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Personality Traits
Today I'm here to write on something key to the lives and well being of your sims, their personalities. There are five different aspect in your sims personality: Outgoing, neat, active, nice, and playful. Of course, Each personality trait has its opposite: Neat/Messy, Outgoing/Shy, Active/Lazy, Playful/Serious, Nice/Grouchy. Unfortunately you are only given twenty five points to assign your sim personality traits so something's got to give. Now here are the explanations of the traits and how the affect your sims personal and professional lives.

Outgoing-This trait judges how willing your sims are to socialize with other sims. It also tells how likely your sims are to react positively to more romantically inclined social interactions, such as hugs, compliments, kisses, etc. If you plan to have feeder families (families that are made to provide friends, roommates, and spouses for your other sims) you should load them up with this attribute for obvious reasons. Outgoing points are needed in any career where charisma is needed such as crime or entertainment.

Neat- This trait has to do with the ability of your sims to clean up after themselves without you having to ask. I find cleaning to be a waste of time when you can pay a maid10 dollars a hour to clean up after you. I can't really tell how this affects your sims social life other then taking up your time. It may help in the medical career I have no idea if it really does

Active- The trait that tells you if your sims are willing to get up and go. I find this important because it is the key factor in how quickly your sim gets out of bed in the morning. This is helpful in any career especially the athletic and x treme careers. This is another good social trait for your sim to have since no sims want to hang around with someone who just sits around and does nothing but watch tv. Or write on the computer all day, geez did I say that out loud.

Nice- Well if you can get your lazy sims out of the house and talking to other sims this is a great trait to have. Obviously this trait determines how kind your sims are to there guests. This trait along with outgoing often determines how your sims react to another sims advances, either romantic or otherwise. While I'm not totally sure wether or not it has any affect it seams as though this trait should help your sim advance up the corporate ladder.

Playful- Your playful sims will generally enjoy playing a pinball machine or watching tv rather than reading a book or painting. This affects a sims likely hood to react well to another sims interactions with them. This of course is a nice quality to have when working, since it means they can roll with the punches a little bit more than a unplayful sim.

Well that's my article for this week. I hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully I'll get an article on home expansion for your sims in the next couple of days. Thanks.


The has posted a new download, The potty set, go check it out its pretty cool.

It now appears that Maxis' Sid Meirer will be starting on a new project. It appears that he will be working on a new version of Sim Golf, the sequel appears to be aiming for a larger target audience then its predassesor by stressing the management part of the country club. We here at Fusion FURY will keep you abreast of information as we get it

New season of DBZ planned to show in summer of 2001

.::Release Dates::.


Frieza: Summoning

Garlic Jr.:
Black Water Mist

Z Warriors Prepare



Perfect Cell:

Cell Games:

Great Saiya Man:
Crash Course

World Tournament:
Junior Division

Sim News: 4/12/01

Simz Online has closed its doors after a year of posting great sim news, they will be sorely missed

The has started their very first House Party Contest.

Saiyan Ancients

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This page is not meant to take credit from TOEI animation, FUNimation Inc., Cartoon Network, Maxis or any of the Sims product. It is simply a fan site for entertainment purposes. All pictures on this webpage are copyright their original owners. Along with all the information on this page. Thanks!