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Sim Kids
In an effort to create an article having something to do with my last article on babies I find my self try to scrape together enough information that I haven’t already covered to write and article on sim kids. Please bear with me as I take you through the job of raising a sim child. As you can imagine with as little social interaction as sims get as babies they grow up with a very low social score and it’s a very good idea to have a parent their to talk to their new child. Social interactions are a lot different with the smaller sims, they of course do not have romantic intanglements with any other sims (yeah I heard you breathe a sigh of relief). Also in retrospect since the game was designed to allow sim children to sleep with any parent and that sim kids don’t want anybody in the bathroom with them, social interaction between parents and children is only nessecary to boost one or the other’s social motive. This however is not the case with other children in the neighborhood. I greatly encourage you to have you little sims communicate and play with the neighborhood kids.

Interacting with these children has two large benefits, the first being that sim children become friends and add to the family friend total. The second is that even if your kid hates the living guts out of another one but you manage to keep the kid around till 9 o’clock their parent will come to get them. But since computer driven sims aren’t exactly the same great parents your sims have grown into the visiting sim will send their child home to bed alone while they talk to the adult sims in your family.

At this point I’m debating on whether or not to continue this article or pick it up next time. Since it’s not quite long enough I’ll continue. Covering some of the restrictions between younger sims and different objects, it may dissapoint you that your children can only have a snack and not prepare a real meal for everyone in the household, guess that’s up to you mom(or dad). I’d like to let you in on a little secret that the kids don’t want you to know, contrary to popular belief children can clean up stuff, no really (who needs servo now...huh...). Just like your adult sims have toys of their own sim kids have toys of theirs such as the small train set and the toy chest.

Well now that I’ve cost the little ones some free time by letting you know that they can clean up after themselves I will encourage you to do them a favor by creating them their own room or at least their own bathroom (for example one bedroom and bathroom for the parents and one bathroom for each kid, you probably could get by with two kids in one bedroom). As I said sim kids are very picky about the bathroom arangement and nobody is happy when your children aren’t happy.

Continueing the interesting parallel between sim adults and children, each has it’s own way to add to the family bank account. The parents of course toil for hours to bring home a paycheck, while kids toil away for hours only to have grandma or grandpa throw money at them once in a while. This only happens when a sim has a very high grade in school. This can be attained by studying from the bookshelf or on the computer. The grade in school replaces the need for skills (no lifting weights for them). The final fact on sim kids is something I can’t stress enough, GO TO SCHOOL!!!. In fact if you miss three days in a row its off to military school for ya.

Well I hope I have provided you an adequate fix for a while as I expect my articles to slowdown while I try to think of more original titles and make some downloads. Until next time, remember smoke detectors are a sims best friend.


The has posted a new download, The potty set, go check it out its pretty cool.

It now appears that Maxis' Sid Meirer will be starting on a new project. It appears that he will be working on a new version of Sim Golf, the sequel appears to be aiming for a larger target audience then its predassesor by stressing the management part of the country club. We here at Fusion FURY will keep you abreast of information as we get it

New season of DBZ planned to show in summer of 2001

.::Release Dates::.


Frieza: Summoning

Garlic Jr.:
Black Water Mist

Z Warriors Prepare



Perfect Cell:

Cell Games:

Great Saiya Man:
Crash Course

World Tournament:
Junior Division

Sim News: 4/12/01

Simz Online has closed its doors after a year of posting great sim news, they will be sorely missed

The has started their very first House Party Contest.

Saiyan Ancients

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This page is not meant to take credit from TOEI animation, FUNimation Inc., Cartoon Network, Maxis or any of the Sims product. It is simply a fan site for entertainment purposes. All pictures on this webpage are copyright their original owners. Along with all the information on this page. Thanks!