final incarnation of the legendary Tallgeese was created by Treize
Khushrenada during the cataclysmic Eve Wars. However, its advanced
weaponry took a while to develop, and the Tallgeese III was not
ready in time for the war's end. However, the completed Tallgeese
III did end up in the care of the new Earth Sphere United Nation's
Preventers agency, and it would later be used in combat by Zechs
Merquise; former leader of White Fang and now a Preventer agent,
code-named "Wind". Zechs would use the Tallgeese III
in combat against the rebellious Mariemaia Army, almost single-handedly
destroying or holding off many of their new MMS-01 Serpent units.
The Tallgeese III is
basically identical to the original Tallgeese, with some modifications
to its head and shoulders. For close combat, the Tallgeese III
mounted a large shield which contained a retractable heat rod
based on that of the Gundam Epyon. The traditional pair of beam
sabers remained intact, though the addition of a pair of head-mounted
vulcan guns for close-range defense was a minor improvement. The
Tallgeese III's primary weapon was its mega cannon whose maximum
output rivals that of the Wing Gundam Zero's twin buster rifle,
replaced the original Tallgeese's dober gun.
Source:, Gundam W: Endless Waltz DVD