human moves
- adrenaline rush: doubles all stats. pl 100
- ki rade: abunch of ki blasts fired 65,000
- dead zone: trap youre enemy in dead zone for 10 days. pl. 400,000
- kihoho: pl.100,000
- chonoryoko: 5% of youre opponents pl is taken away and dmg. is still done. pl.2000
- dodonpa: pl.1000
- super soukidan: pl.175,000
- power shot: pl.5000
- tri blast: pl.120,000
- tri beam: pl.200,000
- superhuman-jins are givin too you so in battle you can double youre stats for the battle like suprer human jin1+energyblast. you also get too keep the stats for the whole match. once you have reached the required pl these are automatically given too you.
- sh1=pl=100,000 increases pl by 100,000
- sh2=pl=200,000 increases pl by 200,000
- sh3=pl=400,000 increases pl by 400,000
- sh4=pl=800,000 increases pl by 800,000
- sh5=pl=1,500,000 increases pl by 1,500,000