this is the training page if you want too train you email me telling me where you want too train and how long youre taining there. you must also tell me what day youre starting. say if i wanted too train at roshis for 5 days monday through friday i would get 15 stat points a day and 10 hp a dayat the end of my training i would end up with an extra 75 stat points too distribute and 50 more hp. you can also spare youre training and get an exra 5 stat points a day and an extra three hp a day for each person you spare i would end up with100 extra stat points too distibute. you would also get kamehameha androshi stretch or super kamehameha if you already have kamehameha. you have too be on that planet too train on it. you can train at one place as many times as you want except for the hyperbolic time chamber.
you can train and go too work at the same time but not train and battle at the same time.