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Home Furnishings Expanded
Hey everybody I am here to give you some pointers on how to improve you sims home lives. By now you probably have your sim promoted up the corporate ladder, but what do you do with the extra cash? Well I'm here to tell you. First of all you really need to upgrade to the most expensive bed, now if you already have it then the best thing you can do with your money, if you have enough that is, would be to buy a hot tub for the backyard, this is a good idea because the hot tub helps with four needs (If your sim has company). The next thing you might want to invest in is a new fridge or stove since they add more hunger value when they are used to prepare a meal.

You should also pick something to increase the fun value such as a pinball machine or the virtual reality mask although I personally like to save up for the flat screen tv. But for all you party animals out there you can by your sims a soda bar, a pool table, or other group activity for your next big shindig. But for the greedy ones out there who want to move your sims all the way up to the top of the career path, of course who wouldn't.

Now if you've read my previous article on home furnishings you should already have some kind of bookcase for you sims to study from, now why you don't need to upgrade your bookshelf ,unless you feel the one fun point is worth the extra 1,500 dollars, you will probably need to buy a mirror for the bathroom, this is the area where I'm willing to spend a little more to get the white medicine cabinet instead of the bulky wooden mirror, if you want to buy the full length mirror your welcome to, the mirror is important because atleast in my experience charisma is the most often needed trait.

Creativity is another skill you can work on for a realitivly low price, you can buy and easel for $250 dollars which is considerably cheaper than the piano (which also raises creativity) plus you can make money from the paintings you sell and you don't have to listen to your sims play the piano. In order to gain logic you need to use the chessboard but make sure the sims have somewhere to sit. There are two ways to build body, swim in the pool or use the weight bench, the cheapest way is to use the bench plus it seems to go a little faster.

Well that's just about all you'll need. Well now that you have all this new stuff where do you put it? Well next week I plan to tell you in my article on home expansion, until then enjoy the game.



The has posted a new download, The potty set, go check it out its pretty cool.

It now appears that Maxis' Sid Meirer will be starting on a new project. It appears that he will be working on a new version of Sim Golf, the sequel appears to be aiming for a larger target audience then its predassesor by stressing the management part of the country club. We here at Fusion FURY will keep you abreast of information as we get it

New season of DBZ planned to show in summer of 2001

.::Release Dates::.


Frieza: Summoning

Garlic Jr.:
Black Water Mist

Z Warriors Prepare



Perfect Cell:

Cell Games:

Great Saiya Man:
Crash Course

World Tournament:
Junior Division

Sim News: 4/12/01

Simz Online has closed its doors after a year of posting great sim news, they will be sorely missed

The has started their very first House Party Contest.

Saiyan Ancients

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This page is not meant to take credit from TOEI animation, FUNimation Inc., Cartoon Network, Maxis or any of the Sims product. It is simply a fan site for entertainment purposes. All pictures on this webpage are copyright their original owners. Along with all the information on this page. Thanks!