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Well you’ve got that sim to the top of the career ladder, you’re the most popular sim in the neighborhood, and you’ve found that special sim in your life(or not). So I bet you think there isn’t anything left for you to do. Well before you quit the game and start on that 1500 word English paper that’s due tomorrow, there’s one thing you have yet to perfect and that thing is (try not to shudder)...parenthood! Yes that’s right if your sim couple doesn’t have a few little simlings running around they will never be truly happy. Ok perhaps the last statement isn’t entirely true. I mean all the little guys do is eat, watch tv, and break stuff (sound familiar?).

But when you think about it the little guys ain’t so bad, while they don’t grow up and get a job (yeah that’s right they never leave!!) they do occasionally get a little cash from grandma and grandpa for good grades. Another positive is the tax deduction, the sim IRS must have a soft spot for the little ones because they’ll knock off 100 bucks from the bills for every kid in the household. So if you’ve got 7 kids you can save 700 dollars every three days, you can use that money to buy a really nice straightjacket for the lone parental unit. Also the other kid Sims in the neighborhood come over to play and often the parents of your child’s friend will stop by which makes for prime friend making opportunities.

Ok so despite what I’ve said in the afore mentioned paragraphs you’ve decided to have a kid. There are three ways to go about this (two if you don’t have Livin’ Large) the first is available to all sims, this being the adoption agency phone call. This occurs every couple of sim weeks, the adoption agency will call you sim and offer to give you a baby. You can accept and the newborn will appear in seconds, or you can decline and wait for a better time. The second is available for couple sims ( same sex and opposite) if you can get your sims romance factor up i.e do a little smoochin’ an icon will pop up and ask you if you want to have a baby, you may accept or decline. The final option (not applicable if you don’t have LL) is to have you sims “play” (if my memory serves me this method of birth works with opposite sex couples) in bed. Unfortunately if the computer decides it’s time for a baby your sims don’t have a choice the baby appears instantly (no maternity clothes for you fem sim). Well ready to relax and watch your little ones thrive in school. Not so fast my friend.

Now you have to raise the toddler into a child. Interaction between parents and toddlers aren’t exactly diverse. The baby sim only has three options play, sing, feed. Playing doesn’t do much for the baby but can help the social of other sims. Feeding the baby is key, this is the most important thing a parent can do for a baby. If a little sim doesn’t get fed a social workers arrives to take it away. I think a sim must be fed 3 sim hours after it wakes up. Singing puts the baby to sleep a tired sim can usually go with out sleep for 24 hours. If you can do this for three days you will be a parent and you can finally get some stinkin’ sleep. Until next week have fun and keep those ladders in the pool.


The has posted a new download, The potty set, go check it out its pretty cool.

It now appears that Maxis' Sid Meirer will be starting on a new project. It appears that he will be working on a new version of Sim Golf, the sequel appears to be aiming for a larger target audience then its predassesor by stressing the management part of the country club. We here at Fusion FURY will keep you abreast of information as we get it

New season of DBZ planned to show in summer of 2001

.::Release Dates::.


Frieza: Summoning

Garlic Jr.:
Black Water Mist

Z Warriors Prepare



Perfect Cell:

Cell Games:

Great Saiya Man:
Crash Course

World Tournament:
Junior Division

Sim News: 4/12/01

Simz Online has closed its doors after a year of posting great sim news, they will be sorely missed

The has started their very first House Party Contest.

Saiyan Ancients

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This page is not meant to take credit from TOEI animation, FUNimation Inc., Cartoon Network, Maxis or any of the Sims product. It is simply a fan site for entertainment purposes. All pictures on this webpage are copyright their original owners. Along with all the information on this page. Thanks!