and continues trying to wake Chi Chi up but, to her total shock, the attack is knocked out of the way by something too fast for Bulma to see; she can see a figure in the shadows) Tazo: What?!? Who dares interfere? Gohan: My name is Gohan and no one attacks my mom and gets away with it! Tazo: (uses black mirror to read Gohan’s power level) Uh oh, he’s a strong one! Fortunately, I have prepared for this! (a strange sort of blast fires out of the black mirror) Gohan: Bulma! Look out! (shoves Bulma out of the way) You’d better get Trunks and my mom out of here. Chi Chi: (getting up) Gohan! I don’t want you to get hurt! Gohan: I’ll be fine, mom. These guys are nothing compared to Cell. (powers up to Super Saiyan) You don’t need to worry. Just go! Tazo: No one is going until I say so! (another blast comes from black mirror; it hits Chi Chi; the blast turns from black to a glowing white and comes back to Tazo: Chi Chi collapses) Gohan: OH, NO! MOM! (at Tazo) Masenko-HA! Tazo: (uses the black disk on his wrist to block shot) hahahaha! You can’t win, little one! You’re destined to fail, like so many before you! Gohan: (picks Chi Chi up and puts her in Bulma’s jet car) Bulma, get my mom out of here! Bulma: (picks up baby Trunks again) We’ll get help! (jumps into jet car, straps Trunks in and gets out of there is quickly as possible) Tazo: (allows Bulma and Chi Chi to go) They are of no further use to us, eh Wibbler? Wibbler: (whimpers; still cowering from the sound) Tazo: Suck it up. You know the drill. (Wibbler steps aside) Its time to take care of business. Cut back to Piccolo flying; he hears a voice over his shoulder Tien: Hey Piccolo! Coming through! Piccolo: Yamcha, Tien, where you headed? And what are you doing with that android?!? Yamcha: He’s hurt pretty bad and its kind of my fault. We’re taking him to Korin’s to get him a sensu bean. Piccolo: How’d he get hurt? Tien: Well, you’re not going to believe this, but there’s some aliens around here somewhere. They crashed earlier this morning. Piccolo: WHAT?! Do you know anything else about them? Yamcha: Just that they’re working for a guy named Lord Zucc. And the one we fought is a blue creature named Nano. Watch out. He’s stronger than he looks. Tien: We’d better go now. 17 gets worse every minute we wait. And if you want to see if you can find the aliens, they one we saw came from that direction. (points) Piccolo: Thanks. I might check this out. (Piccolo flies in the direction Tien pointed. Tien and Yamcha continue on their way) Piccolo: (flying in silence, thinking) I don’t sense any power levels. I wonder if Tien pointed me in the wrong direction, or maybe they’ve moved on.... (sees a space craft, much larger than the one Yamcha saw) Maybe I’ll take a look at this... (a small figure comes from behind Piccolo; he’s shakily holding a ki blast in his hand) Small figure: Don’t move or I’ll blast you I swear I will! (clearly terrified) COME NO CLOSER! Piccolo: Calm down. I’m not looking for a fight. Small figure: (hopefully) Really? You’re not?? (ki blast vanishes) That’s a relief because I’m quite certain you could’ve beaten me. Piccolo: Is that your space ship? Small figure: Uh-yes--uhm--no-uhhh I won’t betray my planet! Piccolo: I’m not asking you to betray anything. Will you at least tell me who you are? Small figure: Well, I suppose there’s no harm in that. My name is Wishnik. I come from planet Zucc. I wish I could’ve stayed there! (talking to himself now) Why did you make me come to this horrible planet sister? The first planet Zucc is gone. Revenge will get us nowhere! Piccolo: What do you mean the first planet Zucc? Wishnik: (frightened laugh) STOP TRYING TO TRICK ME! (forms another ki blast in his hand) Piccolo: I’d hardly call asking you a simple question a trick. Wishnik: Just go away!! I didn’t ask to be left to guard the ship! Sis made me do that too! Can’t you come back next watch?? PLEASE come back next watch! And don’t harm me! Piccolo: I don’t want to harm you or any of your people--- Nano: (had been listening to them, leaning on the ship) WELL YOU ALREADY HAVE!! OUR ENTIRE RACE WAS HARMED WHEN YOUR PEOPLE BLEW UP OUR PLANET!!!! Wishnik, consorting with the enemy again, are you?? I will over-look it no longer! I’ve notified the mother ship. Lord Zucc will be here shortly. Wishnik: Nano, sister, I meant no harm!!!! Nano: That is for Lord Zucc to decide. (looks at Piccolo) As for you, my green friend, I have no way of telling what our village idiot told you before I arrived so I’m afraid I’ll have to kill you. (returning to her first thought) WE ARE THE FINAL SURVIVORS OF PLANET ZUCC! WE WILL HAVE OUR VENGENCE! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!! (runs at Piccolo) Announcer: Oh no! What was that Nano said about a mother ship? Could there be more aliens than the four our heros have encountered? And will anyone be able to stop them? Stay tuned for scenes from the next episode of Dragonball Z!