android moves
- battery impulse: allows androids to double all stats but hp in a fight pl. 100
- hells flash: powerful move where user screws his or her arms off and shoots a pwerful beam through the cannons. pl.50,000
- energy absorbtion: a move where you drain 200 damage out of an attack ( can be used once as a counter ) pl.10,000
- thunder shock: the user shoots a wave of electricity at an opponent and shocks them. pl.30,000
- reflection: the user creates a mirror like ki shieldwich bounces an attack back at the opponent ( can only be used once as a counter ) pl.200,000
- great kick special: when you kick the opponent in the stoumick then shoot a blast of ki point blank into his face. pl. 450,000
- eye beam: quick blast used too destroy almost all of an island. used by 19 and 20. pl.5,000
- deadly bomb:a semi large enrgy ball strong enough too destroy the earth. it is used in movies only. pl.300,000
- energy flash: an ttackused by 20. he shoots energy out of the red ball in the palm of his hand. pl.8,000
- kikouh ha: a single blast of energy shot from the fingertips.
- rocket puch:a nifty atacked performed by some androids.they point there arm at an opponent, then fire it off at them like a rocket. pl. 80,000
- galik shot:move where androids hold up there hands and shoot a blast out of a cannon on top of them. pl.9,000
- cannon blaster:move where user makes a cannon came out of there back and a blast of energy comes out. pl.150,000
- self destruct:only use this once as a counterand must have 300 st. when this is done if the opponent does not have three or more dodge/block 1,000 hp plus dmg. is done. pl.300,000
- nitear:a move that cell used. eithereither when someone is on youre back or behind you shoot a blast out of youre back. pl.250,000
- logen beam: move where user powers up a purple beam from each palm then shoots them together. but it doesnt go anywhere. it just splits into about 8 sections and homes onto the opponent and explodes on him. cannot be dodged only blocked. pl.600,000
- nuclear rocket: a powerful nuclear rocket shot from the chest. pl. 250,000
- chock: move where the user shoots a a blast of ki from mouth that explodes on impact. pl.1,000
- goheue:moves where the user holds his hand and they turn into machine guns and lots of small ki blasts start coming out. can be very deadly. pl.175,000
- saj1=pl 100,000 ( 100,000 to pl. )
- saj2=pl 200,000 ( 200,000 to pl. )
- saj3=pl 400,000 ( 400,000 to pl. )
- saj4=pl 800,000 ( 800,000 to pl. )
- saj5=pl 1,500,000 ( 1,500,000 to pl )