| 11/14/00
| Email Me
Last night was in too much of a hurry and messed up on on ebig thing which messed up the whoel thing, but now its fixed you could download most of the files freely now. The direct downlaods should be up very soon. Still working on them.
| 11/13/00
| Email Me
Most of the dragonball episodes downlaods are fixed but we still don't have the direct downalods up yet. We didn't finsih uploading all the files to our new server which will gurantuee to work and much easier not password or anything needed.
Sorry for the spelling but gotta go to slep. its almost 4 Am and mom is rushing me....
| 11/12/00
| Email Me
We will have direct link episodes downaldos soon. We should have it up on monday or wednesday next week. For now keep dowloading using the NBCI membership of yours.
The new downloads will gurantuee to work instead of just some working and some don't. The quality of the video its much better too.
| 11/5/00
| Email Me
Most DBZ episodes are fixed and are up and running. Sorry for the time it was gone, but I don't have enough money to pay for more bandwidth so they kinda took away some of them.
Please click the banner above if you want us to continously have Episodes aviliable for downloads.
| 11/3/00
| Email Me
Sorry, but the Z episodes downlaods are curently down and it will be abck up soon. The GT episodes are down also at least some of them.
| 10/28/00
| Email Me
All the downloads are back up and also would all of you quit emailing me about when will they show DB GT in USA.
Y'all shoul dbe happy they showing some new DBZ episodes already. they not even near done with DBZ what do you expect...
| 10/20/00
| Email Me
Added many Dragon Ball GT episodes for downloads as well check it out. Also added episodes #291 for the DBZ series.
Sorry but once again my roms and games was deleted..I'm freakin tired of that too. I will have it back up in 24 hours..Sorry
The Super Boduten 1-3 Roms Are Back Up...and the others will be up after school today.
| 10/15/00
| Email Me
The links for the two new games are up in the downlaods games pages. (Look to your left on the bottom.) I will have the third link up asap because I need to upload the gameboy emulator for this gameboy DbZ game.
The links to the full episodes are all up but it requires you to sign up for an account at NBCI sharehouse formerly known as Xoom.